It's cheap as chips right now on CD Keys for the pc version so maybe go down that route
I'm all digital on Switch but if I get this game it'll be Physical so I can burn through the campaign and then sell it...
Fast and smooth are two different things. Although 60 FPS benefits a game with fast gameplay even more (precise input), then again we are talking about dual analogue shooters.I know it's 30FPS, but it still looks really fast to me.
Puts it into perspective.
I am kinda torn on this now. Really would love Doom on the Switch but obviously 30fps isnt perfect. Is it $60?
I am kinda torn on this now. Really would love Doom on the Switch but obviously 30fps isnt perfect. Is it $60?
Do you know if you can use a controller for the PC version? It says "partial controller support" on Steam but I don't know what that means. I can't use mouse and keyboard setup for shooters because it hurts my wrists badly for some reason.
Do you know if you can use a controller for the PC version? It says "partial controller support" on Steam but I don't know what that means. I can't use mouse and keyboard setup for shooters because it hurts my wrists badly for some reason.
Looks like the best way to play it
I am kinda torn on this now. Really would love Doom on the Switch but obviously 30fps isnt perfect. Is it $60?
I hope it's 60 because 30 FPS might be a deal breaker for me. The appeal of the game is rooted so much in how fast and smooth it is.
The joycon sticks might also be a dealbreaker for me. Not sure I want to play an FPS that doesnt have gyro like Splatoon with those crappy sticks
Playing the multiplayer on the go will be awesome
The joycon sticks might also be a dealbreaker for me. Not sure I want to play an FPS that doesnt have gyro like Splatoon with those crappy sticks
From 3DS to this.
Yeah that Glixel video is smooth..
How are you going to do that? Unless you're talking about local MP. Otherwise you would need Wifi. But then again Doom MP is straight up DOODOO.
Is there a chance that multiplayer will be 60fps where twitch response is important, and the single player campaign can be turned up to 60fps with all the graphical bells and whistles turned off???? It's been done before, Uncharted 4.
any word on gyro controls yet?
I am kinda torn on this now. Really would love Doom on the Switch but obviously 30fps isnt perfect. Is it $60?
No, I'm only saying that cause it looks like it's running @ 60. Maybe it's YouTube, but that definitely looks smoother than 30.These reactions are bizarre and surprising to me. Plenty of high performance games are still 30 fps. Definitely not as smooth as 60, but I feel low framerate only becomes noticeable when you start dipping into the 20s
This definitely seemed like the only one that gave an appropriate feel of gameplay speed to me, I don't know if the others are just shot differently, but aside from the dirty/dusty screen, this was by far the best of the bunch for me, to judge smoothness of the 30fps gameplay - the rest all made it seem worse to me than the Glixel one.
Looks bloody fantastic. The Switch is a really impressive piece of tech and so much closer to PS4 "console quality" than the Vita ever was to PS3 "console quality". The future is bright for fans of portable gaming. Not double dipping on this game in particular but the Switch will be a serious contender for many of this gen's multiplats for me.
Looks like the best way to play it
And N64 was the original console shooter box, with dozens of FPS including Doom, and the highest selling shooter of the decade on any platform in Goldeneye.I like that Polygon is shocked over the fact that a Nintendo console has a violent game on it.
And Doom no less!