I think my horse is sick. Why? She’s sounding a little lesbian...We need to lighten the mood... Does anyone know any good jokes?
What's the meaning of a double life?We need to lighten the mood... Does anyone know any good jokes?
And because you never had issues, it's a lie? Love your filter bubble, can I get into? You could explain media - publisher relations a bit more, so people get an understanding why some people may be feel afraid of bigger publishers. First of all, I don't review games with any score as don't like to classify games. Read my reviews if you want to know, if the game could fit you. I'm not there to throw numbers at anyone.
But if you throw numbers, as you did and many others do, publishers can have a closer look to this number. And if this number is outside of their expectations and does not fit the verdict of most of the other outlets, you can loose. If you don't are big enough, they simply could ghost you so you won't get access to future review samples. Never happened to me but I heard of a few cases. Most of the time you can trace it back to an intern or inexperienced people in communications. Other times we are simply talking "idiots" on media side. This does not mean, that such incidents do not occur from time to time.
I doubt, however, that there is any system behind it. There are idiots in every business. It's not for nothing that companies keep blacklists of media partners.Ironically, they also have big magazines on these lists, but they continue to be supplied, because you can't do without the reach. Usually media partners end up on such lists for quite different reasons. If, for example, they report in an obviously wrong way, become remarkably lurid or it is clear that they write reports but have never played the games properly. Especially the latter is something that attracts the attention of many experienced readers.
Big problem is that lot of people who talk about games aren't "professionals", but call themselves. In addition there are many professionals who simply work unprofessionally. Not much is left. In the end, it's no wonder that streamers have taken reporting. Often there is simply no qualitative difference between a media outlet and a 08/15 content creator. In my perception, video games media is often on a boulevard level.
We need to lighten the mood... Does anyone know any good jokes?
I didnt have a fun time watching schindlers list but it was a great freakn movieHow in the fuck can you even give a game 10/10 when the creator himself says "Our game is not meant to be fun."? Seriously how? Game is not fun = not 10/10
But it's powerful! Durrrrr
YES! Somebody please do it! With the actual nicknames of people on MC or elsewhere.I’m actually surprised somebody hasn’t photoshopped that already with 1/10a all over it and random “hduwiqiiiiiiii” quotes.
The point is... The game can't fail because is altready a critical success and the "voices coming from the dudes with the numbers" are saying the game in Europe only was near to 4 million copys sold in 3 days... So it's already a best seller... The game is loved and the haters are just doing free marketing lol the only product of all the hate is a forum full of shity theards...The game is getting review bombed, and if threads around GAF were any indication, it was painfully obvious it was going to happen.
People have been hating on Naughty Dog and wanting them to fail for reasons completely unrelated to the actual game itself. Whatever happens in the game that causes angry people is only the icing on the cake.
the game was getting 0/10 score reviews a few hours after its release.
And most of the discussion about the game, even around here, has been about character design decisions, the political choices of the director, representation, the way the women look, ect ect ect
basically, alot of people want this game to fail and are doing everything to make sure it does
To a good portion of the Gaming forum here, TLOU2 and Neil Druckman is literally everything they hate about modern AAA game development.
Lol, if 'real women' in your life look like Abby then i dont know what to tell you.Hell...you don't even have to do that....watch MMA if you only see women through a digital signal and have no access to 'real women'
Take away make-up and half of the fitgirls turn into Abby.Lol, if 'real women' in your life look like Abby then i dont know what to tell you.
My condolences i guess
Found the 12 year old. Grow up.Lol, if 'real women' in your life look like Abby then i dont know what to tell you.
My condolences i guess
The point is... The game can't fail because is altready a critical success and the "voices coming from the dudes with the numbers" are saying the game in Europe only was near to 4 million copys sold in 3 days... So it's already a best seller... The game is loved and the haters are just doing free marketing lol the only product of all the hate is a forum full of shity theards...
No amount of virtue signalling will change the worst AAA game user scores in the history too.
It's mostly PC and Xbox gamers who are left dry with no major games at the moment review-bombing the game.
Yeah some people cant see beyond the fanboy angle, because they are that entrenched in the 'war' to begin with.This is insane. I've watched dozens of streamers play this game and nearly all of them dislike the story.
People just can't cope that the general opinion on the game is negative.
What if the game happens to have amazing gameplay like TLOU Part IIIt's no surprise at this point, game without solid gameplay should have been rated lower no matter how shiny the graphics is.
You know that the woman they based Abby on uses steroids, has a specific diet, and her whole life literally revolves around working out, right?Found the 12 year old. Grow up.
All this shows is how desperate and butthurt these haters are that the game is selling well and reviewed well that they have to go to multiple sites to give it bad user reviewsThis is always the case when reviewers are dependent on companies to give them free things. It happens on amazon.com all the time with all the fake reviews. Reviewer get free item, send good review, and get more free items. If they give bad reviews they get blacklisted.
This game is getting destroyed by actual reviews on retail websites, from Gamestop to Amazon and starting to appear on Walmart, Target, Bestbuy. The disparity between critic review scores of near universal 10/10 versus user review scores of 5/10 just tells you how much of a scheme/scam Sony/ND and the reviewers cooked up.
Look at how it got scored by buyers on Gamestop. Are people going to be blaming bots here too?
It is broken, the Story is and since this isnt a Zelda or Mario but a Narrative Game, Story IS a big part of why People are attached to it.Why it's so hard to understand that if a game is not a broken mess and you don't enjoy it... it's not the end of the world, just accept that some enjoy and you don't. Sure... This is the same to me, if you hated it, that's too bad and life goes on.... but since the release of TLU2 we had people saying that: it only got good scores because is woke, then that Sony paid the reviewers and now that the reviewers are scared of Sony.
End thread. You absolutely covered the real reason for the hate.The game is getting review bombed, and if threads around GAF were any indication, it was painfully obvious it was going to happen.
People have been hating on Naughty Dog and wanting them to fail for reasons completely unrelated to the actual game itself. Whatever happens in the game that causes angry people is only the icing on the cake.
the game was getting 0/10 score reviews a few hours after its release.
And most of the discussion about the game, even around here, has been about character design decisions, the political choices of the director, representation, the way the women look, ect ect ect
basically, alot of people want this game to fail and are doing everything to make sure it does
To a good portion of the Gaming forum here, TLOU2 and Neil Druckman is literally everything they hate about modern AAA game development.
The point is... The game can't fail because is altready a critical success and the "voices coming from the dudes with the numbers" are saying the game in Europe only was near to 4 million copys sold in 3 days... So it's already a best seller... The game is loved and the haters are just doing free marketing lol the only product of all the hate is a forum full of shity theards...
And these streamers also have very large fanbases, from AngryJoe to Tyler1 to CohhCarnage to PewDiePie. People like YongYea and Upper Echelon Gaming went into the game willing to give it a fair shake and they found the story to be very questionable. Jim Sterling in his latest Jimquisition didn't sound too enthused about the game either.This is insane. I've watched dozens of streamers play this game and nearly all of them dislike the story.
People just can't cope that the general opinion on the game is negative.
So.......people have their own “agenda” hating on this game.......shocker.The game is getting review bombed, and if threads around GAF were any indication, it was painfully obvious it was going to happen.
People have been hating on Naughty Dog and wanting them to fail for reasons completely unrelated to the actual game itself. Whatever happens in the game that causes angry people is only the icing on the cake.
the game was getting 0/10 score reviews a few hours after its release.
And most of the discussion about the game, even around here, has been about character design decisions, the political choices of the director, representation, the way the women look, ect ect ect
basically, alot of people want this game to fail and are doing everything to make sure it does
To a good portion of the Gaming forum here, TLOU2 and Neil Druckman is literally everything they hate about modern AAA game development.
I can hear a hater crying after reading this.It will make those who do not buy at launch, buy at launch.
Just like I did.
The funny thing about this specific type of hate TLOU2 is getting....
People shitting on the TLOU2 for purely political reasons are only ever going to make its political effect stronger.
It's more than free marketing....it's literal justification for the political message it's trying to send.
I posted something similar in a previous thread about Anita Sarkeesian.
People think hive hatred makes things weaker. All it ever does is strengthen the opposition
But these types of people aren't necessarily the sharpest pencils in the drawer lol
as long as there is a legal, easy way to voice their concerns, they will do that. what can you expect? when you allow this to happen on a website for years and years, it will continue to happen. free speech is a bitch, you hear opinions you don't agree with.basically, alot of people want this game to fail and are doing everything to make sure it does
To a good portion of the Gaming forum here, TLOU2 and Neil Druckman is literally everything they hate about modern AAA game development.
What's really disappointing to me is, you know this will start a trend of user review bombing the competition exclusives as a type of retaliation for TLOU2. It wont be fair to those games as it wasn't to this game. Or maybe PSfans might be to busy actually enjoying great games, rather than trying to destroy them.All this shows is how desperate and butthurt these haters are that the game is selling well and reviewed well that they have to go to multiple sites to give it bad user reviews
For me so far my own judgment haven't failed me, I will play the game and judge it myself, the days having proper discussion about games in this gaming forum is sadly over.What's really disappointing to me is, you know this will start a trend of user review bombing the competition exclusives as a type of retaliation for TLOU2. It wont be fair to those games as it wasn't to this game. Or maybe PSfans might be to busy actually enjoying great games, rather than trying to destroy them.
All I know is a lot of these supposed "critical thinkers" will flip flop about criticism when it's their favorite game/console or series in the crosshairs.
as long as there is a legal, easy way to voice their concerns, they will do that. what can you expect? when you allow this to happen on a website for years and years, it will continue to happen. free speech is a bitch, you hear opinions you don't agree with.
there really isn't any problem with this either. game companies spend millions to entice people to play it. they want to convince people to buy it. furthermore they blocked reviewers from discussing parts of the game. they have flexed so much power controlling the narrative.
why then cannot people persuade fellow gamers otherwise, in this one score on this one website? people act as if they are bombing the entire critic community, they are just abusing this one tool on one site, which has had issues for years.
more than likely Metacritic LIKES THIS and this is why they allow it on their site. tbh it is the only time i hear about Metacritic in the news. it keeps them relevant. without review bombing nobody would be talking about that site. has anyone discussed any of the official critic reviews? no, it's all "oh poor Metacritc another victim of toxic fans". they are parasites crowdsourcing their own legitimacy.
You know women and men of all shapes, sizes, looks and hobbies exist right?You know that the woman they based Abby on uses steroids, has a specific diet, and her whole life literally revolves around working out, right?
This is insane. I've watched dozens of streamers play this game and nearly all of them dislike the story.
People just can't cope that the general opinion on the game is negative.
I'm trying to figure out what is "Official" about the quotes in the OP......
This is insane. I've watched dozens of streamers play this game and nearly all of them dislike the story.
People just can't cope that the general opinion on the game is negative.
Wait, even if you absolutely had DOZENS of Streamers in what way would that represent general opinion?
That’s the weird thing about YouTube - when you are an Xbox fanboy, like yourself, watching negative, sensationalist TLOU2 reviews seem to propagate more of them in your feed. Black magic I tell you.Yeah some people cant see beyond the fanboy angle, because they are that entrenched in the 'war' to begin with.
You only have put 'The Last of Us 2 Review' into Youtube to see the masses of negative reviews from streamers and Youtubers, many of them that gave the first game a 9 or 10.
It's not the streamers that represent general opinion.
It's the half million people that were watching their streams and agreed that represent general opinion.
That’s the weird thing about YouTube - when you are an Xbox fanboy, like yourself, watching negative, sensationalist TLOU2 reviews seem to propagate more of them in your feed. Black magic I tell you.
I'm not understanding... did you poll all the people watching the streams? Are you sure there isn't overlap between audiences on multiple streams? Are you indicating that streamers have such influence over their audience they can't think for themselves? Are you implying someone viewing a stream has a viewpoint just as valid as someone who played it?
I dont even own a console, nice try though. I like Xbox because Xbox games come to PC, i know thats a crime around here.That’s the weird thing about YouTube - when you are an Xbox fanboy, like yourself, watching negative, sensationalist TLOU2 reviews seem to propagate more of them in your feed. Black magic I tell you.
Yeah - I think most people are aware of this. My point was that I doubt that the typical Xbox fanboys on GAF are approaching these TLOU2 discussions with anything more than biased anecdotes.You know you can watch YouTube logged off (and with clean browser and cookies) and it still will give general recommendations not based on what you watch.
The lengths people go to defend a game is ridiculous.
Unless you think every streamer, every youtuber, is an alt right troll who secretly hats gays and women.
Maybe the game just isn't perfect, brushing off criticism isn't going to change that.
It's totally fine if you love the game, it's also totally fine if others don't.
"Are you implying someone viewing a stream has a viewpoint just as valid as someone who played it?"
For a story focused game? Absolutely. They can review everything except how the game feels when playing.
I'm trying to figure out what is "Official" about the quotes in the OP......