LOL nice
But you might have too change "PC MASTER RACE" to "EPIC GAME STORE"
LOL nice
Again, waisting your time. That proves nothing. My other posts provide greater context. Important word that one, CONTEXT. We were getting closer and closer to reveal and I was dead set on it being what I wanted it to be. And??? Sue me! And that post doesn't look like obvious speculation to you!? And you people say I'm the one with problems!![]()
Time to start padding my ignore list, since you guys obviously can't do the same lol.
Yes I believe you, this is what he told me, I believe in Colbert more than these unnamed sources like Jason Schreier or Mark Cerny lying to us about Hardware RT YOOO!!hmmm....
you make a lot of strong points, and have convincing evidence....
timdog said 8 TFlops based on downclocked GitHub leaks.
insider Colbert confirms 8TF....have you seen his chart that he’s revised a few hundred times?
8 GCN TFlops. That’s all we’re getting. $399 because inflation isn’t a thing and Sony always does 399, except for when they used to do 299
LOL nice
But you might have too change "PC MASTER RACE" to "EPIC GAME STORE"
You don't get deals like that withput binding yourself for the next up to 5 years to the company and/or signing a non compete.The most suprising part is knowing that Ted Price is still working with all that money in the bank.
Is this new?
Wasn't the website created on December 19th?Why would they launch a site that says it's coming this holiday after all that stuff is out?
Inflation is not a thing for electronics. 399 gets you whatever 399 is worth on average in the first three years in any generation. Inflation just leads to lower increases in performance if at all - because electronics come down faster in price than their parts would go up because of inflation. The value loss of electronics is closer to 20 % a year, while inflation is 1 to 2 % a year. Inflation will not have any impact on consoles.hmmm....
you make a lot of strong points, and have convincing evidence....
timdog said 8 TFlops based on downclocked GitHub leaks.
insider Colbert confirms 8TF....have you seen his chart that he’s revised a few hundred times?
8 GCN TFlops. That’s all we’re getting. $399 because inflation isn’t a thing and Sony always does 399, except for when they used to do 299
Is this new?
One thing id like is being able to co-op from console and xcloud on one account
I love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
It is new.
Probably just them messing around tho and not PS5 related.
Yes I believe you, this is what he told me, I believe in Colbert more than these unnamed sources like Jason Schreier or Mark Cerny lying to us about Hardware RT YOOO!!
Shu and Boyes Sharing the Soon
Isn't this guy 50?Yes I believe you, this is what he told me, I believe in Colbert more than these unnamed sources like Jason Schreier or Mark Cerny lying to us about Hardware RT YOOO!!
Well, with two SKUs Microsoft doesn't have to care about price at all for their high end SKU. They could make it 599 easy if they also have a 299 SKU. Sony doesn't do two SKUs as far as we know, so they are way more limited in what kind of performance (and yields) they are willing to accept. It's not hard to beat PS5 in performance. It's hard to beat it in performance at the same price, that's not going to happen. But the statement is: "We will not be out of position regarding price or performance". Doesn't say that the same SKU is matching/beating PS5 in both, one is beating PS5 in price, one in performance.But XSX can be 12TF and that's perfectly fine? Okay...
With e-arc do you need a hdmi2.1 receiver?the wait for hdmi 2.1 gear is frustrating...still cant get a receiver.
Isn't this guy 50?
I'm not knocking someone for his age. But he seems a bit too old for console wars lolYou can be 50 with a child mindset, normal there on Era![]()
With e-arc do you need a hdmi2.1 receiver?
Inflation of baseline is much higher in electronics than in usual products, where most the process are pretty much set in stone in terms of costs and efficiency. R&D and production cost in electronics ramps-up greatly with each iteration.Inflation is not a thing for electronics. 399 gets you whatever 399 is worth on average in the first three years in any generation. Inflation just leads to lower increases in performance if at all - because electronics come down faster in price than their parts would go up because of inflation. The value loss of electronics is closer to 20 % a year, while inflation is 1 to 2 % a year. Inflation will not have any impact on consoles.
Shu and Boyes Sharing the Soon
Yes I believe you, this is what he told me, I believe in Colbert more than these unnamed sources like Jason Schreier or Mark Cerny lying to us about Hardware RT YOOO!!
Well, with two SKUs Microsoft doesn't have to care about price at all for their high end SKU. They could make it 599 easy if they also have a 299 SKU. Sony doesn't do two SKUs as far as we know, so they are way more limited in what kind of performance (and yields) they are willing to accept. It's not hard to beat PS5 in performance. It's hard to beat it in performance at the same price, that's not going to happen. But the statement is: "We will not be out of position regarding price or performance". Doesn't say that the same SKU is matching/beating PS5 in both, one is beating PS5 in price, one in performance.
Maybe that's why Microsoft is waiting with releasing anything on Lockheart. They first need to know more about PS5 to see if it makes sense for them to even share the existence of it.That's the only thing I can't get my head around. If the ps5 is more powerful, then realistically their should be no lockheart. I can't see that being a very good business decision, having the low and middle spots being overshadowed by PS. It made way more sense having ps5 sandwiched in the middle.
Maybe that's why Microsoft is waiting with releasing anything on Lockheart. They first need to know more about PS5 to see if it makes sense for them to even share the existence of it.
That's the only thing I can't get my head around. If the ps5 is more powerful, then realistically their should be no lockheart. I can't see that being a very good business decision, having the low and middle spots being overshadowed by PS. It made way more sense having ps5 sandwiched in the middle.
That's the only thing I can't get my head around. If the ps5 is more powerful, then realistically their should be no lockheart. I can't see that being a very good business decision, having the low and middle spots being overshadowed by PS. It made way more sense having ps5 sandwiched in the middle.
Yea but even this scenario tells us they are close gpu wise .Like Matt said (who we trust is right with PS5 being 10 % more powerful): Lockhart was a thing, until it wasn't, and then it wasn't, and now it is a thing again. So maybe something changed. Maybe they thought PS5 had them beat, so they walked back from Lockhart, then realized they are ahead of Sony and Lockhart came back.
Matt never said PS5 was 10% more powerful. He said if he had to make an educated guess, he would guess Series X would end up being more powerful.Like Matt said (who we trust is right with PS5 being 10 % more powerful): Lockhart was a thing, until it wasn't, and then it wasn't, and now it is a thing again. So maybe something changed. Maybe they thought PS5 had them beat, so they walked back from Lockhart, then realized they are ahead of Sony and Lockhart came back.
Here is what micheal pachter said about ps5:
” that ps5 target spec looks like it’s gonna be a 1000$ box . God bless them let’s see if the can pull it off for 400$ cause that’s the right price “
Minute 11:30
Now question is that has he really seen the target specs or just basing it on rumors .
he also said Sony is skipping e3, 4 days before Sony confirmed it .
That's the only thing I can't get my head around. If the ps5 is more powerful, then realistically their should be no lockheart. I can't see that being a very good business decision, having the low and middle spots being overshadowed by PS. It made way more sense having ps5 sandwiched in the middle.
Here is what micheal pachter said about ps5:
” that ps5 target spec looks like it’s gonna be a 1000$ box . God bless them let’s see if the can pull it off for 400$ cause that’s the right price “
Minute 11:30
Now question is that has he really seen the target specs or just basing it on rumors .
he also said Sony is skipping e3, 4 days before Sony confirmed it .
true but this is not a prediction if he has seen the spec sheet. just like he wasnt wrong when he knew sony would skip e3 this year before anyone else and said it and everyone laughed him off saying there is no way sony would skip e3 in the year they launch PS5. and what do we know 5 days later sony announces they are skipping e3Yeah but it's Pachter so...He's been very wrong on a lot of occasions.
he means in us as he is a US analyst and he is correct .XSX has a chance in US big time . world wide its a different scenarioOnce more, he proofs.... man, this new video make ne speechless..
I just don’t get it. Why the hell this guy hasn’t escaped in all these years? He is so outdated and doesn’t have any clue what’s going on.
This part is enough proof: If they launch at a equal price, they have both the chance to win“
NO, if they launch at a equal price, Sony will win without any doubt.
Once more, he proofs.... man, this new video make ne speechless..
I just don’t get it. Why the hell this guy hasn’t escaped in all these years? He is so outdated and doesn’t have any clue what’s going on.
This part is enough proof: If they launch at a equal price, they have both the chance to win“
NO, if they launch at a equal price, Sony will win without any doubt.
Moving on from this insane discussion, i wanted to bring back the hype cycle. Not calling anyone here an astroturfer but last gen around this time, i was at the gamespot forums and there was this guy who continually turned up in next gen threads to first tout the xbox specs, then misdirect after the rumors of it being less powerful and then finally resorted to bringing down the whole vibe of the place because people were actually excited about the ps4 specs. around the same time, a mod here received a list of members who were supposedly astroturfers and they were purged. Pretty sure that guy was an astroturfer because he disappeared after the consoles came out and i was told by an older member that he had turned up during the ps360 launch period too.
Again, not calling anyone here an astroturfer, but the end result is the same. This thread feels eerily like those gamespot threads where any positive ps4 discussion got shutdown by concern trolling, dismissal of rumors (ms would never release an underpowered console!!) and just all around shitty behavior that sucked all the joy from these threads which should be about hype for whats possible next gen.
- EVERYONE in the industry has said that the PS5 is a beast. the very first rumors were ruthenticcookie breaking the news that sony wasnt attending e3, and that the ps5 is a monsters. $499 with a $100 loss monster.
- WCCFTECH in November of 2018 said the ps5 would be using a bigger gpu than the 40 cu navi 10. he was the only one who said navi wont be gcn but an all new arch.
- Digital foundry heard that the devs are 'quite happy' with the ps5 specs.
- Jason schrier said that both guys are aiming to beat Stadia's number.
- Colin and Andrew Reiner said that the ps5 is more powerful at E3. Colin said definitively more powerful.
- Klee said that the game he saw was made on a ps5 devkit and had destruction, ray tracing reflections, ray traced global illumination and ray traced shadows.
- Cerny said that the ps5 had an ssd that was faster than any ssd on the market. this confirms a 4+gbps ssd.
- klee then said both consoles are double digit tflops.
- then a few months later, clarified that the ps5 was slightly stronger. difference was launch x1 to x1s. 1.3 vs 1.4 tflops. 10-15%. 10% of 12 tflops is 1.2 tflops, 15% is 1.8 tflops. so 13.2 - 13.8 tflops.
- wccftech doubles down on both consoles using bigger navis.
- jason comes back to era to gloat about his stadia number prediction after tom warren confirmed that the xbox is 12 tflops.
- jason later says hes heard and believes that both console makers are going with something even more powerful than the 2080 because they want to future proof this time.
all this points to an insanely powerful console. we know what sony could do with a $399 console design with a BOM of $381. we know what cerny did with a $250 vita. imagine what they can do with a $499 console with a $599 bom.
- 13-14 tflops
- 5gbps ssd
- fucking hbm. they have revealed everything except for ram? sony has a history of picking expensive ram. i wouldnt put it past them. ms has already announced it, sony hasnt. at the very least, this is exciting. do not let anyone take this excitement away just because they dont have anything to look forward to.
Let's not forget, before Sony did the wired article, the detractors laughed at us suggesting that ssd and ray tracing could be in next gen console. it was sony who made it standard and yet instead of us gushing over the possibilities, the conversation was hijacked and became about how the xbox is more powerful, and how the ray tracing in the ps5 isnt for visuals.
do you guys see? dont let these guys bring you down or shift the conversation. i can promise you, this will not stop even after the specs are officially revealed. it will only get worse. they will get more abrasive, more personal, and start making shit up like gpus in the power brick and power of the fucking cloud. You cannot win with these people so do not let them control the conversation. we have already seen this with team realistic and team thermals being complete dicks to us for over a year then after the MS 12 tflops reveal, do a 180 without conceding they were dead wrong. they threw away all their theories about thermal draw after seeing that console, but only for MS. Sony is still 9 tflops. They will never admit they were wrong. so why bother?
be excited. this is supposed to be fun. speculate away with hbm and 13 tflops. everything these nerds said wouldnt come true has already come true. ssd, ray tracing, move away from gcn, 12 tflops, 8 core 16 thread cpus. why not hbm and 13-14 tflops? the other forum systematically discredited and silenced posters who dared to dream bigger even after ms proved us all right. thankfully mods here arent controlled by that mob. go crazy. have fun. this is going to be the best gen of all time.
lets bring back hbm and 12.9 tflops.
Although, given Microsoft’s statement about price and power, they would probably have to acknowledge the mistake and refresh their strategy.
Those sweet sweet motherfuckers.
Who new those two would tear MS a new one with a 22 sec video
It will be difficult for Sony or Microsoft's plans not to be altered by the C-Virus.
Cross your fingers.
And this Friday it will be decide if the MWC is cancelled.
Mobile World Congress. Sony already cancelled their presentation there and will do it onlineSorry, what is MWC?
The quote gets misinterpreted a lot. All he was saying is that they won’t repeat the same mistakes of having a weaker yet more expensive console.
Funny, from what I've seen it's the other way aroundI love how some people act like its almost a crime for someone to suggest XSX might be more powerful than PS5.
that chart has been touched more times than sasha grey.
did you see how sony paid only $220 million to buy insomaniac? i thought ms had more cash than sony since they make $10 billion in profits every quarter. wasnt this the reason why ms can afford 12 tflops and sony has to settle for 9?
and yet here we are living in a world where a fantastic studio like insomniac gets picked up for pennies on the dollar and ms cant even outbid sony. ive said this before, sony has a lot more riding on the ps5 than ms and they will be more willing to take a bigger loss and make sure they launch a powerful console. MS is posting $10 billion in profits every quarter despite xbox losing money while sony is posting $3 billion in profits mostly due to the ps4. its entirely possible that they fuck it all up but its highly unlikely considering sony has never fucked up like this before. their biggest fuck up was a console with a $800 bom.