What the hell is this foreground/background max fps setting thingy? Where do I set this crap (have a high-end rig)? I swear, I think developers invent new video settings just to mess with us.
D3GAF mostly Europe confirmed?!
So, aside from the first hour, launch turned out ok after all?
So uh.. this is the American thread right now right?
that you can hide them wasn't my point
they are just a line of icons that you have to look at to find the right one, too many and too long of a line can make it annoying to find the one you're searching for.
There must be a better more intuitive way to do it
Watching Live Stream, Game looks fucking gorgeous
/console owner jelly =/
hmm...I may have missed something
I wanted to install this on my mechanical drive and not my SSD. I put the installer on the mechanical but when I installed just now it automatically installed on the SSD. I didn't even see an option to switch![]()
Well, yoshi did post about 8 times each page...
So uh.. this is the American thread right now right?
Finally finished my desk! Ready for some D3 loveeee
D3GAF mostly Europe confirmed?!
Isn't it just the FPS for when you're in-game (foreground) and when you're alt-tabbed/minimized (background)?
Isn't it just the FPS for when you're in-game (foreground) and when you're alt-tabbed/minimized (background)?
Finally finished my desk! Ready for some D3 loveeee
Finally finished my desk! Ready for some D3 loveeee
What the hell is this foreground/background max fps setting thingy? Where do I set this crap (have a high-end rig)? I swear, I think developers invent new video settings just to mess with us.
Join us.
For the uninitiated...how does the co-op campaign work if you and your buddies aren't always playing together?
I'd love to be able to play with many of my wow-friends and RL friends, but we're all going to be progressing at different rates.
Does it work exactly the way co-op campaigns do for shooters? I found that easier to stomach since the game length would only be 8-10 hours or something, and we could finish it in 2 or 3 sittings. I imagine a game like Diablo is piles longer.
Wait so are servers up or are they still going up at 3 am est?
Really? Cement blocks?
Make the right choice. Throw your console in the trash where it belongs.Watching Live Stream, Game looks fucking gorgeous
/console owner jelly =/
690? That's excessive.I would
Saving up money for a whole shebang Desktop to keep me good till 2020
Gonna try to make myself a PC with a GTX 690... Yeah I know, I'm Crazy
That line of icons, will appear the exact way you arrange it. You have 100% control over what you are gonna have there. If you want to see none, just throw them into oblivion and you won't see any, unless somthing is running. Combined with the mission control functions, Mac is effing the hell out of Windows for task managing.
Words from a Windows user from 1995 to 2010. Totally gave up when Office 2011 came out. NO REASON to stay in the Windows jail anymore.
Dude never mind the chair, look at that table! on all fours ready for action!
Well, yoshi did post about 8 times each page...
Wait so are servers up or are they still going up at 3 am est?
Or preparing to head to bed soon so that we can play as soon as our boxes arrive tomorrow! I am in an odd state of calm. Yet almost excited just to sleep, that last trip to the future, where I will finally be playing...
For me I will have "my" character and then I will have a "co-op" one. I did that with Borderlands as well
Background is for when you're alt-tabbed out of the game. Since it's still rendering the scenes, but doesn't have to spend cycles actually displaying them, the "virtual" framerate can go through the roof and cook your video card. Hence, the restriction. I have mine set to 30.What the hell is this foreground/background max fps setting thingy? Where do I set this crap (have a high-end rig)? I swear, I think developers invent new video settings just to mess with us.
I just solved the problem by having a macbook for productivity, and a separate Windows tower for gaming.
Yup. Whole desk built for 40 bucks. I have a shelf (padded) underneath so I can rest my feet.
I feel like I need problem?.jpg.
Asia/Europe is up, North America is 3am est, 12am pst
If that's what it does, then I fail at reading comprehension. Still have no idea why this needs to be a separate video setting though...
Well, yoshi did post about 8 times each page...
I would
Saving up money for a whole shebang Desktop to keep me good till 2020
Gonna try to make myself a PC with a GTX 690... Yeah I know, I'm Crazy
690? That's excessive.
In this thread PC games whine about having Video options.
In other news: Blizzard needs to learn from Valve and launch their shit on PST.