Between the DNC lunacy, and people like this I am genuinely wondering if a third of society have lost their damn brain oozing out of their ears...or are the rest of just delusional and seeing a simulation in real time?!?
It failed and you have the reasons, millions told you the reasons...upon reasons
You nixed the dark fantasy and rpg elements of its predecessors for Fortnite colors and safe boring designs inoffensively dull!
the landscape (while beautiful) were linear and boring with little to find or seek out
The story was dull, it was generic and the villain was practically lifted from DA2 (or inquisition I forget)
The senseless DEI garbage that makes a character a joke and memorable for the wrong reasons
The Marvel-esqe humor that was tired after the Avengers...the 1st one
The blatant hypocrisy, if Tassha were a male character (fyi he is) as in a Cis male as the too far gone would say and pulled this
Resetera and those similar to them see above and sadly most of the gaming industry and yes that includes "gaming journalism" would have prepared a Noose for the misogynistic, chauvinist Neanderthals' who was responsible and expect an apology tour from the entire game studio and yes that includes "game journalists"

demands as well
and FYI I'm sorry to everyone for having to watch that...