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IT'S OFFICIAL reviewers that gave TLOU 2 positive reviews were afraid of being blacklisted by Sony and had to "keep with good terms with Sony"


Mate I’m not trying to convince anybody of anything. Anybody can think whatever they want of the game. It would be utterly stupid to try and force somebody to change their mind, that’s their call.

But what I will say, is that a 10/10 is a game that is without question flawless, it has no issues, no bugs, no problems. It does everything perfectly.

This game doesn’t do that.

So as I said again, for me and the way they have done the full package, it’s a 6 or a 7 at absolute best. That’s for me. It’s an average game, in a very sexy wrapper. And I can’t change my mind on that.

No game is flawless really. Like I said to my brother, if only perfect games deserve a 10, then people should start doing there scores out of 9.

Zelda OOT: shit framerate
Half life 2: I dont like long intro’s and 1st person shooters that arent are that slow paced to get into the main game. It slowed down during big gun battles. Story was iffy.
Golden eye; plenty of flaws.

Someone’s perfect isn’t someone else's. Just like movies. But Im still gonna give games what I absolute loveD and blow me away a 10, because thats how it made me feel.

Bloodborne got a 10 for me because I loved it, it was a top 10 favourite game of all time. Had plenty of flaws.

Mario Galaxy got 10/10.... perfect gameplay, perfect. Perfect scores, perfects everywhere.
To me it was one of the biggest piles of shit Ive played in all gaming.

Crappy motion control, where I have to shoot stars and wag my hands to spin jump. Glitches. Irritating platforming for the sake of making it “unique”.
Small worlds that the formula was shoot off in a cannon, some anti gravity platforming, run around a globe, shoot onto another small planet....

But some people found it the perfect platformer. 10/10 and I wont argue with what they felt.
My feels should mean its a 9/10 because i found many flaws in it. But NO, XX amount of people felt it was 10/10.

Death stranding. I loved it, yes some people could find it boring, but I enjoyed it alot.
To me it was 9/10, but Some people gave it 3 a nd 4’s.
The guy who gave Death Stranding a 3/10 gave Mass Effect Andromeda a 9/10... I think Mass Effect Andromeda deserved a 5/6 at best.


Heck I still havent finished the game, but Ill be honest. If the spoilers are that bad, it will take the score down for me, but seems like alot of you have put your feelings into it.
Now you arguing about women’s builds lol


Gold Member
I can't think of a tps that plays better than this. It's smooth af and will be the second game I beat this year cause it's amazing.


Based Asian bros. It's the "WHITE" west that is the cause of all the social cancer in the world. I'd say nuke the west. In Sim City of course.


I've been on Earth for a few decades now and I've never come face to face with any real woman that looks like this:


They made her look even more like a man in the final game than in her initial reveal teaser:

Jesus christ.

They ruined a perfectly good character design, for no reason whatsoever.


HAHAHA people still trying it? Exactly how I saw things going.....

*The leak happened
*For whatever reason a "fan" or someone anticipating the game went looking at the leaks, i do not know. Even when i heard leaks don't sound too good (ultimately being not true and exaggerated) I wouldn't have gone looking at them still.
*Game still gets hype either way.
*Game sets new records in sales
*Game receives critical acclaim
*Haters can't believe this - hold on to 2 or 3 mixed to negative reviews to reflect how they think the game will be (again, these people really don't seem like they were in to this franchise to begin with)
*Claim Sony paid reviewers. Not a single bit of evidence has come out to prove this over the many many years of critical acclaim, especially considering employees slagging off their ex company because of bad blood. But still, nothing comes out. Even though Sony has mixed reviewed games
*Back up plan guys! Score the game 0/10 hours after the game comes out! Go go go!
*Even how ridiculous that looks, certain members still defend the 0/10 games because "why can't a game get 0/10 but can get 10/10 omggggggg"
More fud comes out from one reviewer saying they were scared of getting blacklisted by Sony. Mind you, why be scared of Sony but now come out with this revelation that you guys are scared? So you reviewed the game good but only so you don't get blacklisted but now revealing you did it because you were scared? That on you guys then. Have some integrity and stick to why you got into the buisness of reviewing in the first place wtf. Another reviewer has stated they don't worry about the publishing company. They worry about the fans behaviour.

There'll be something else to come out. I'm sure. Any to take this game off it's (deserved) "pedestal" gives these haters hope I guess.


If you look on Metacritic, theres 16000 positive user reviews (lot of 10s) and cca 32000 negative user reviews (lot of 0s). So apparently this game is gem for some people and apparently trash for others. Its very polarising but I dont think professional reviewers get paid for 10s, when there are lot of people, for whom game is 10/10.

Game is simply very polarising. Lot of users 0s are because of bad story and flat characters. So maybe they wanted different game. They compare it to TLOU 1. Maybe they wanted same game. Im curious if ND will say publicly something to it.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
It’s not a 0, that’s just beyond pathetic and shows people up for what they are. That’s quite sad really. The very low scores are all there either from toxic fanboys or from people are are really pissed the game wasn’t what they wanted.

The actual real scores range from 5ish-10.


I am enjoying a video game, the same thing as creating conspiracy theories why a game I don't enjoy is getting good scores.
Good scores by whom ?
The same crowd who are praising everything as 10/10 as long as it is "Progressive" ?
And you are realy so full of yourself that when you think something is great, everyone, no matter how much they elaborate their reason, is simply wrong ?
And again, not even 100 Soyboys who are praising a game, vs almost 50000 who say its bad.
If this was a review bombing like Astral Chain, you still would see a lot of users who gave it a good review.
Anyone who bought into the hype are morons. Lol at this game being a 10.

With that said though this game gets a passionate 8/10 from me and the first game gets a pity 7/10. First game isn't good. I'll keep saying it. 🤷‍♂️
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Boss Mog

It is clear now that Neil had little to do with the original game:

And lol at people claiming there is no agenda - the guy literally came out and told you in plain English that he has an agenda.

The hilarious part is that Druckmann supposedly is championing women but he lobbied hard to get rid of Amy Hennig (and take her place), a woman that was MUCH more talented than him.


The Kotaku review I read left a similar sintement. I keep hearing that Sony has a history of aggression toward media to sway opinion.


The problem is there are hundreds of people giving scores of 1-3 out of ten. Even on a bad day, even if the story was utter tripe and garbage, you're never going to arrive at pathetic low score like that.

Perhaps if we have a lot more scores like 7 or 8 out of ten those will add some legitimacy so we can actually zero in on the problems.
Why is that bad? Story and gameplay are subpar. That just leaves nice graphics. If all I cared about was 10/10 graphics I would go outside.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Because you said so?

Keep fighting. Maybe someday someone will take you seriously.

Erm, yes? Because the 0 scores and shit are a joke and not even close to accurate (from console war warriors), so the real scores will range from a 5 to a 10 from people are are not submitting fake reviews? I myself rate it a 6 or 7 out of 10, and can see why people may give it a 5, in very rare cases, or a 10 if they really bought into the hype. But these scores are from real people.

You can’t be serious? You think this games a 3? For real? Like, it’s LOWER than a 5? Get out of here with that, that’s straight up BS.
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Good scores by whom ?
The same crowd who are praising everything as 10/10 as long as it is "Progressive" ?
And you are realy so full of yourself that when you think something is great, everyone, no matter how much they elaborate their reason, is simply wrong ?
And again, not even 100 Soyboys who are praising a game, vs almost 50000 who say its bad.
If this was a review bombing like Astral Chain, you still would see a lot of users who gave it a good review.
Well.... You might not believe.... But I don't give a shit about TLU story, I didn't like the first one story and characters and the sequel to me is more of the same.

However.... I love the gameplay and the sequel gameplay is even better, if someone thinks the gameplay is that horrid.... Well, I can only laugh.

That's all I need. I don't play video games for their stories.... I play for the gameplay and it's pretty good. Only MGSV has better TPS mechanics.

Now to your question:

I think that is extremely funny that some are so butthurted about a video game that is not unplayable. I wish people were that angry when a company releases a broken game... But eh.....


I think if prof reviewers had given the game 8's and 9's, there wouldnt be half of the backlash there is now. When you give a game 10/10 accorss the board, you're just opening yourself up for scrutiny, especially a game filled with agenda stuff that is already going to annoy a lot of people.
Even AngryJoe himself said the gaming media came together in unity for Cuckman as they knew there would be a backlash againt the game. I dont know if that was just his opinion, or if i had heard soemthing, but you can def see that happening.


But for me, it’s a 6 or 7 out of 10. It’s not perfect, at all.

As for bringing Xbox into it, man, let’s be honest here, Xbox could only dream of getting talent like naughty dog. They are straight ip wizards.

Even if that were true how is Xbox remotely involved with TLOU2 reviews?


If all I cared about was 10/10 graphics I would go outside.
Have you actually tried to go outside? Sure, the graphics can be great (also depressing, depending on the weather), but the story and pacing is all over the place, the controls are awkward, the world is filled with uninteresting characters you barely have any connection to, the RNG is consistently against you and it's completely P2W.
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I think that is extremely funny that some are so butthurted about a video game that is not unplayable. I wish people were that angry when a company releases a broken game... But eh.....
And again, you disregard everyone as "butthurt" because why ?
Its impossible that a game can be bad when you like it ?
For reasons that arent a high priority for you but others ?


It's amazing how brave all these reviewers were when The Order came out. That was a huge PS4 exclusive and they rated it extremely harsh. I wonder why the evil Sony corporation didn't strike them all down.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
It's amazing how brave all these reviewers were when The Order came out. That was a huge PS4 exclusive and they rated it extremely harsh. I wonder why the evil Sony corporation didn't strike them all down.

Didn't see any of em defending Days Gone either, now there's a game with far higher user reviews than critical scores... Did Sony pay them off that time to mark down their own product?

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Even if that were true how is Xbox remotely involved with TLOU2 reviews?

Because the double standards here are funny. Gears 5 was a massive upgrade over 4, is one of the best looking games the generation, and added an absolute shit ton of gameplay enhancements. Yet look at how people trash it, even the good stuff they do.

The sad truth is that TLOU2 is PS4s swan song and also their biggest budget title ever. It HAS so be perfect.


Gold Member
rumor has it reviewers were finding severed heads of horses and clickers on their pillows at night, with simple notes made of cut out letters: “yOu KnOw WhAt To dO”
I hope this game comes to pc so they can mod this and put the chapters in a better order so you dont hate playing through the game as certain people after they have done certain things


And again, you disregard everyone as "butthurt" because why ?
Its impossible that a game can be bad when you like it ?
For reasons that arent a high priority for you but others ?
Dude I hate Mario, Crash, Spyro, LBP and every single other platform games. That doesn't mean that they are bad, it just means that I dislike this type of game. If someone went out of their way just to shit on them... I would laugh at that person too... Because those games are not broken products.

Why it's so hard to understand that if a game is not a broken mess and you don't enjoy it... it's not the end of the world, just accept that some enjoy and you don't. Sure... This is the same to me, if you hated it, that's too bad and life goes on.... but since the release of TLU2 we had people saying that: it only got good scores because is woke, then that Sony paid the reviewers and now that the reviewers are scared of Sony.

Next thing I know... You guys are going to say that everyone that says that they like the game is probably being paid or blackmailed by Sony.

Which is quite funny and weird... But you do you man...
It seemed to me that the reviewers were competing to be on the cover of the GOTY cover and TV commercials.
It was a festival of "master piece" and absurd praises.

I only played the first half of the first game. Back then I was already tired of those bleak post apocalypse zombie games and movies.

However I understand people that like it and need to be reminded how awful people are or how violence and revange are bad.


It’s not a 0, that’s just beyond pathetic and shows people up for what they are. That’s quite sad really. The very low scores are all there either from toxic fanboys or from people are are really pissed the game wasn’t what they wanted.

The actual real scores range from 5ish-10.
I also think 5 is the lowest score honest gamer can give for such game even if he dont like it, because there are too many strong points in this game.


Games like this bring out the worst in gamers, on both sides.

Just bring on GoT and CP77 so we can move on from this shit and start having fun again.


It's amazing how brave all these reviewers were when The Order came out. That was a huge PS4 exclusive and they rated it extremely harsh. I wonder why the evil Sony corporation didn't strike them all down.
Wasn't the reasoning because it was extremely short and it had little to no replay value? I always thought it was rated the way it was as a result of those two things, well, and it being a full priced $60 title.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
I also think 5 is the lowest score honest gamer can give for such game even if he dont like it, because there are too many strong points in this game.

Honest that’s why I said 5, because I can see why somebody won’t like a game, but they could at least find value in it for other reasons. I don’t like football games, but I would be a muppet if I just give Fifa 2021 a 3/10 for that reason. But if I played the game and had nothing but trouble controlling the players, found it slow and tiring, but a decent looking game that was at least accurate, I couldn’t possibly give it a stupidly low score,

But that does raise another complaint I have about reviews. A lot of the time, the reviewer is somebody who doesn’t even enjoy those kind of games. What’s the point? That would be like me reviewing a romantic comedy.


I've been on Earth for a few decades now and I've never come face to face with any real woman that looks like this

Well if you didn't, then no one ever did. I have seen buff women only in pictures. I guess those were all fake.

There is only one Abby in the entire game, and people act as if that is not rare as fuck.
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