Donut Operator says it's legit.
So allow us to now review the revised events based on the stories. The husband shot them as soon as they came in the door but after that they still went to the bedroom to drag her out of bed while she was asleep since they didn't care about getting shot and she slept through gunfire. Then they pistol whipped her for what seemed like an endless amount of time, demanded crypto and allowed her to text that she was being held at gunpoint to all her followers because they were fine with that but would have killed her if she tried to contact authorities. Then after all this they just randomly left without securing anything and in a house full of physical goods didn't even bother to take anything on the way out. Not to mention these armed criminals decided to just get shot without returning fire.
But then there is the new video too so we need to review that and not just the stories. An unmasked woman with a striking resembelance to her is leading three men into the house telling them it is in here. During this there are two dogs wagging their tails and appearing playful as if they are familiar with the people instead of any signs of aggression or being protective. After entering the house we hear "gunfire" that sounds straight out of a video game that makes less noise than the woman that told them it is in here and is so quiet the dogs outside have absolutely no reaction. We then see the three men running out of the house like Benny Hill while the woman that lead them in just stayed back to hang apparently. The dogs outside show that the video isn't sped up or skipped ahead so we know that the time between the men entering the house and running out comedically is exactly 10 seconds.
So let us return to the stories after the new video and merge them together. In a mere 10 seconds we had one unmasked woman and three masked men enter the house, get shot by the husband who just happened to be right at the door armed, not care about getting shot, make their way to a bedroom, drag a sleeping woman out of a bed, pistol whip her for what seemed like an endless amount of time which she was blocking with her boxing training until her hands turned brown, demand crypto, hold her at gunpoint, allow her to text all her followers about what was happening and then the three men comedically ran out of the house securing nothing while the unmasked woman stayed to hang out. Now I'm no criminal expert by any means but I'm going to go out on a limb and say all of this would take a lot longer than 10 seconds.
Edit: Based on the wording maybe some of that supposedly happened before that video started but still doesn't add up. She isn't bleeding from her head or anything and isn't running like somebody injured like she claims. And if they were after crypto why would they need to be lead outside and then into another part of the house where the husband just happened to be waiting armed to shoot them with his very quiet gun (No muzzle flash either). And again the dogs showing no signs of protection/aggression. With her history and the fact the story is already changing I just can't give her the benefit of the doubt.
Oh and there are supposedly three armed men on the loose that could be a public risk and there seems to be no sign of a police report, statement etc.