Woke Hollywood gets burned by ‘Charlie’s Angels’ and Terminator's bombs
funny how the non-woke movies doing gangbuster
SJW and pro-woke crowd can deny all they want saying that people never asked for the next Terminator, or Charlie's Angels or Solo, but........... people never asked for the Joker either. You will never know what people ask or don't ask when you make a movie. That answer only comes after the fact, after you see the results in the box office
This back-to-back-to-back, Joker-Terminator-Charlies Angels highlights that if you intend to tell good story, build interesting characters, you will succeed, but if your only intention is to push your own version of social morality then you will fail!!

Woke Hollywood gets burned by ‘Charlie’s Angels’ box office bomb
The new ‘Charlie’s Angels’ movie is more proof that vacuous and vapid woke feminist films are box office poison. Will Hollywood learn from this critical and financial failure?
Charlie’s Angels’ failure is just the most recent evidence that woke feminist films are box office poison. The film’s financial floundering comes on the heels of the cataclysmic, franchise-destroying performance of another big budget piece of pro-feminist propaganda, ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’, which sank at the box office like an Austrian-accented cybernetic android into a vat of molten steel. Hasta la vista, woke baby.
For example, the social justice geniuses in Hollywood decided this year it would be a good idea to remake two movies that no one wanted remade, Mel Gibson’s What Women Want (2000) and Steve Martin and Michael Caine’s Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1998), except this time with female leads. To the shock of no one with half a brain in their head, What Men Want with Taraji P. Henson, and The Hustle, with Rebel Wilson And Ann Hathaway, resoundingly flopped.
The woke in Hollywood are forever on the search for a scapegoat to relieve them of accountability, as it is never their fault that their movies fail. In the case of these female-led movies, the women involved never have to own their failures because they reflexively point their fingers in horror at the angry, knuckle-dragging men, who out of misogynist spite don’t shell out beaucoup bucks to go see their abysmally awful girl power movies.
Elizabeth Banks got an early start in the men-blaming game even before Charlie’s Angels came out when she told Australia’s Herald Sun,
“Look, people have to buy tickets to this movie, too. This movie has to make money. If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.”
Of course, men will go see women in action movies, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel being two prime examples of highly successful female action movies, but fear not, Elizabeth Banks dropped some feminist knowledge to counter that uncomfortable fact when she said,
“They (men) will go and see a comic book movie with Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel because that’s a male genre.”
So even when men go see a female led action film, they are only doing so because it is a “male genre,” got that? What a convenient way to avoid responsibility… with Elizabeth Banks it is heads, she wins, and tails, men lose.
funny how the non-woke movies doing gangbuster
Joker Director Todd Phillips Calls Out "Woke" Hollywood
Joker director Todd Phillips took aim at "woke" Hollywood in a new interview promoting his upcoming film starring Joaquin Phoenix.

Phillips spoke with Vanity Fair about this new “woke” Hollywood culture that lead to him creating and working on the Joker film. He specifically notes Hollywood new “woke” culture lead to the dismissal of his irreverent comedies like Old School and The Hangover.
Related: Report: Warner Bros. Tells Access Media To Get Lost at Joker Red Carpet
Phillips told them:
In fact, Vulture wrote an article about that subject which argued, “A lot of comedy over the last few years isn’t funny, and there are no signs that things are getting any funnier.” They also argued, “Comedians and comedy writers are increasingly pushing the bounds of what it means for something to be a comedy in the most basic sense, rewiring the relationship between comedies and jokes. So what is comedy without jokes? It’s Post-Comedy.”“Go try to be funny nowadays with this woke culture. There were articles written about why comedies don’t work anymore—I’ll tell you why, because all the f****** funny guys are like, ‘F*** this shit, because I don’t want to offend you.’ It’s hard to argue with 30 million people on Twitter. You just can’t do it, right? So you just go, ‘I’m out.’ I’m out, and you know what?”
SJW and pro-woke crowd can deny all they want saying that people never asked for the next Terminator, or Charlie's Angels or Solo, but........... people never asked for the Joker either. You will never know what people ask or don't ask when you make a movie. That answer only comes after the fact, after you see the results in the box office
This back-to-back-to-back, Joker-Terminator-Charlies Angels highlights that if you intend to tell good story, build interesting characters, you will succeed, but if your only intention is to push your own version of social morality then you will fail!!
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