The Tribe Has Spoken
What level of mental illness do you need to be parsing obscure songs just to find something to be offended by? Kotaku continues to be pure nonsense written by "developmentally delayed" individuals.

What level of mental illness do you need to be parsing obscure songs just to find something to be offended by? Kotaku continues to be pure nonsense written by "developmentally delayed" individuals.
It's hilarious though that LKD went from "Smash Ultimate Loves Trans Rights" to an extremely uncharitable "Smash Ultimate Includes A Disability Slur" within the space of a couple of hours.
Depends on your definition of normal people; though I would also agree it depends heavily on the context.Depends on the people. Normal people would say no. Games journalist would compare you to Hitler.
YAP! I will say if you use it in the old school medical fashion that tends to slide a little bit, but be expected to be corrected by the caretaker/parent/person as they've subgenred the hell out of medical diagnosis in generalSo it's just best not to use it at all if it can be helped, as it's typically either an incorrect label, or a label being applied for derogatory reasons.
I would just say using it scientifically would be best "It retards the flow of the molecules," etc.Duly noted. I'm curious now though. The origin of the word is to accurately described a specific type of mental handicap correct? If so, would there be a proper context to use this word in? Or has the perversion of it's use basically caused a rebuttal of it's use in any context whatsoever, deeming it as universally taboo?
Eh, on the flip though, I think PS#/Xbox fans are the same way. Get bad apples in every bunch holmes. Just gotta fina the bunch you fit in with.Dont you dare make bad news about nintendo. or their fans will throw their toddlers at you if its all they got at hands. by far the most aggressive and defensive fanbase I ever seen
I'mma start saying that from now on >.> And "Don't pull a Kotaku" etc...good idea dude.Kotaku is a disability slur.
Yes, but other people might have issue with it; I'm not one to police language myself, but have no problem with others doing it. If you were a games journalist with say, a child, family member or close relative whom had autism/developmental issues, you might take some more offense to it. Up to you to be sensitive enough to think about your audience (Social and professional) when speaking.I just want to point out that I'm a game journalist, and I have no problem with the word "retarded". I do, however, have a problem with people who try to police language.
I'm also a bit done with people who are naive enough to think "game journalists" are some homogenous group with anything in common but a love for video games. Just because Kotaku, Polygon and RPS look for outrage and offense under every pebble, doesn’t mean the rest of us share that burning desire for a crusade. Most of us just wanna play games, write what we think about them, and get paid while e doing it.
"Idiot was formerly a legal and psychiatric category of profound intellectual disability, in which a person's mental age is two years or less, and he or she cannot guard against common dangers. Along with terms like moron, imbecile, and cretin, the term is now archaic and offensive"I never saw the point of calling someone a retard when I can just fall them a fucking idiot instead.
This guy should be fired.
well Kotaku now really goes full retard and throws her under the bus.
We don't go to kotaku, nobody goes to Kotaku anymore.And they wonder why they were sold at a loss.
Wow. You could make a lot of money writing "smoke without fire" clickbait!
And the old title still has the same headline....
Depends on your definition of normal people; though I would also agree it depends heavily on the context.
YAP! I will say if you use it in the old school medical fashion that tends to slide a little bit, but be expected to be corrected by the caretaker/parent/person as they've subgenred the hell out of medical diagnosis in general
I would just say using it scientifically would be best "It retards the flow of the molecules," etc.
Eh, on the flip though, I think PS#/Xbox fans are the same way. Get bad apples in every bunch holmes. Just gotta fina the bunch you fit in with.
I'mma start saying that from now on >.> And "Don't pull a Kotaku" etc...good idea dude.
Yes, but other people might have issue with it; I'm not one to police language myself, but have no problem with others doing it. If you were a games journalist with say, a child, family member or close relative whom had autism/developmental issues, you might take some more offense to it. Up to you to be sensitive enough to think about your audience (Social and professional) when speaking.
Just like you and I are free to say dumb things publicly that would upset others. It'll happen from time to time, but I would steer to avoid that rather than blindly/knowingly walk into it. I think knowing when to give and how to pick up on the subtle "Bad word choice," look is a good way to handle it.
I'm personally a glutton for "Don't practice what I preach," but are you a part of the "Most of us just wanna play games...(etc)" because if so, why care about other's opinions like you have described here?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; if I even mention I have a Switch to most PS#/Xbox owners they roll their eyes and ask me why I picked it up with astonishment. Kiddy games, not powerful, what have you.yeah if the bad apple is literally 90% of the nintendo fanboys. there aren't nearly as many die hard ps/xbox fans as there are nintendo.
"Though Atlus won't confirm what it does say."
The article achieved exactly what it was intended to achieve. It generated plenty of clicks and ad impressions. And did so with a bare minimum of effort on the part of the author.I can never understand the state of games journalism today. Do these people even play video games? Or are they in this industry as a stepping stone to more “professional” outlets like buzzfeed?
well Kotaku now really goes full retard and throws her under the bus.
The article achieved exactly what it was intended to achieve. It generated plenty of clicks and ad impressions. And did so with a bare minimum of effort on the part of the author.
The formula is simple:
- choose a very popular game
- write as many articles about it as you can
- make the headlines as inflammatory and outrage-inducing as possible
Bam, now anybody who’s showed any interest in said game is going to see this shit popping up in their news feed constantly, and a substantial portion will click them just to see what the hell the author is on about.
This is the endgame of free ad-supported online game “journalism”. The most shameless, perpetually outraged, unethical writers are the ones who will thrive the most.
MillenialsMy question, then, is who are these people that are easily manipulated / stupid enough to give these places clicks and what can we do to make them less stupid.
Most of then don't even play games. They prefer to talk more about politics.I can never understand the state of games journalism today. Do these people even play video games? Or are they in this industry as a stepping stone to more “professional” outlets like buzzfeed?
What's worse is these idiots then defend these terrible journalists.My question, then, is who are these people that are easily manipulated / stupid enough to give these places clicks and what can we do to make them less stupid.
And they suck at that too!Most of then don't even play games. They prefer to talk more about politics.
Mental illness can do that.
Someone really should throw her under a bus, repeatedly if needed.
Don't forget to chop off your dick for some bonus points.Man writing for Kotaku must be the easiest job in the world
Dye your hair call yourself a feminist then complain about games in a clueless manner
WOW. They actually hired someone who made sensationalist claims to them that were later recanted. That would seem almost impossible if Buzzfeed hadn't just been caught running fake news by someone caught writing fake news before. But it's still mind numbingly ridiculous.This par for the course when it comes to Laura Kate Dale. Constantly trying to stir up controversy for the sake of getting attention.
Anyone else remember this little gem?
Edit: beaten
well Kotaku now really goes full retard and throws her under the bus.
Call me crazy, but I believe her. I'm not about to ultimately judge her or her boss, because I don't know who is telling the truth, and either way represents a great reason to stay away from that awful website.
That said, I'm also not going to hold her past actions against her here, and I can COMPLETELY believe that a kotaku editor would take all the uncertainty out of an article before publishing. "Maybe" doesn't cause enough outrage.
My question, then, is who are these people that are easily manipulated / stupid enough to give these places clicks and what can we do to make them less stupid.
The whole conception of this article was so misguided in the first place, no apology could ever make this right. I know americans rarely try learning other languages and thus can't relate how it is to have an accent, but to be so immensely insensitive towards a non native speaker that it would not occur to you what's going on with the lyrics...
It shows a shocking lack of any kind of empathy which is what worries me most with all kinds of extremist mindsets.
While we're at it, I believe that the name "Super Smash Bros" invokes a disturbing undertone of college frat boys "smashing" college girls. This will ultimately encourage the rape culture in the minds of youth who engage in Nintendo's first party title.