Lucky bastard.She ain’t gonna fuck you bro.
Lucky bastard.She ain’t gonna fuck you bro.
Parla come mangi dude.Italian’s invention of bestemmie is a very interesting historical artefact built in the language and something you cannot even translate in some languages.
I thought this was where he shat his pants? Or was that a different time? (being serious btw)He says the show floor was loud as hell, and he did interviews for too long. He was overly stressed. I remember those interviews. He was so ready for them to be over.
Yea it's like "What's wrong with you gamers, why do you objectify women?"Hiring Amouranth to play in a ball pit in a bikini after Frosk's rant was pretty funny though. I hope they become even more desperate.
Of course they are. It could have potentially been big if they started when YouTube was still developing as a platform.
Young people weren't around for G4, that shit was like Tomb Raider 1 era. They joined the YT game way too late and then blew up the community a few months in.
Sessler is also unhinged and I don't want to give clicks to anything he's associated with.
People forgot that things can be fun when everyone is in on the joke.Yea it's like "What's wrong with you gamers, why do you objectify women?"
I too like to throw rocks from my glass house.
For what it's worth, I see nothing wrong with this type of "content" as long as everybody involved was on board. Hell, I used to love to see what Munn was going to do next, she's hella hot.
Easy to criticize the audience. Hard to criticize the corporation.Yea it's like "What's wrong with you gamers, why do you objectify women?"
I too like to throw rocks from my glass house.
For what it's worth, I see nothing wrong with this type of "content" as long as everybody involved was on board. Hell, I used to love to see what Munn was going to do next, she's hella hot.
NO EFFIN WAY. he's coked out of his mind.He says the show floor was loud as hell, and he did interviews for too long. He was overly stressed. I remember those interviews. He was so ready for them to be over.
They did it to themselves by allowing garbage like this:
Fuck G4
No wonder Frosk doesn't like gamers wanting Olivia Munn more. Include me to the number wanting Munn. I cant believe someone is groping the bottom of her tits. And by the looks of the stunts in the GIFs she loves it.Yea it's like "What's wrong with you gamers, why do you objectify women?"
I too like to throw rocks from my glass house.
For what it's worth, I see nothing wrong with this type of "content" as long as everybody involved was on board. Hell, I used to love to see what Munn was going to do next, she's hella hot.
nail + headThis is exactly what happen when you hire talentless activist instead of actual competent People, G4 was a business, their main focus should be making money, the moment Frosk start that unprovoken rant, she should be fired instead everyone cheering her
Now you have old People like sessler who i doubt could land another job in the industry, when you are 35+ your job options start to decline, New and cheaper People could bring better numbers, because you become too old to your audience
In the end G4 failed because they are incompenet, their channel was full of old People, who acted like gen z teenagers, so thats full cringe, they never got a decent screenplay, and they shit on their audience
I have Comcast and G4 is a channel there.When I first though when G4tv was coming back, I thought it was going to be on TV or atleast have some kind of app..... but instead, we got a twitch/youtube podcast shows.
I have Comcast and G4 is a channel there.
That's because G4 is owned by NBC Universal / Comcast.I have Comcast and G4 is a channel there.
G4 still exists?
Yea it's like "What's wrong with you gamers, why do you objectify women?"
I too like to throw rocks from my glass house.
For what it's worth, I see nothing wrong with this type of "content" as long as everybody involved was on board. Hell, I used to love to see what Munn was going to do next, she's hella hot.
Exactly. Even if Frosk had a point and didn't handle it like the unprofessional lunatic she is then it would still be complete hypocrisy to ignore that G4 was like that. When you bring something like this back your main target audience is going to be the old fans tuning in for some nostalgia so of course fans coming looking for what they used to love and not finding it are going to be unsatisfied. To twist that disappointment into some rant acting like every single G4 fan (Or for that matter she basically attacked the entire gaming community not just G4 fans) are out to get you because of your looks is just stupid. Honestly her rant is disrespectful to the old G4 girls because it basically implies their looks were all they had going for them and why people liked them more. It completely misses the fact that the shows were fun and enjoyable because the hosts were having fun, the hosts had good personalities and the hosts had charisma. Frosk is the complete opposite of this which is why most people in reality don't like her and it has nothing to do with her looks. People don't want to tune in to watch somebody be miserable about everything instead of having fun, people don't want to watch somebody that has a horrible personality and if you don't have charisma you are never going to come off well on screen. Also while somebody like Munn might have played up a bimbo act for laughs on G4 I can guarantee you she is much, much, much smarter than Frosk with a hell of a lot more business sense. Hence the career she has had post G4 while Frosk can't seem to work anywhere without people wanting her gone and disliking her.
And like you said there is nothing wrong at all with the old G4 content. I have never seen any of them complain about how they were treated and most of them seem to have fond memories of their time on G4. It would be different if that were the case but it was no Nickelodeon. They were adults that knew what they were doing and just having some fun with it like many things back then before people unhappy with their own lives started their Twitter mobs and stuff to attack other peoples enjoyment.
Personally the Candace and Underwood duo was my favorite even if it was when G4 was starting to die off.
But McHammer will always be my favorite moment
Color me disappointed
That's also a bad take, sorry. She made it about their entire audience, not about a handful of people in the comments saying those things. That's why she was panned. That's why they lost viewers.I'm a professional Football player. I walk towards the field. 5 people from the audience are throwing plastic bottles at me. I turn towards the audience and tell them to stop throwing plastic bottles at me. Am I now accusing the entire audience of throwing plastic bottles? Am I telling everyone to stop throwing plastic bottles at me? Of course not.
The male co-hosts she was speaking with and about definitely experienced harassing comments. She said as much herself in her rant. In typical narcissist fashion she was dismissive of their harassment because they are men, made it all about herself, and insisted that her harassment was due to sexism.The men most likely don't get constant comments about their appearance or how "fuckable" they are.
Color me disappointed
Even worse. You were probably the cause of them getting the axe, but hey, it's all good, because I survived"LOL My coworkers got fucked - let's play some video games and smoke weed"
Poor taste, but I don't think she's losing any fans for being a kind of shitty person that aren't already long gone.
Her career really did explode after G4/attack of the show. She played the game and shes sitting pretty, i remmeber seeing her dating Aaron Rodgers she was sitting next steph curry and ayesha, then i see her in Xmen movies seriously nothing but respect for the hustle.Yea it's like "What's wrong with you gamers, why do you objectify women?"
I too like to throw rocks from my glass house.
For what it's worth, I see nothing wrong with this type of "content" as long as everybody involved was on board. Hell, I used to love to see what Munn was going to do next, she's hella hot.
C'mon, bro. You seen her pics? Definitely implants.Late puberty or implants, bets?
This is the dumbest, most ignorant shit I have read in a long while. You make a claim and refuse to back it up with evidence - you continue to double, triple, and quadruple down on false claims and pushing a fake narrative While showing your ass and crying about “gamers” when, I can’t believe I have to remind you: YOU ARE ONE.Yeah no. I don't need to be provided with "Evidence" to believe that a woman who is also a minority and clearly doesn't try to appeal to modern beauty standards for women gets harassed by "Gamers" for her looks on the internet. She went out of her way to address it head on and she has nothing else to gain from it. I've been in this industry long enough to know how many pieces of shit "Gamers" there are.
I get insulted all day at work. It is called being an adult and growing the fuck up. This dumbass never managed to that and your sad and pathetic white knighting of her doesn’t help anyone.There's a difference between getting called a slur in an online game, and being harassed frequently while you do your job. It's not even remotely the same thing.
It was on a live stream, no one is suddenly going to tell her to stop less they be cancelled by the moronic dipshit cult that you seeming belong to. The only one here who has no clue what they are talking about is *you*.What kind of ridiculous bs is that? First you accuse her of lying about being harassed, and now you're now losing it over the fact that it's "unscripted?" what difference does it make? Literally everyone else who was working there clearly approved of it. Anyone who seriously blames her for "Killing G4" because she spoke out against the harassment she's experienced doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.
And this guy’s title is fitting. Good fucking god you ideologues‘ heads are so far up your own ass and deep in the sand that you can’t even see what reality is.So your response to "Frosk was talking about the people calling her ugly" is "no one ever called her ugly."
Sorry I'm going to believe her when she says who she's talking about and what she's addressing.
That Tweet is getting her absolutely CRUCIFIED.
Can you imagine the calls to cancel the execs if they did fire her?
I'll just continue to not watch the channel or at least not watch anything she's on