May I have a cookie?
Another thought is I wonder if they're charging more to build for two specs, so companies are opting to go with portable mode instead of docked.
That would be insane.
Another thought is I wonder if they're charging more to build for two specs, so companies are opting to go with portable mode instead of docked.
That would be insane.
What big budget PS3/360 AAA titles appeared on PSP? DOOM on the Switch and the PSP's high number of watered down 'portable versions' are nothing alike.
Not really. We don't know what they're charging for man hours or what the contact they negotiated. Since both games they're working on have the same issue, they could very well be charging extra for optimizing when docked. If companies don't want to pay extra for that service, then that would explain why their ports are like that. This is just speculation, though.
I have a serious question.
You walk into every Switch thread and without fail you shit on the graphics, including for Mario fucking Odyssey. Sometimes you stick around to drag it out, but most of the time you simply drive by.
Why? It seems exhausting and you clearly have no interest in the platform.
He's not wrong on this though. Drive by or not.
But if we are basing it on the impressions of DF wouldn't this speculation proven to be false? The concern with these type of speculative statements is that it becomes so repeated that it kind of becomes a "truth", to the point that the developer might use it as an excuse.Nothing confirmed but the speculation is that because the post process effects (GPU dependent) are all there.
The fact that they're sticking to 720p30 with post process DoF/AA/Motion Blur could be telling as to where resources are tight. DOOM has lots of enemies on screen with AI going after the player. The CPU is capped out, so turn the GPU effects up as there's headroom there and they can do so without loading the CPU down.
This is of course all speculation AFAIK though based on what we know about how the game looks and the impressions DF and others have had.
In the entire history of PC, handheld and 8th gen console gaming i can't recall a similar case. Specially nowadays we would have heard something in those terms by now.Not really. We don't know what they're charging for man hours or what the contact they negotiated. Since both games they're working on have the same issue, they could very well be charging extra for optimizing when docked. If companies don't want to pay extra for that service, then that would explain why their ports are like that. This is just speculation, though.
My tv is 720p so it doesn't really matter muxh to me anyways but this either means that its to lock it at 720p or they aren't taking advantage of dock mode
Probably maintains 720p much more often in docked.
Switch draws like 7W in portable mode and 12 in docked with the screen off. So there is clearly a change in GPU (And memory iirc) frequency.Has anyone noticed how Zelda runs worse when docked (on a 1080p TV) than in heandheld? That's because the GPU is running at the same exact speed either way.
I think you haven't read anything since that article about the dev kits. While the switch is still CAPABLE of throttling down undocked and some games do, it's software controlled now and varies from title to title, rather than being automatic like in the dev kits. This is why when Nintendo unveiled the Switch they gave this huge range for battery life and said it "depends on the game."
It'll certainly be taking advantage of docked mode, the system clocks to twice the GPU performance in docked mode
What big budget PS3/360 AAA titles appeared on PSP? DOOM on the Switch and the PSP's high number of watered down 'portable versions' are nothing alike.
I have a serious question.
You walk into every Switch thread and without fail you shit on the graphics, including for Mario fucking Odyssey. Sometimes you stick around to drag it out, but most of the time you simply drive by.
Why? It seems exhausting and you clearly have no interest in the platform.
Ok?I would remind everyone that the Switch screen itself is 720p.
But if we are basing it on the impressions of DF wouldn't this speculation proven to be false? The concern with these type of speculative statements is that it becomes so repeated that it kind of becomes a "truth", to the point that the developer might use it as an excuse.
To carry on about what DF presented us. The custom PC in which Doom was runing on in the video had a 4 core CPU ("capped to 3") at the same Switch clocks with an IPC below the A57 according to DF. The CPU was hitting 80% - 90% usage. And both games slow down thought.
Further more Nintendo designs it's systems with Motion Control in mind. Where it was resource drain with a PS3 or 360 in the Wii it was practically free. im aware of the differences in technology and implementations between the input methods but just wanted to point out the "phyloshophies" behind these systems.
Why exactly is Doom so CPU intensive in this case? AI is not above 6th or 7th gen games, a 6th gen shooter to this day still has one of the best examples of AI. If this is what taxes the CPU so much, then the enemy behavior programing needs some revisions.
To conclude, Gyro motion controls, is not something as complex as say... the "Computer Vision processing" we would see with an input method using a camera. It basically outputs different voltage signals which are processed in a way not so different from an analogue stick. Hell even if im talking with no further base, it would be like saying a shooter that maxes a PS4 would be impossible to patch to get mouse support due to the processing overhead.
In the entire history of PC, handheld and 8th gen console gaming i can't recall a similar case. Specially nowadays we would have heard something in those terms by now.
Can you cite examples?
So the baseline UI and whatnot will be 1280X720, but the game will be probably below that consistently or use a dynamic resolution anyway. Interesting. To me the game in handheld mode, based upon some things, looked to be below 540p, but it will be easier to see once we have actually good uncompressed footage.
I guess they do not have the texture memory or whatnot to have a full 1920X1080 UI or menu environment.
I mean, that makes sense, yes... but the cynic in me is wondering if it's just poor decision making on Panic Button's part. Especially since I thought the gap between the PS4 and Switch CPU's was much smaller than their GPUs.
Though, on second thought: doesn't DOOM scale well with lots of cores? I could see that being the reason the Jaguar has few issues hitting 60 while the Tegra can't.
Is this the post you are referencing?The CPU seems to be the bottleneck for a lot of multiplatform development as I think Blu said it performs at around 70% of the Jaguar CPU in PS4 and we all know how "weak" that is according to the internet.
Blu and I did some math with some benchmarks. The Switch's CPU came up with being roughly 80% of the performance of the PS4 per core. When we consider the dimishing returns of splitting tasks among more than 3 cores and not knowing how much of the 4th core is available for Switch devs, we may be looking at something like 50% of the CPU performance of the PS4 at full utilization.
Has anyone noticed how Zelda runs worse when docked (on a 1080p TV) than in heandheld? That's because the GPU is running at the same exact speed either way.
Is this the post you are referencing?
Why does everyone still think the Switch auto-downclocks when undocked? That was true of early dev kits but NEVER for released hardware, and yet people still talk about this like it's a thing constantly.
Wasn't the DF PC CPU running at 2GHz while the Switch CPU is running at 1GHz?
If the Switch CPU was running at 2GHz (which it can't because of battery life) then a ton more PS4/XB1 ports would be in development imo.
The CPU seems to be the bottleneck for a lot of multiplatform development as I think Blu said it performs at around 70% of the Jaguar CPU in PS4 and we all know how "weak" that is according to the internet.
It doesn't do it just now but it wouldn't surprise me that in the future Nintendo releases a firmware update which lets the CPU run at 2GHz when docked which will mean "docked only" games that just aren't possible with the downclocked handheld mode specs. There are already "handheld only" games on the console so I don't see the issue if certain games don't fit the hybrid rules of the system.
Hopefully when Nintendo release the "New Switch" the CPU is much improved much like in "New 3DS".
Is this the post you are referencing?
What were people expecting with the Switch version of DOOM? 900p docked mode? You are kidding right?
The Switch isn't anywhere near a powerhouse console. It's a hybrid of home/portable. The fact that DOOM can run at all is a miracle on this low powered hardware. Frankly I'm excited for a portable version of DOOM at 720p. That sounds amazing. Now if Nintendo wasn't dumb about its 32GB cards we would likely have improved textures which is sad. The "Switch Tax" is more the story here than the final output results.
Maybe this time Polygon can review DOOM with someone that understands how to play a video game![]()
I don't know about that, it might be as simple as being easier / less buggy to maintain an identical UI and resolution target considering the game was never built with dynamic switching in mind. The Switch itself outputs a 720p menu whether docked or not in a similar way. UI elements are a drop in the bucket in terms of processing and memory.
Eh... yea but, it would be cool to know the rationale behind the decision to have the same res in both modes.Fine with me. If I want that crazy awesome DOOM experience at the highest rez, I'll play on PC.
This guy gets it.
Correct.Wasn't the DF PC CPU running at 2GHz while the Switch CPU is running at 1GHz?
Let's keep this in track. A person claimed that the CPU is so tapped out that it can't do the trivial calculations that Gyro aiming needs. Wasn't Kinect far more demanding and that amounted aprox. 10 at max? What % the far simpler Gyro aiming would be then?The CPU seems to be the bottleneck for a lot of multiplatform development as I think Blu said it performs at around 70% of the Jaguar CPU in PS4 and we all know how "weak" that is according to the internet.
Well this confirms my suspicions regarding Doom CPU use:That's it! I didn't realise it was a per core comparison. So it's even worse. The fact some multiplatform games are possible on Switch when the CPU is only providing 50% the performance of PS4's CPU is incredible.
Going by these results https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/doom-vulkan-cpu-performance.2480056/ it looks like Doom doesn't scale beyond 4 Threads, the higher FPS for different processors of the same architecture fits the difference in clockspeed really well. It also runs at nearly 150 FPS on an i3 2100, which means it has really low cpu requirements.
I highly doubt Doom will run at 720p on portable mode since the docked version runs at the same resolution at the double of GPU clock.
Or docked will run with more effects, or the portable mode will not run in 720p most of the time. The same as Snake Pass, that is theorically 720p but often run 675p when docked to drop to 475 when is in portable.
But it's still portable DOOM! To play DOOM on the train, on a hike, etc, is a dream come true.
No.If you plug in the Switch in portable mode, does it run at the same clocks as docked mode?
I believe we've been going off of Eurogamer leaks for clock speeds, which indicated all power profiles utilized the same CPU speed. This makes sense in all honesty, as some games initially built to target docked mode just wouldn't be able to run in handheld if the CPU downclocked.In regards to Switch CPU upcloacking when docked. i' ve made the same comments in the past, but the best way to ascertain how possible it would be is to see the Tegra X1 throtling under heavy usage. A person did made the test and concluded that it were about the same clocks the Switch uses when docked. But i don't remember if he tested the same GPU clocks with higher CPU speeds
Indeed and DigitalFoundry mentioned their handheld experience felt more like 540p, so I'd expect docked will provide a sharper experience on average, likely with fewer frame drops too.Full 720p more often? All versions of console doom runs with dynamic resolution.
The battery would last like one hour, and it'd be uncomfortably hot.If you plug in the Switch in portable mode, does it run at the same clocks as docked mode? I wonder if Nintendo will ever offer performance options to let you run in "docked" mode on the go, at the cost of battery life.
That video was terrible. All they had was "we saw DOOM running on Switch in portable mode at 30FPS" and then they pull a haphardly thrown PC to chug trying to run the game and slap the footage like it has anything to do with the console and then they try and draw conclussions from a YouTube stream that was compressed to hell and back. None of their conclusions have any relevance really.They never said that. They made a guess looking at a compressed Youtube video.
They never said that. They made a guess looking at a compressed Youtube video.DigitalFoundry mentioned their handheld experience felt more like 540p
I'm not going to say this is a "bad port" because holy crap look at the Switch hardware, but this is increasingly looking like a port that doesn't appeal to me
I still can't believe we're getting DOOM on a portable. Fuckin' crazy.
I mean they're learning the system as they go, so of they've got more stuff lined up, it only benefits them to keep working on squeezing every ounce of juice out of the switch.Panic Button is doing the same with Rocket League. Makes sense.
I wonder if after release they put out a patch that changes the resolution like Minecraft? Doubt it but you know.
Yep. When you take the Switch out of the dock after a long session and start playing right away the console will be uncomfortably hot. The fan will spin like crazy for a few seconds and the thing will cool down to normal portable temperatures very quickly, but if the console ran at docked speeds in portable mode you would feel that uncomfortable temperature all the time, not a few seconds.The battery would last like one hour, and it'd be uncomfortably hot.
If you want a Switch that is even more powerful in handheld mode, wait for the refresh that will inevitably come out in a few years.