Grand Theft Scratchy
If I had to choose one

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Must try it out.I've played both without the nostalgia factor (Zelda OoT on the 3DS back in 2010 and Dark Cloud on the PS4 back in 2014-2015).
Let's just say I liked Dark Cloud more. Sure OoT is much more polished but I had more fun with Dark Cloud because of the city building.
Do you mean to say different opinions are fine to have because wrong opinions doesn't make sense?So, nothing in the OP about what makes it better (to you) though? You didn't think this through, did you? I mean wrong opinions are fine to have, you can like Pong better than OoT too if that's your thing but clearly here you wanted a clickbait title yet had next to nothing to say. You don't even show real passion for the game. Meh.
I grew bored of Wind Waker too if that game is a better comparison for you, but you can't be serious about Breath of Wild. It released 16 years after Dark Cloud versus the three years between Ocarina of Time and Dark Cloud.I mean, maybe, the game is great....but it's also a completly different gen you know? 98 vs 2001
If we are gonna go that route, Breath of the wild it's better than both.
Yeah, i was exagerating. And yes, Dark Cloud is better than Wind Waker to me too.I grew bored of Wind Waker too if that game is a better comparison for you, but you can't be serious about Breath of Wild. It released 16 years after Dark Cloud versus the three years between Ocarina of Time and Dark Cloud.
Let's see: music, pacing, overworld and dungeon design, set pieces, story, characters, puzzle solving this point i'm wondering what does not hold up. 25fps, maybe? But that's something that must people are fine with for such an old 3D game.OoT is a relic anyway. There's not much about that game that holds up similar to many other games of the PS1N64 era.
Yeah, and Forsaken Fortress in Wind Waker has better stealth mechanics than Metal Gear Solids
Let's see: music, pacing, overworld and dungeon design, set pieces, story, characters, puzzle solving this point i'm wondering what does not hold up. 25fps, maybe? But that's something that must people are fine with for such an old 3D game.
There's nothing janky about OoT though, it's a really polished experience that still holds up despite pioneering tons of things as far as 3D action gameplay goes, they got them right the first time around which is nuts. It's even fully playable in an age we're used to dual analog shit yet it's without.
You don't have to like it but it's not janky, it plays intuitively despite incorporating so many different elements. The only outdated part is the frame rate but the 3DS remaster fixes it (while remaining 99% faithful yet appealing to modern gamers just fine, a testament to the original's quality).
And it's a good thing it doesn't have tons of elaborate cut scenes and everything but keeps the gameplay in focus most of the time and quickly gets back to it when it doesn't, not a bad thing, lol.
Plenty games stll have problems getting that kind of melee combat or boss fights with weak points and stuff to feel decent despite having so many others to look at for research and implementation ideas when OoT didn't have that luxury.
Granted everyone tries (and usually fails) to copy the Souls games these days but even those have clear influences from OoT with very similar lock-on/attack/dodge fighting, just going for more tactical depth than a simpler game that doesn't focus on punishing technical difficulty in that manner.
The Myst comparison is quite off and frankly stupid, the games you say aged well don't have that crazy puzzles or stories or anything on that level either so clearly you understand games can convey that sort of thing in a way that fits them and is satisfying as a whole without going super deep.
Maybe read my post again? Dismissing everything with muh strawman argument shows you aren't really interested in any criticism. You said polished and pioneering I explained how the game wasn't. I never asked for a Myst style puzzle just saying that people praising brain dead puzzles in a game with really simplistic ones must have low standards for puzzles (nice edit there btw). I'm not asking for a MGS style story Soul Reaver had a similar setup and minimal cutscenes and a far better realized world/story/characters IMO.Nowhere did I argue they haven't been improved, to use straw man arguments is asinine at best. You criticize that I say OoT does this or that well without explaining how yet you've not explained anything beyond how you find stuff "dross" and other such adjectives that don't explain shit either.
Nowhere did I call the game infallible or anything else either, you're not explaining why I'm wrong, just how much of a fanboy I am with more straw man arguments and ad hominem.
Ok Zoomer
Shadowman was nice.I'm not that shocked. I think Shadow Man is better than OOT, on the same console.
There were set rules to get the best results when designing the towns, clues you had to pick up on and stuff. You could say those were the games puzzles. But yeah, the generated dungeons do drag the game down, for the most part they were just a bunch of long corridors and empty rooms (also fuck the water survival mechanic). If it wasn't for that, and the dungeons were actually hand designed with puzzles in them then I'd say the game is easily better than OOT. OOT feels pretty barebones & safe, Dark Cloud actually had a load of intricate and original gameplay mechanics. I never did play Dark Chronicles, the sequel. Not sure if it fixed stuff or not.And no puzzles? Why even compare it to Zelda then? Puzzles are an integral (and awesom) part of the Zelda gameplay.
OoT is a relic anyway. There's not much about that game that holds up similar to many other games of the PS1N64 era.
I've already explained why I like the game more than Ocarina of Time only to have you respond by saying I have the wrong opinion. I'm not here to change anyone's mind about a classic N64 title but it's discouraging when the immediate response from people is to laugh at me for having a different opinion.OP still doesn't say anything about how this game's better than OoT though, just the reasons the guy liked the game, much of it could even apply to OoT (no voice acting for dialogues and such for example).
It's a video game, not a person. What is this mob mentality?OP, you made my day. I can’t Stopp laughing. This video looks so ridiculous.
Even to name it in the header with oot is an insult to OOT.
The thread title says "Why I think Dark Cloud is better than Ocarina of Time", but your opening post only covers why you liked Dark Cloud so much. It doesn't really touch on Ocarina outside of saying it's still a good game.I've already explained why I like the game more than Ocarina of Time only to have you respond by saying I have the wrong opinion. I'm not here to change anyone's mind about a classic N64 title but it's discouraging when the immediate response from people is to laugh at me for having a different opinion.
It's a video game, not a person. What is this mob mentality?