Saving Concord. A prescription for Firewalk to save their burning wreck...

How many of the 8 fixes described in the OP do you think could help Concords player numbers?

  • 0 - I am certain Concord is DOA.

  • 1 - 3 of them are good ideas.

  • 4 - 6 of them are good ideas.

  • 7 or 8 of them are good ideas.

Results are only viewable after voting.


3. Stop giving XP rewards out to the losing team. Incentivize winning. The beta (perhaps by design) had the worst progression system I've ever seen.
I don’t play Concord but that’s a terrible idea, people will burn out much quicker if there’s no consolation prize or xp when you lose. Especially if people quitting during games is already a problem, it will make things even worse.

You should at least receive something based on your individual performance otherwise a lot of people will just ragequit after one losing streak.


Lets see... Half the problems are the character design, the extreme wokeness and the uninspired setting.
Here's what I would had done.

Step 1:

Delay the game. Refound everyone who's willing to accept it. All 100 of them! Say (in small leters) fro those that keep their pre-orders that the design might massively change in the final release.

Step 2:

The game is so Woke, it bourders on Parody. Embrace that! Release a cutscene treating it like Monty Python Humor. Here's an idea:
Have 2-3 characters recruiting freegunners discussing whether they should put pronouns on their bios. One is an activist and demands it. The other is indiferent, claims that because of some allien's weird phisiology it might be a good idea. The last one is based and strongly opposes it, claiming that all aliens can be dealt per-case, and hates the idea of weirdos demanding of him any other pronnoun than the obvous one, joking that only royalty are entittled to plural. Then comes a They/them character who's clearly schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder, talking between kill everyone and cries for help. It's the only character the Based one agrees to trecruit pronouns included, despite everyone telling him "they" are the only one they should avoid.

Step 3:

The character design is so uninspired it also bourders on Parody. Lets take advantage of that! Lets make the worse offenders, Daw, DaVeers and perhapss Roka, and have them being actual time traveled Larpers, wearing generic coats and Tuperware to look like spacemen when timetraveled. In their cutscene they come across an armory and deside that they played make-belive long enough and this is their chance to become Freegunners and live their dream. They go into the armory, arm them selfs, change clothes, and come out... excactly as they where before.... only this time their equipment are real. 1-Off is a real repurposed vacum cleaner.

Step 4:

Re-design the maps. The 3 existing ones are the only ones that should remain the same. All new maps should be wacky and weird, instead of the Factory setting we've seen 3 times! Here are some ideas:
  • Vertical platforms, not unlike those in the final scene of the trailer.
  • A moving train, with multiple floors and it's own roof as arenas, and vehicles following on the sides. The engine in the front and some bomb in the last vagon to add suspence.
  • A public bureaucratic building, where everything you shoot explodes into paper confety.
The existing stages should get a makeover to add landmarks. Every corner of the stage should be immidiatly recocnisable.

Embracing the Stupidity is IMO the only way to fix the ridiculus premice without scrapping everything.
Now when it comes to gameplay, I'll leave it for people who actually played it
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They should also definitely do something about the 'early leavers' in a match.

- punish early leaving by giving a -50% XP debuff for the next match
- fill up the team again with queuing players
- give those players an XP multiplier for the match for helping out

Being outnumbered is pretty much fatal in this game and very frustrating.


Gold Member
Or they can save money instead and even forget this thing exist.

And for the love of god, don't make the devs work at arrowhead like someone suggested, insomniac seems a better place to reunite these people, let's not infect other actually good studios please.
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Or they can save money instead and even forget this thing exist.

And for the love of god, don't make the devs work at arrowhead like someone suggested, insomniac seems a better place to reunite these people, let's not infect other actually good studios please.
Insomniac is a bad studio now?


Wellp, none of that justifies a new game, and the audience clearly chose already.
It sort of is if their intention was to make a Sony owned direct competitor to Overwatch. The gameplay is solid, at least I feel it is after putting in quite a few hours for 2 weekends. Its just unfortunate that its riddled with odd design choices. Why would The First Descendant exist if we already have Warframe for years? Competition. Firewalk took a shot and it looks like they missed.

What I dont understand is how much hate this game is generating. Sure you can hate DEI agenda, but to wish people to get laid off? Wow.
So I jump on Concord right before the open beta ends. I sort of had this "Let me make sure I don't like this game" mentality.

First game on...was awesome. Both teams played together. Teams were evenly matched, no one left. Pace was slow and tactical, most rounds went into overtime. It was exactly how I imagined Firewalk wanted the game to be played.

Second game team plays like kittens being dumped out of a cardboard box.

That's the problem with Concord. Most games there's zero cohesion with your crew. Very few people are on mic. Very few people pick the correct team composition. Very few people stay with their team. The problem with Concord is they made a team based "strategy fighter" where no one plays as a team. If you look to Battle Royale, MOBA's, or even other 5v5 hero shooters, you can see a significantly higher level of team cohesion. Concord is bombing because there's very little incentive to play as a team.

Eight fixes that will encourage teamplay and give Concord a pulse...

1. Steer your players to RIVALRY mode. It's clearly what the game was designed around. The other modes dilute the experience and teach players incorrect habits.

2. RIVARLY has to be bumped up to 5 or 6 round wins for victory. First to 4 goes by too fast.

3. Stop giving XP rewards out to the losing team. Incentivize winning. The beta (perhaps by design) had the worst progression system I've ever seen.

4. Voice lines should teach players core concepts of the game. Tanks should say "Drop that heal pad near me and stay close." Flankers should say "Let me get into position before you push."

5. Put a map in front of the player so we can more easily coordinate with teammates. "Let's go A route. Roka, you stay on top of B and cover us." On this map, show every wall, heal disc, spore, and dome that your teammates have dropped. Switch to this map automatically after you've selected your character.

6. Incentivize winning by creating difficult challenges that reward teams in clever ways. Example: If your crew wins 5 matches in a row, a new map enters rotation where only 5 win streak teams can play on.

7. Give players a Match MVP designation for outperforming teammates. Fix KDR feed so we know who is performing and who isn't.

8. Go F2P ASAP.

It's time for Concord to take off.

Why do you care about this specific game so much? There's other gaas hero shooters releasing soon that look more interesting.


It sort of is if their intention was to make a Sony owned direct competitor to Overwatch. The gameplay is solid, at least I feel it is after putting in quite a few hours for 2 weekends. Its just unfortunate that its riddled with odd design choices. Why would The First Descendant exist if we already have Warframe for years? Competition. Firewalk took a shot and it looks like they missed.

What I dont understand is how much hate this game is generating. Sure you can hate DEI agenda, but to wish people to get laid off? Wow.
A lot of those people (on Gaf) were also defending a certain company who has been going through a very rough period, so it seems like Concord flopping has led to a culmination of build up emotions.


It's the most woke infected out of all sony studios.

Maybe not bad, but not the same insomniac of spidey 2018 or better ratchet and clank games.

If resetera is useful for something, is keeping all the crazy cuckoos in one place, insomniac could serve the same role, but for woke devs :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
Lol maybe.
Can't really comment on their games, I don't like their games outside of Resistance Fall of Men.


You are jumping into the beta of a game that no one really cares about and most people are trying with less than half-assed commitment and complaining that a bunch of randoms aren't doing proper teamwork like you would like.
Chances are no one gave a shit except you.

Also, some of these suggestions (like "don't give exp to losers to encourage winning!" and "replace voice banters between characters with in-game instructions about playing properly") sound genuinely demented.
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If it fails to meet sales goals I guarantee they’ll make it F2P, and they probably have a monetary contingency model in place for that possibility.
Protip, they will never in a trillion years redesign the characters because that would be an admission that "tHe ChUdS" were right. And these people would rather light their entire studio on fire than do that.

So let them.


It is a Sony first party exclusive must play title. It needs no saving, troll.

I swear you have the most bizarre posts. You are directing this at the biggest live service fanboy known to man. He is coping.

It's like Nintendo drops Star Fox Zero, the people weeping hardest are Nintendo fans, and driving by with "It's a Nintendo first party title it needs nothing, trolls". Mind-blowing


Gold Member
Protip, they will never in a trillion years redesign the characters because that would be an admission that "tHe ChUdS" were right. And these people would rather light their entire studio on fire than do that.

So let them.
Yeah, character redesign is never gonna happen because it's basically like admitting that their whole shitty policy for the past 4 years has been dead wrong.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I swear you have the most bizarre posts. You are directing this at the biggest live service fanboy known to man. He is coping.

It's like Nintendo drops Star Fox Zero, the people weeping hardest are Nintendo fans, and driving by with "It's a Nintendo first party title it needs nothing, trolls". Mind-blowing

I have full trust in Sony that they know what they are doing, and this will be the next great hit.
Does it need to be organized?

Seriously, it's like watching Muslims and Christians argue about religion and trying to tell them they actually believe in the same god.
Its not though.

Perhaps it's just that the game isn't very good.

Doesn't make for good argument material though does it?
Well, given that very few on PC gave it a chance, how would they even know? Don’t know if I’d call it a boycott, though. More like aggressive disinterest.
It just never looked good. That and the price of entry is what turned people off most. There's definitely some that didn't like the pronoun thing but if the characters looked cool they would have gotten over it.

Death by a thousand cuts imo.


I am just being positive and supportive of Sony.

At least give this game a chance. It has yet to be released properly.

Buddy, OP's attempt to find a way to save this burning fireball IS the support, and we thought THAT was sad and funny.

But no, the games last most ardent fans looking for a way to save it in desperation, must actually be trolls for even acknowledging that a problem exists. It's like a massive elephant in the room you can't see, intentionally or otherwise.
It sort of is if their intention was to make a Sony owned direct competitor to Overwatch. The gameplay is solid, at least I feel it is after putting in quite a few hours for 2 weekends. Its just unfortunate that its riddled with odd design choices. Why would The First Descendant exist if we already have Warframe for years? Competition. Firewalk took a shot and it looks like they missed.

What I dont understand is how much hate this game is generating. Sure you can hate DEI agenda, but to wish people to get laid off? Wow.

The main issue isnt even the DEI.

Its trying to copy overwatch without adding any sort of innovation. They could have made it 3v3v3, different classes, but no...everything is as generic as it can be, if AI made an OW clone, this would be it. Thats why the game is getting hate, its not unique in any way, and not worth your time let alone your 40€.

What I dont get is someone trying to defend this, this represents exacly what is wrong with the industry. They keep making the same gayme over and over, just making it more gay. Maybe the tens of millions they spent on SBI, should have gone to art department.

I'm 100% convinced the gaming industry is largely a money laundering scheme, because they cant be this tone deaf.
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Gold Member
I haven't played Concord, but even if they fixed the gameplay, look at the peak playerbase. They aren't even getting people to try it. Because the entire concept, premise, character roster, etc., are all just totally unappealing. I don't think there is any way to save this game barring a total reworking of all the characters, the PVP focus, everything.
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