H3rTz DoNuT
Yeah, you'll get the stash where you can keep all your stuff but it's not too big, only 155 items. You'll get access to it when you get your first house in Canneroc 
So guys I only just started playing but does there turn out to be a place in the game where you can store and keep all of your stuff? I only ask because I'm already running out of inventory space and I don't want to get rid of most of the cool stuff that I got.
I got the DLC pack and I also seem to have gotten some Mass Effect gear (which is pretty f'n cool if you ask me) while this stuff is OP for the start of the game really I'm totally loving the combat system, it absolutely totally rocks my world to pieces, I can't get enough of fighting, all I want to do is FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT just because it's so much fun to beat the shit out of things and there is SO MUCH variety to it because there are so many different weapon types, and if you're good enough you can avoid getting hit really easily, I freakin love it.
It's definitely not open world like Skyrim like RoninChaos is talking about, just a series of connected 'segmented' lands, but I'm okay with that. I don't know if any of you have followed the Skyrim threads but I have been so absolutely Skyrim obsessed over the last three months, it has consumed my life absolutely and completely, however I've simply dropped it because of it's unreliability so I'm going to play a few other things and allow the modding scene to mature a bit before I go back so that HOPEFULLY it will be a bit more reliable by the time I am ready to return to it's midst. This is a perfect change of pace. The areas are in general large enough for me, but they are more guided, I like that, that way the game designer can control which set pieces you arrive upon and when, because you can't exactly just go to the endgame parts of the game right at the start, I can tell what it's going to be like and I'm so excited to embark on this grand adventure.
You know when you're at the start of one of those Action RPG's and you're fighting the shitty little bugs and bandits and you're already whooping fukn arse because you've levelled up twice and it's all lush and nice and green and pretty and the world around you is beautiful and the war of the land hasn't reached you yet and really you're just burning yourself in on the weaklings around you while you get used to the game? Well that's exactly what this is. I can just imagine that as things progress I'm slowly going to delve deeper and deeper into the dark lands until by the end I will be this monster kick arse powerful beat arse machine with big black clouds in the sky and fire raining down and giant bosses to kick arse upon with all the progression that comes in between and lots of little twigs and branches off the side along the way.
It's like they've gone 'okay, lets take the most typical and standard fantasy style rpg formula you can find and make the BEST one of those games yeh'?
I can't speak for how I will feel about the game however many hours I will have played it down the line, but right now I'm itching to play it while I'm typing this and I didn't get that itching feeling with Skyrim... at last not to this extent. The itch from this game is coming from the combat system, the itch from Skyrim came from... the beauty of the world... it's interesting that they're both so different in that regard, yet this is still such a beautiful game in such a different style, and I can REALLY crank the processing and AA to make it look as clean as possible.
Also yeah fighting system is pretty good for an open world RPG :thumbs up. Just too easy, would be more satisfying with a half a challenge.
It's not the player's fault if they're simply doing what the game tells them to do. How popular do you think World of Warcraft would be if you could simply pick a stat and overpower it beyond belief? You can't, because they cap all the stats. If you're giving me rings and necklaces with +health and +mana on them and then give me gear with all kinds of gem slots, I'm gonna fill those god damned gem slots. Its the job of the developer to balance the game in such a way that I can't destroy the game simply by playing it.
Yup. It's a great combat system, but there are just far too few challenging encounters.
It's probably why I liked the House of Valor "challenge board" quests so much. The only time you're really forced into challenging melee combat.
I'm coming up to the House of Valor is. But I'm level 30 already and still haven't even done almost any of the Desert, only 75% of the Plains and the 100% of the Forest I could find. I walk around basically nude with only my dagger and bow and I still am beast mode even on hard mode... I hope this quest offers the challenge you're talking about. Would be a joy
]Refresh my memory but do most WRPGs get lambasted for having "broken" difficulty as much as Amalur seems to be getting?[/B]
I'm not remembering seeing comments like these about similar games that had just as breakable of systems. I crafted some pretty wild gear and was practically uninjurable in both Two Worlds games, was able to come up with some untouchable builds in stuff like Sacred and Titan Quest... were they derided for having broken systems?
I just want to be able to put up a legitimate fight with my fists. They barely do anything! I want to jump kick threshes and uppercut tuatha in slow motion!
Spears be damned!
You shouldn't have to, but you do, so do it. Or don't. Reckoning is a balancing act between maintaining challenge and utilizing every resource available to you. As I've said, it's not ideal, but it is what it is. This is an issue that needs to be fixed, this balancing, but it's not yet. I've never presented gimping oneself as anything other than a temporary solution until proper balancing arrives, even if that's in a sequel.Exactly.
I lack the self control/moral fortitude required to self regulate myself in games, and why should I have to? I am loving Reckoning, but find myself waning (Level 30 - All factions done, lots of side quests done, couple main quests to go) due to owning all in fights by a long shot. I haven't maxed out Blacksmith or Sage yet either, no where near actually.. more out of liking Persuasion and Detect Hidden too much, but I can only imagine the furious wrath brought down on Tuatha heads by those who have.. it would be ridiculous..
Don't get me wrong, I think the combat is excellent.. it's just it could be so much better and people are passionate about this new IP, so all the requests and pleading for another difficulty setting should be seen by the devs as massive props. If people didn't love the game world, they wouldn't be petitioning so passionately for an update.
Now, I'm back off to do the rest of the main quest and grab a coffee... good times.
Anyone here actually fail a quest yet? I didn't even know it was possible until last night when I checked out my stats. 103 quests completed/0 quests failed.
Anyone here actually fail a quest yet? I didn't even know it was possible until last night when I checked out my stats. 103 quests completed/0 quests failed.
after beating the main quest i wanted to do some more faction quests, but it wasn't that cool feeling from before cause a lot of enemies where grey - so no XP and no challenge at all. i also don't understand the scaling of the enemies, cause some were grey but some were green. it doesn't matter anyway cause all non boss enemies are dead after pressing "A" twice.
Anyone here actually fail a quest yet? I didn't even know it was possible until last night when I checked out my stats. 103 quests completed/0 quests failed.
Anyone here actually fail a quest yet? I didn't even know it was possible until last night when I checked out my stats. 103 quests completed/0 quests failed.
why does the game such a good combat system when it lacks the skilled and tough enemies?
Very disappointed with the Aster Inheritance quest. A bunch of cloudy shards and common equipment? Come on now.
Anyone here actually fail a quest yet? I didn't even know it was possible until last night when I checked out my stats. 103 quests completed/0 quests failed.
There's a fun quest to fail right near the start. It's the girl that shows you where the travellers are located but first you have to help her recreate a ballad by summoning a Troll. The troll drops a necklace that the girl wants (nice purple-level necklace). What I did was summon the troll, and then ran next to the girl, who proceeded to try to beat the troll and I sat back and watched her get owned. Once she was dead the message Quest Failed appeared, but the troll was still there so I killed him and looted the necklace. All mine.
That's weird because during the quest she was tanking the troll for me and would not die even though she was getting POUNDED. The troll was orange to me on hard difficulty. I just figured npc characters can't die. Good to know..next time I won't let them tank. You can persuade her after to keep the thing so it's definitely worth it to keep her alive for that trophy.
I had a similar experience with that quest. It was all garbage and very much a let down.
I'm starting to feel that way about chests in general. When I first started, chests always presented the opportunity of rare and awesome loot. I'd be excited when I found one, and then be disappointed once I opened it. Now I just assume I'll find a bunch of green gear and crafting supplies, so I just feel the disappointment beforehand which is only dispelled by finding some rare (that I can use).
Honestly, at this point I'm starting to pass up chests. I rarely find anything really useful to me (I hate shadow prisms, even though I always seem to get them as loot). My purple item discovery rate seems to be in the toilet lately, too, and if I do find one it's almost never even close to being better than what I currently have equipped.
I've often wondered about this. There are people in this thread with 15+ unique sets complete, and I've never completed a single one. I've never found more than 3 pieces to a single set, in fact. And very rarely are they sets I can actually use. It sucks that sometimes unique set items show up in chests owned by other people, forcing you to steal if you want them. Good thing I'm currently playing as a thief. If I were the noble paladin sort, I'd have to get my hands dirty if someone's chest contains something unique.I'm 55 hours in an have yet to find a complete set of armor. Am I doing something wrong? It hasn't bothered me that much because the stuff I make from blacksmithing is vastly superior to any set pieces i've found but I just found a chest piece that was better than what I had for the first time and I want to complete the set. Do I have to farm certain locations or something?
Amir0x said:i want to know why the Luck Cave place is booming about like a giant is in a cage inside here stomping around or something. I've done two missions inside this small little place and can see nothing causing the rumbling... there were two collapses (and one collapse blocked off a passage to the back with a small area with no other way in). I wonder what mission is going to solve the mystery of the stomping cave... this shit is weird. It was really cool too because it was just a random ass dungeon for some sidequests, and they're usually pretty rote and predictable. So the second I entered and my controller is vibrating intermittently like a monster is tearing shit up made me excited...
I stopped caring about an item's effectiveness ages ago - it's all about appearances now.
I've often wondered about this. There are people in this thread with 15+ unique sets complete, and I've never completed a single one. I've never found more than 3 pieces to a single set, in fact. And very rarely are they sets I can actually use. It sucks that sometimes unique set items show up in chests owned by other people, forcing you to steal if you want them. Good thing I'm currently playing as a thief. If I were the noble paladin sort, I'd have to get my hands dirty if someone's chest contains something unique.
You know, I've heard that sometimes enemies drop rare set pieces, but I'm not so sure. Not calling anyone a liar, but I've farmed Dalentarth for upwards of 5 hours without getting a single drop of the Perfidious set (or anything rare, for that matter). If it takes longer than that it really isn't worth it in my eyes. It's all completely random.
You know, I've heard that sometimes enemies drop rare set pieces, but I'm not so sure
man i haven't seen a single enemy all those levels above me yet. I don't care about achievements or trophies (in fact I hate that shit), but I was just wondering how to find a beast of that strength at all period. I would love to see an enemy sufficiently powerful enough to be that many levels above me lol
Also, re-asking:
wolrdrevolution said:If you mean 4 levels above you, the general consensus is at the beginning of the game you run all the way east of Gorhart till you find a red enemy (wolves, bandits, whatever) or you lockpick the Gorhart jail and the prisoners in there are red so you can kill them with reckoning. I'm assuming you mean you want some amazingly strong opponent in the natural flow of the game to give you a sense of achievement (literally) when you beat it..but..from what I've read that doesn't seem to be easy. The closest thing I saw to that was the GB quick look where Jeff gets put in jail and the jailers are all red to him. He actually comments that it's the first time he's seen red opponents in the game and he was fairly high level..20s-30s.
Yeah, set drops can be a bitch sometimes. I can find 5 pieces in hour or two and nothing for next 5 hours, it's all luck I guess. The other thing is, if you farm sets you have to check all the chests, hidden doors and other places in the locations you've been to, cause once you enter the location, dungeon or house game puts the items to chests and other storage places that will stay there forever, so one of the pieces might be already stashed somewhere. If you travel to a new location, dungeon, house etc. game puts the items to chests in that very moment and it's all random. Enemies on the other hand get the items in the moment you kill them, the items aren't given to them when you enter the location.
Some places can be very weird, I found a chest in the middle of the public place full of people with the set piece inside and there was no way to steal it without being seen and since I'm a very nice thief and don't want to kill anyone that didn't deserve it, I had to wait over an hour to get the chance to pick it up![]()
I can also confirm that you can get the set drops from the enemies, it's actually how I got most of the sets items so far. I rarely find a set piece stashed somewhere, from all the sets I have, I found maybe 7 pieces in the chests, all the rest were random drops. Some of the Faction sets have permanent location and those can be found in the chests or be given to you.
I know it's not much help but always something![]()
I know the Universalist armor set you gather in secret specific locations throughout the game...
Yeah I'm not worried about it, I kind of figured my only opportunity would have been to start the game and run to some crazy place right off the bat. I was just wondering if it is possible to find any at the point I am, which is lvl 30 and only 75% done with the Plains and 100% done with the Forest... all other regions not explored yet![]()
Think I'll stop farming until I've left Dalentarth for this character - maybe if I stop giving a shit the rare drops will come to me. =)
While it does give +1 to all three trees, it's really a Might/Finesse set. The legs have no stat requirement on them, though they are definitely cloth due to the innate Regen on them.
The bonuses from the first four pieces really does suit Might/Finesse fairly well too.
Off-hand, the post-game dungeon is red until 40, though I don't remember where I read that.
ooo what post game dungeon!?
I just assumed it was Universalist considering its bonus attributes, and the weird disjointed nature of the story behind the armor. Sort of a hodgepodge armor set.
I've opened every treasure chest and skeleton and dead corpse I could find, and i have tons of yellows, but just almost no complete sets.
ooo what post game dungeon!?
That's what I figured too because of the bonuses (well, the full set one) and the lore on it. But then I finished it and it's 2 Might, 2 Finesse, 1 "Sorcery" without the requirement (or any real bonus to it:.Just has the innate Regen and +2 Dispelling
Sad day. But I'll take the other four pieces for my Might/Finesse character!
For what it's worth, my first character through the game is in the same boat for the low level sets. The end-game ones, however, I seem to have almost all of them finished. Not sure if they're more common or just due to the level cap issue I ran into or what.
But, yeah, a lot of the low level sets are hard to finishA shame, really.
It's pretty hard to miss during the story since it's (obviously) blocked off yet marked on the map.
Primordia, it's in the first area of Alabastra.
Anything is helpful - you are the random drop master, Mr. Donut.
Yeah, the first thing I do in any location is greedily scour the countryside for chests, hidden chests, and hidden doors. This is where I've found 100% of my set pieces, actually, since I've never gotten an enemy drop before. One thing you could do is save before entering a dungeon with a chest relatively close to the entrance, go in, check for unique item, and reload if you don't get what you want. The chest inventory resets every time you reload. I've never gotten a set item this way, but it's something that could work in theory.
Think I'll stop farming until I've left Dalentarth for this character - maybe if I stop giving a shit the rare drops will come to me. =)
Doing the save/load thing before entering house/dungeon would work but it would have to be extremely boring and time consuming. I'm also not sure if the dungeons/houses don't have a certain set of items that can be found there. Let's say the certain dungeon has a set of 200 items being use randomly for the chests and hidden stuff. If there is only one gold item in that set of 200 it might take a lot of time to make it appear in the chest by doing load/save. I'm not saying it works this way though...
Here is a proof of random enemies drop, just got it a few seconds ago...
Also going to re-ask:
Is there something I have to do to make the stealth attack button prompt appear? Have a point in Assassination Arts, daggers as main hand, stealth behind fairly weak dudes..
Anyone else have problems getting rid of the House of Ballads set equipment? I can't sell it nor destroy it.
To Mr. Shilling or perhaps any member of the developing team that may read this thread:
I want to report a very, very annoying glitch/bug that happened to my game: the EXP button mashing during reckoning mode just suddenly by itself decided that it doesn't want to work anymore. The reckoning mode itself can still be activated, and I can still collect Fate when felling enemies, and the A button prompt itself still appear and can still be triggered, but when I button mash the EXP modifier, the gauge does not fill.
The worst part? It would seem that this glitch/bug affected my entire save files, since a save file 7 hours prior where I KNOW the EXP modifier still worked suddenly also suffered the same problem. 10 hours worth of gameplay just vanished into thin air (and I was playing on Hard too damn it)
I literally have no idea what might have caused this, since the on my first Finesse/Sorcery 72 hours or so playthrough this bug never reared its ugly head. Now, I actually don't really mind losing that 10 hours or so to start over from the beginning, but can you possibly address what might been the cause of this very annoying glitch/bug? Because I really don't want to invest lots of hours again only for this stuff to happen again.
As I recall there's a GAF member here in this thread that got affected by this glitch/bug, and through browsing your Amalur forum I also found several people also got affected. On the Gamefaqs board I also found a person that got affected by this, and he's a PC player (suggesting that this glitch/bug is not limited to one platform only.)
I am playing with Xbox360, and my character that got affected was focusing on Might/Sorcery hybrid.
Any response is appreciated, thanks.