It does but for some reason when I played it, it was weird with the analog sticks. Anything straight forward and I'd still walk even though a slight tilt would let me run at full speed, albeit at an angle.yes it supports the 360 pad.
Really? I could've sworn I've heard otherwise...
People seem to be recommending Bully here but it's only got a 72 on metacritic. I'm torn on whether to buy it....
People seem to be recommending Bully here but it's only got a 72 on metacritic. I'm torn on whether to buy it....
Bully wore out its welcome pretty quickly, here. Core game mechanics weren't that great, heavy emphasis on minigames to break things up, but the minigames weren't particularly interesting either. Strict scheduling windows for activities when you have massively accelerated base time is a major annoyance. Dunno how the world design is remarkable in the least.
I can largely echo that. Also, I don't know whether you need to be from the US or not for the theme to work? I am familiar with the clichés (nerds vs jocks, etc, blabla), they just didn't work for me, apart from some neat lines. Jimmy is a massive idiot, too, which was kinda off-putting.Bully wore out its welcome pretty quickly, here. Core game mechanics weren't that great, heavy emphasis on minigames to break things up, but the minigames weren't particularly interesting either. Strict scheduling windows for activities when you have massively accelerated base time is a major annoyance. Dunno how the world design is remarkable in the least.
could people elaborate why many say it's the best rockstar game ever? maybe i'll revisit. i really agree with evillore.
Bully is the best thing Rockstar ever made.
People always forget about Body Harvest.[IMG]
People always forget about Body Harvest.[/QUOTE]
If you're going to that era, nothing beat Uniracers.
if you liked the Harry Potter games ( games 1-3) you will like Bully.
yeah i got bored of bully pretty fast, when i unlocked the city you could go to (so maybe a couple hours?). it just wasn't that fun to me.
could people elaborate why many say it's the best rockstar game ever? maybe i'll revisit. i really agree with evillore.
if you liked the Harry Potter games ( games 1-3) you will like Bully.
Bully wasn't fun at all for me. Save the $3.74 towards something else
I'm quite serious :| it's the closest thing you can compare the game too (except maybe combat), btw I think the early HP games were pretty good.
Sounds like that's the problem. Not sure why it's applicable to anyone else though.
According to the Steam store page Assassin's Creed: Revelations has been released however in my library I can't proceed beyond pre-load complete. Is anyone else experiencing this?
cs:go beta is out
Have you restarted Steam?
cs:go beta is out
Because there are probably people with tastes similiar to his own?
That'd make sense if there were more of an argument for people to relate to. What are people that have similar tastes to his supposed to get out of a statement like that?Because there are probably people with tastes similiar to his own?
Yep, only with Bully with a wired 360 controller. Never happens in any other game, so I'm considering just kb/m-ing it instead.Anybody got that problem with the pc port?