Well, the episode was awesome.
Sounded more like the Equestrian hymn than a christmas carol.
I hope fan artist create the real queen ponies of the old Equestria (and their helpers). I would like to see how people do them. Would they adults as celestia and luna?
Why? I want to watch one of this days the whole series and want to know what it has in common with this last episodes.
A lot of MLP episodes have been kind of confirming that it takes place in a post apocalyptic Earth.
They still have human devices and languages.
It's full of mystical creatures and magic.
Equestria is obviously in the same realm as Ooo.
Well they are both broadcast by Cartoon Network here so they could make a crossover...
Well, MLP is in the little children CN channel
At least a crossover showing the good of both would stop some conflicts, some of the circles ive been hate MLP if they love Adventure Time and vice versa, and usually any of those has watched the other series.
Makes sense.
I mean, the Rainicorn/Dog war left both sides bitter.
Ooh, Adventure Time and MLP...mmm best of my current favorite shows (although I would have to include both Regular Show and Phineas and Ferb to a certain extent..though those are not set in a post-apocalyptic Earth =p)
Odd, the third time I have heard about such a thing. One admittedly through my sister who thought the Ice King made his horse from 'The Eyes' episode off of Derpy's design. (although I am sure Adventure Time came first...but I only started on the series as soon as Season Three started).
Anyway, I should get a MLP avatar soon, I do like my old NMH2 avy, but I suppose it's time to look for another.
Marry me.
I don't think you could deal with my particular kinks...=p Though in regards to said avatar discussion, I was considering getting a pony designed after Travis, but the cutie mark I could not decide on. (either the beam katana or the Bizzare Jelly girls =p)
Anyways, I'll stop for now...WAY off topic. I wish my dang scanner worked, as I have a few drawings my sister did which I find cute
If you don't mind a cop-out and incredibly reaching answer, they could have just designed the flag to incorporate all the parts of the three races to signify the harmony and it just happened to look like Celestia and Luna. The real answer depends on Celestia's origin. They say it's before her rule, not before she existed so she might have been a deity or concept that they worshipped but not one that actually ruled them yet.My only complaint:Then again, this is a play and may not be entirely accurate. Especially with kids in the audience.Where do Celestia and Luna come into play? They were on the flag at the end.
My only complaint:Then again, this is a play and may not be entirely accurate. Especially with kids in the audience.Where do Celestia and Luna come into play? They were on the flag at the end.
Celestia and Luna were originally pagan goddesses. The current beings we know as Celestia and Luna are actually brutal dictators that styled their coming to power after ancient pony myths.
unicorns controlling the weather prior to celestias reign of terror sure does make it hard for imperials like forester to explain away her tyrannical side.
pinkie pie is dropping bombs on the flat earth society
But where do Celestia and Luna come from?
The sun and moon can be raised and lowered just fine without Celestia and Luna, ergo why do they have so much political power?
Pony society would function just as well with democracy.
Prior to this episode, you could say "well ponies need the sisters to raise the sun and moon, which is really important, so they get to be princesses for being the only ones who provide such an important service" but now?
DrForester's excuses get more and more desperate as evidence keep piling up against the monarchy.Not like Unicorns all have equal magical power. And I imagine raising the sun and the moon is pretty difficult magic that takes a lot out of a Unicorn. So you have the kind Celesita and Luna to do the work with their superior Alicorn magic. Also lets them corral all the jerk Unicorns in Canterlot away from all the other ponies who love to be friends and have a good time.
DrForester's excuses get more and more desperate as evidence keep piling up against the monarchy.
Hitler was democratically elected too.Ponyville has a mayor. That would indicate some democracy exists.
Hitler was democratically elected too.
Hitler was democratically elected too.
We all know the "democracy" Ponyville has is just a façade set up by Celestia and her liege to give the inhabitants of the city an illusion of freedom. Besides, what duties does the mayor of Ponyville have beyond being toastmaster at events and (half-arsedly) wrap-up winter?So what you're saying is that the Monarchy is a good thing and people who want Pony Democracy are Nazi's?
We all know the "democracy" Ponyville has is just a façade set up by Celestia and her liege to give the inhabitants of the city an illusion of freedom. Besides, what duties does the mayor of Ponyville have beyond being toastmaster at events and (half-arsedly) wrap-up winter?
The mayor is a powerless figurehead.
I'm surprised that Twilight Sparkle wasn't elected mayor after that mishap.
We all know the "democracy" Ponyville has is just a façade set up by Celestia and her liege to give the inhabitants of the city an illusion of freedom. Besides, what duties does the mayor of Ponyville have beyond being toastmaster at events and (half-arsedly) wrap-up winter?
The mayor is a powerless figurehead.
I'm surprised that Twilight Sparkle wasn't elected mayor after that mishap.
She's also nearly destroyed the town on several occasions...
And defeated Discord and Nightmare Moon (with the help of her friends).
Celestia mind wipes ponies randomly, leaving only the memory of horror?
And you want people to like her?
It's more so Twilight and Friends can continue to lead a normal life.
And now we touch on the subject of favoritism and preferential treatment.