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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


Ok, I'll interpret it as agreement then. I sure won't still be humming this at random times in 25 years. (for reference, I'm not even humming it now)

Yes. That's what I meant :p

But I was ust giving it as an example why I think the soundtrack is outstanding.


Unconfirmed Member
DSP on Groose: "Aaaaand he's a useless character. Another useless character in a Zelda game, what a surprise."

Ohohohohohoh, you're in for a surprise, my stupid friend.

Oh God, that guy.


Speaking of Beamos: those are fun to kill but it took me forever to figure out what to do with those hunter/killer drones in the desert dungeon.


For some reason I never though to start using the arrows on the beamos after getting the bow, and just keep doing "slash-slash-stab" for the longest time.

Beam using arrows on beamos since the 90s and I didn't think of it. So lame.
For some reason I never though to start using the arrows on the beamos after getting the bow, and just keep doing "slash-slash-stab" for the longest time.

Beam using arrows on beamos since the 90s and I didn't think of it. So lame.

That worked in the Mines but later on the arrows was easier to do, especially with multiple ones in the same room. Too much damage


Fuck this game, fuck its shity boss battles and fuck motion control.

I have been the biggest Zelda fan for years and have loved motion controls in almost every game I have played with them but this game is just too much!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Fuck this game, fuck its shity boss battles and fuck motion control.

I have been the biggest Zelda fan for years and have loved motion controls in almost every game I have played with them but this game is just too much!

How far in are you? I don't remember if you've posted in here much, but my big tip with motion control is "slow down"


How far in are you? I don't remember if you've posted in here much, but my big tip with motion control is "slow down"

I have not posted in here before as I'm trying to avoid spoiler, trying to keep the experience as fresh as possible.

Near the end I think just taking what his name (begins with a g) on for the 3rd time, I have despised every battle with this guy.

I have manage to get past most of the boss battle but taking this ass hole on for the 3rd time is just too much.


I have not posted in here before as I'm trying to avoid spoiler, trying to keep the experience as fresh as possible.

Near the end I think just taking what his name (begins with a g) on for the 3rd time, I have despised every battle with this guy.

I have manage to get past most of the boss battle but taking this ass hole on for the 3rd time is just too much.

It's ok, I'm sure you've done plenty of things 3 times already by now. *_*


he's Virgin Tight™
I have not posted in here before as I'm trying to avoid spoiler, trying to keep the experience as fresh as possible.

Near the end I think just taking what his name (begins with a g) on for the 3rd time, I have despised every battle with this guy.

I have manage to get past most of the boss battle but taking this ass hole on for the 3rd time is just too much.

But that's one of the best boss battles :-|! If anything motion controls work perfect for that fight


I have not posted in here before as I'm trying to avoid spoiler, trying to keep the experience as fresh as possible.

Near the end I think just taking what his name (begins with a g) on for the 3rd time, I have despised every battle with this guy.

I have manage to get past most of the boss battle but taking this ass hole on for the 3rd time is just too much.

If you're trying to
break his sword
just slow down and let him move it before attacking again.


That particular boss battle was very enjoyable despite being so easy. Take udivision's advice by the way. I orignially made the mistake of attacking too quickly without paying enough attention to the movements of the boss.


So, I'm done. Overall I'd rate it 7/10. With better tech maybe 8/10. For every good thing there are two things to hate. I played Amnesia right before Zelda and Portal 2 right after it / at the same time. Maybe those two games tainted my Zelda impression because they really shine where Zelda completly fails. The only moment where the story got interesting though was the ending. That's very nice. Good things were the sprint button and just the overall feeling of running around with Link (
which was way better when I got the Hylian shield...weird, eh?

While by no means a bad game I hope Nintendo will never again make a Zelda which is similar to this one (I know they do though because most of you loved it, it's just my wish). For my next Zelda I want upgraded tech, completly different flow of the game, a BELIEVABLE word (the Skyward Sword one is absurd in so many ways) where the gameplay is a logical part of the overall world, somehow, propoer storytelling and not only characters who make weird noises like they are...whatever. Oh, and if there is a more reliable motion tech than WM+ next gen I think Zelda should stick with motion controls. But not WM+ again, please, calibration issues weren't so great and selecting something which was beneath your calibration position was a pain in the ass.

For you guys I got around 175 beautiful shots of my playthrough here, HD and some wallpaper material I guess. Beware the spoilers!! http://www.abload.de/gallery.php?key=rRFgCUFE

Overall, I wanna close this with a pic which perfectly sums up my feelings for this game, for Nintendo in the past 2-3 years and, in a strange way, this game as well (in a nutshell)

Just finished about an hour ago. Loved it. That's not to say some things didn't disappoint me. Even with that being said, very few of those disappointments actually really bothered me. It felt more like missed opportunities than disappointments.
I got a few things to say.
1) Go back to motion controls. Lets be honest. We are still going to get traditional zelda controls via. handhelds. And even if the next console zelda goes back to the traditional route, I hope they bring it back. [As long as they fix the DAMN Stabbing]

2) I swear if Ghirahim is not in the next Smash Bros i'm going to throw the biggest fit.

3) I can't believe some of you are disappointed with the music. There were a few that I felt were missed opportunities going midi instead of real instrumentals but that was very few. I enjoyed almost all of the music, orchestral and midi. I'm not the one to judge music by saying i can't hum it. Some of the tracks are very complex and interesting with a lot of cool layers of sounds going on. The use of Dynamic music was also awesome and makes me mad that the reason they didn't use orchestral in Ocarina of Time 3d is because they said it couldn't be done[or at least done well]


@Thrakier Playing on Dolphin and complaining the M+ didn't work so well isn't really fair, considering the Wii hardware works a lot better (in my experience, and that of others). I won't argue your opinions though, even if I disagree, each to their own. Great screenshots however, thanks! You've got some really great ones :)

@chronos4590 I've seen a few people complain about stabbing now. I never had a problem with it? A quick thrust forward worked every time. Maybe getting caught up in the heat of battle and being too frantic screwed up a bit?
And yeah haha, Ghirahim HAS to be in the next Smash Bros. He's the perfect addition. And +1 on the music remarks, I loved it.


@Thrakier Playing on Dolphin and complaining the M+ didn't work so well isn't really fair, considering the Wii hardware works a lot better (in my experience, and that of others). I won't argue your opinions though, even if I disagree, each to their own. Great screenshots however, thanks! You've got some really great ones :)

That's not my experience. And I only know one guy who made a proper comparison and said that there is a *small* difference, enough people who claim it's the same and besides...enough people who complain about calibration issues and stuff like that who are solely playing on wii. Just read this thread. So I think even if dolphin may play a part, WM+ certainly isn't perfect technology. I may get killed now by some people but I even thought that the Gladiator Sports game thingy with Playstation Move actually worked better...it's hard to compare though since SS is 3rd Person. Btw, I think that's part of the problem anyway. Links movement are still just a interpretation of your live movement, so it's bound to have issues here and there and a little lag. It can't be perfect 1.1 anyway. Though that wouldn't be possible with 1st person as well I guess.

Also I think that some people who are complaining about the WM+ integration in Dolphin probably play Dolphin on their monitor and sit very close to the sensor bar. This results in problems. If you read the dolphin forums, there is not much complaining. So even if there is any mesurable difference, I wouldn't say it's in the ballpark of "a lot".


Kinda feel like I fucked up by giving the
letter to the toilet hand

Only in that you'll now get one of the creepiest moments in any zelda game ever. Seriously, it's a bit rapey.

Hating on things is his job. That said, his criticisms are valid and these are all things that would turn off a person who was already disenchanted (or had never been enchanted) with Zelda.


And honestly, while there's a lot of really great stuff in this game (and I absolutely disagree with the notion that this is 'the same game' as OoT), I really just can't say I'm likely to be gung ho about the next Zelda at all at this point. Stuff is going entirely in the wrong direction and it just seems like it's going to get worse.

This was kind of a last chance for Zelda for me, much as I've loved it since the very first one, after the atrociously boring mess that I think Twilight Princess was. Sacred cow that it might be in Zelda threads on neogaf.

The last really great Zelda game in my books was Majora's Mask. The last really good one was Wind Waker. Everything else in the 3d era has just become too linear, too handholdy, and too... I don't even know how to describe it, but maybe wannabe epic fits the bill.


I can't imagine anybody would have expected Yahtzee to actually like the game anyway, so moving on...

Just finished about an hour ago. Loved it. That's not to say some things didn't disappoint me. Even with that being said, very few of those disappointments actually really bothered me. It felt more like missed opportunities than disappointments.
I got a few things to say...

The bolded is I guess the best way to put my overall feelings after having finished the game on Sunday. I would definitely say I enjoyed my experience with the game overall, there are a number of things that I really like about it, but they do come with the caveat that there are a bunch of minor complaints and missed chances. None of them on their own are enough to really break the experience for me, but there are too many of them for me to just leave them unaccounted for.

Storyline wise Skyward Sword takes some really positive steps, I thought that the characters animated and emoted very well and were written well too as far as their lines (Fi being the exception, I suppose). Link finally feels more like a real character, and this game gives me easily my favorite Zelda villain in the series with Ghirahim, as well as the best renditions of Zelda and Impa yet seen. Overall I'd say it flowed well, with the exception of one big (to me) missed opportunity: the loftwings.
So much is made in the early part of the game of how Link's loftwing is rare and special, and how the bond between the two of them is somehow unusually strong and unique. You...really never get that sense, though. I would have at least loved seeing his redwing swoop down below the clouds to bail Link out at one point or something, anything to show some degree of personality or demonstration of that connection Gaepora speaks of.

The sky in general also feels like a ton of wasted potential. Flying is fun enough but it loses its luster a lot once it sinks in that there's nowhere to really fly to. Part of that is just from my own expectations of it being this game's version of Wind Waker's Great Sea, but I don't think that's accurate. I may be in the minority but even for the long stretches of inactivity in the sea, I still prefer that to the sky because you could easily pick a square of the map, sail there, and know that you'll at least find something there. I never got any sense of exploring the sky.

Most of my other complaints are just a matter of interface and streamlining. If Nintendo wants to bring back the treasure and selling systems, please implement a quicker way of doing it. Only being able to deal three or four items per day is a needless restriction, and doing it all through the conversation tree mechanic actually deterred me from making full use of any of it. The same goes for everyone in the bazaar having to re-explain their purpose every time you go there, or the repeated messages every time you start the game and find an amber relic. Nintendo has done a wonderful job with the graphics and music, but there's more to the front-facing presentation of the game that they still need to work on, and yes I do include voice acting in with this, at least for the more important cutscenes.

But despite my roadbumps, I really did enjoy the combat, the adventure pouch and upgrade systems, Link's improved mobility, and much else. Even during some annoying spots I felt compelled to continue playing and see what came up next, which is something I did not experience in Twilight Princess. I think the inclusion of fixed save points might have actually had a lot to do with this. It's a very well-done game and I'm happy to have it, but it does feel dated in many ways too and I'm already left daydreaming about what might be once they take on the Wii-U.
I'm about to call it quits with the game entirely.
The Imprisoned boss fights are some of the most tedious, frustrating sequences I've experienced in a game all year. And they make you do it three fucking times (maybe more?).

It's been a largely disappointing Zelda game for me in terms of dungeon/overworld design and general aesthetics anyway, but the motion control implementation is just not where it needs to be. I would've preferred a Twilight Princess option.

And I'm done with the unskippable dialogue, constant hints and watching 8 second long animations of Link opening and closing doors. Done with it.


Holy Crap I was watching this and saw that you are able to run up and over the big red fat mokoblin's shield and get behind them. Wow.
(Its a little after half way in the video.)


Just finished the post-dungeons six areas that people complain about a lot:

Tadtones were annoying, but I kind of liked them. It would have been much better if there was a path to follow that became increasingly more difficult as time went on.

Eldin Volcano was a great idea, I just wish there was a bit more to it. The stealth seemed underutilized and I feel like the puzzles could have been taken a step further.

Everything about Lanayru was perfect. As it always it.

Anyone else find it weird that you can't ask Fi what the names of the Parella are underwater? The only one that ever gets named is Jellyf. They really served little purpose in the game compared to every other race.


Gold Member
WOW...dungeon 5's boss battle was the best one so far!!!

Im back in the volcano area on my quest for flame powerup #3 for my sword. After just doing the last one, im glad the silent realm trials are over. Its a cool thing, but by the time the 3rd one came around i was sick of doing them. Once i get the 3rd flame powerup, how much more of the game is left?


Did anyone find the second fight with ghirahim as fun as i did...man that was a blast. whats next...anyone tell me what to expect coming up?
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