"Developing story"
"Aug 23 2023"
"Aug 23 2023"

I think that’s part of it. I also think that the people with actual skills (business sense, leadership, technical ability) aren’t the ones obsessing over airing grievances and trying to correct society’s perceived wrongs.Which makes one wonder why a group of these feminist women don't just band together and open their own studio. You will quickly find that they probably can't even stand each other.
That was a thousand years ago......the woke mind virus is now in play.Were people this triggered over Bayonetta?
I don't know about that. China seems to censor quite a bit.I appreciate that Asian men didn't allow feminism to destroy their society. They have their own issues, but kowtowing and bending the knee to feminists like us Western men isn't one of them.
I don't know about that. China seems to censor quite a bit.
They shut the fuck up once they knew the designer was a woman.Were people this triggered over Bayonetta?
They shut the fuck up once they knew the designer was a woman.
They shut the fuck up once they knew the designer was a woman.
Were people this triggered over Bayonetta?
Feminists want to have freedom to be sex symbols, but not be sex symbols at the same time. Weird people.
That's a new tactic and they did use it once Bayonetta 2 released. However, it was generally accepted by casuals at that point so it didn't gain traction.Internalized Misogyny
Surprised they didn't use that
Because the ending of Bayonetta 3.
No it makes perfect sense. They are a supremacist movement. Their logic is that women should be the only ones allowed to use female sexuality for profit, manipulation, control, influence, etc.
"Anals of History"didn't read i just hope the drama has what is called in the annals of history as:
"The Wizard Game Effect"
Feminists want to have freedom to be sex symbols, but not be sex symbols at the same time. Weird people.
What happened in the ending?
I appreciate that Asian men didn't allow feminism to destroy their society. They have their own issues, but kowtowing and bending the knee to feminists like us Western men isn't one of them.
Bayonetta end up with her man of interess from the first game. They end up together and have a daughter.
Didnt say it didnt make sense. Just that they are weird.No it makes perfect sense. They are a supremacist movement. Their logic is that women should be the only ones allowed to use female sexuality for profit, manipulation, control, influence, etc.
Seriously, cant catch a break.Story of their life.
Media and games sexualizing women? Bad people, mysonogysts, haters, etc.
Women selling their body, showing their naked body on twitch(which is acessed by kids) and onlyfans for real money? Bad people, mysonogysts, haters, etc.
The other Tweet literally talks about Tencent censoring the game to appease China, because it’s coming there.
“Beware of Bait and Switch”.
Everyone’s hung up on the headline.
The call to boycott was so successful, I never heard of it until today. Also, if a person's response to being let go is to go on Twitter and try to undermine the product and make it all about herself - then I suspect there are more reasons than just being a feminist for why she was fired.
Rear Automata indeed!I love thread title
I already addressed China's censorship. That shit has absolutely zero to do with feminism SmokedMeat. Unless you think there is some secret cabal of feminists in Saudi Arabia directing their censorship efforts as well.
She?Slightly off topic but you know what I love about that clip? It's all bs.
She "sobs" then after a few seconds, stops and in the corner of her eye checks to see if the camera is still on her. Then back to the fake sob leading up to a loudmouth obnoxious noooooooo.
All a performance lol.
Most likely what actually happened.What I imagine happened:
Shift Up: We want to make a game with sexy protagonists
FemDev: I can't do this, WE can't do this.
Shift Up: Maybe go then
Couldn't care less ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yep there have always been 'controversy' /discussions, Bayo is a very polarizing character,they talked nonsense with Anita sarkeesian, and more recently because she fell for a dude in the latest game.because the game doesn't take itself so seriously there are some fans thoughWere people this triggered over Bayonetta?
Most likely what actually happened.
And kill all men too