Ya no kidding got a lot quieter in here...
lol $24 saving on the boxed version, welcome to 2008+
Ya no kidding go a lot quieter in here...
I'm too much of a slacker to carry the thread.
Indeed. Us dirty American peasants have to wait still for the game :|
The last decision I have to make is male or female?
What the hell is this foreground/background max fps setting thingy? Where do I set this crap (have a high-end rig)? I swear, I think developers invent new video settings just to mess with us.
Finally finished my desk! Ready for some D3 loveeee
Ya no kidding got a lot quieter in here...
So am pretty much settled on DH as my main (first playthough)
The last decision I have to make is male or female? By the nature of Diablo 1/2 both my bow classes have been female... plus the female DH seems to be the "canon" one.
But the male DH is pretty badass and suits the name I have picked out better....
Armor sets? Voice over? Anything do help my decision?
as number 2 poster you have to carry us to the goal!
I'm too much of a slacker to carry the thread.
I can play!!
In Australia.
Like a boss. But seriously, beware of bloody socks from stubbed toes on that. Seems like it could hurt.
Beware the risk of bloody stubbed toes.
690 is excessive for a single 1080p monitor. If you're planning to multi-monitor or go mega-monitor, however, go big or go home.
Damn it! I guess I can try lol
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
I miss Yoshi lol
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
Damn it! I guess I can try lol
They must be carried!! It is the only way!!
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
it's up to us to get this thread to OT2 now guys... might have to break posts down to only 1 word..
I too am going DH - going female too. just feels right. plus I dont like the male design. the female's slender physique just fits as a stealthy vaulting (gymnast) assassin.
Again, they aren't doing their job.
Which is a great thing for you, unfortunately the people here take their jobs way too serious.
Damn.. i can take 1 benadryl(sp?) and an hour later i am out for a good 6-8 hours.
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
In this thread PC games whine about having Video options.
In other news: Blizzard needs to learn from Valve and launch their shit on PST.
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
Man, tell me SOME of you guys will be suffering through an eight hour workday tomorrow like me. I'm going to need the company.
My Walmart CE preorder from the other night was removed. But....they did give me a free 10$ e-giftcard for their store.
Guess Ill get the regular version tomorrow...shucks
Still shocked how fast some of the Koreans beat the game, someone just hit level 50 out of 60 lol