Yeah man, It's there for the taking. Copy & Paste it all into the wiki, it's fine by me. It's just that there's a bunch of people collaborating for it, and I'm not sure if there is an agreed format and structure which everyone is abiding by... so until then I really don't want to just interfere and paste all my work undermining what others might like to contribute. From looking at the members registered for updating the wiki, they're far more skilled and versed about Tekken than I am.
I believe Death PM'd me about it on TZ, he has a sort of vision for it (something about it being close to a booklet style thing). Maybe he can elaborate it more here

So yeah, on the topic of the wiki, I give anyone working on it full permission to copy and paste this guide here onto it. And if there are any specific GIFs they want redone or modified I'll try to take care of it.
And finally welcome Death! Just be careful with what you say. Junior members don't get a second chance usually and get permabanned.
And frig it's 4:30 AM and I'm still awake... damn VF5, so addicting.