
Don’t read too much into the PS4’s million day-one sales
A strong launch is nice, but it doesn’t necessarily imply long-term success.

Launch aligned or even in total sales PS4 broke many records for home console history. Selling consoles, selling games. Even with game subscriptions, in users, in revenue, in profit. In mostly everything. And if not it's a close 2nd being PS2 on top of it.
As an example, it had the best launch selling a million consoles on day one, 4.2M in a month and a half and ~7M in the first ~4 months and a half, until the end if their 1st fiscal year. And ~14M on its first full year.
Having Miles Morales, Demon's Souls, Cyberpunk, Sackboy, AC Vallhalla, CoD Cold War, Watchdogs, Godfall, Devil May Cry V Special Edition and so on, in addition to the dozen or so of great PS4 games included in the PS5 PS+ collection at launch and BC with boost mode, plus games coming for its first year like Ratchet & Clank, Horizon 2, Returnal, God of War 2 and maybe Gran Turismo 7 plus timed exclusives in the horizon like Final Fantasy VII Remake episode 2 and Final Fantasy XVI, do you think PS5 is going to outsell these PS4 numbers?
How do you think it compares to the launch lineup of Series X and their announced games or its first year? What big games are going to move Xbox Series X and Game Pass at launch and the during first year?
Do you think PS5 are going to continue their lead of selling the double or more units than Xbox? Do you think Series X or Game Pass is going to block that? If so, since the start or maybe will start to doing it on late 2022 or 2023, once MS starts releasing their non crossgen console exclusives?
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