Daily Deals:
Yesterday's Dailies (still available to buy for a limited time in case you missed them)
current Flash Deals/Poll/Last poll winner (currently discounted)

It'll be destroyed in seconds! It's going to be beautiful to watch.
The jist is: The spreadsheet figures out the hour of the next daily deal. The first spreadsheed is based on US Pacific. If you change the hour on B3 to your region (for instance, the deals on Brazil started at 14:00:00 hours. The deals on US Pacific started at 10:00:00), the spreadsheet recalculates itself. The dates also get a different background color automagically.
All you have to do is add the name of the deal and the duration of the deal (on the XX:XX:XX format) to the right of the name, and it'll calculate when the next deal is coming up.
If you guys want to add new columns for price/discounts, be my guest.
I won't personally be taking care of it that much, so if it's gone, it's gone (there's a locked backup that people can use to re-create the spreadsheet if they so desire).
Be nice.
and be sure to check out:

Summer Sale wallpapers (click for 1920x1080):
In order of days from first to last (updated daily)

by Fuzzy
as The_Technomancer once said:
- Search other regions of the Steam store by adding'?cc=uk', '?cc=us', '?cc=fr' at the end of Steam's address.
- You can spread the payments over multiple credit cards by adding money from each card/ account to your steam wallet:
1)Log into the client
2)Click on '.... account' at the top right corner of the page
3)Click 'add funds to Steam wallet' - If you are charged twice for a purchase, DO. NOT. FILE. A. CHARGEBACK! Work with Valve directly to fix the issue.
LovingSteam's (RIP) corner:
What is Steam:
A digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation. It is used to distribute games and related media online, from small independent developers to larger software houses. Steam also has community features, automated game updates, and in-game voice and chat functionality.
As of 2011, there are over 1,500 + games available through Steam. In January 2010 Valve claimed that it had surpassed 25 million active user accounts. Although Valve never releases sales figures, Steam is estimated to have a 70% share of the digital distribution market for video games.
Many major publishers have catalogs on Steam, including Electronic Arts, Activision, 2K Games, Ubisoft, THQ, Sega, Codemasters, id Software, LucasArts, Capcom, Rockstar Games, Square Enix, Microsoft, and Bethesda Softworks.
1. Verify Email HERE
2. Steam Guard-Within steam go to Steam> Settings> Manage Steam Gaurd>Keep account guarded by Steam Guard. For more info go here
3. Fishing Attempts- Valve will NEVER email you with sales or include a link that requires you log in. Its a phishing scam. Don't fall for it.
How do I contact Steam support?
Steam Support
Is my support account the same as my Steam account?
No. Your Steam, Steam Forums, and Steam Support accounts are all different
Is there offline mode?
Yes, from within the client click on 'Steam' and then select 'Go offline'. You will have to store your log in information and periodically (every 30 days?) go online to verify files.
How can I add a non Steam game to the client?
Go to 'GAMES' and click on 'Add a non-Steam game to library'
Remember you can also pay with PayPal
Real FAQ
- Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
- Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
- Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
- Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
- Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
- Should I buy [game] now or wait for the last day in case it becomes a cheaper, daily deal?
Things that will happen:
- People will buy things before they go on a daily and then bitch about how they should have waited.
- People will ask if said game is going to get any cheaper or that if he/she should just buy it now.
- People will bitch about how the sales are shit just because every game on discount is a game they already own.
- People will ask if there will be a recap on the last day even thought it has happened everytime, ever.
- People will ignore the info in this OP.
- People will be very happy and get great games at a great price.
If any of these things happen you're entitled to quote and laugh.
Useful Sites:
For better browsing on the different store prices (depending on region) you can always use SteamPrices
SteamPrices.com compares game and package prices from the Steam Store. At the moment, USD, GBP and EUR for a bunch of different regions are supported.
This site was created in order to show the huge difference in Steam Store prices for single games and packages. You can choose one of the supported currencies and compare "your" price to the ones in the other countries and regions. By and by, some comfortable comparison features and other stuff have been added, especially for registered users.
By the help of SteamPrices.com, you are able to search for games and packages and access multiple listings. Additionally, current spotlights and Steam news are also displayed.
For better browsing of every game on sale at the moment I recommend using SteamGameSales (great to find the cheapest sale-long discounts)
Users that are willing to help by gifting (in exchange of the proper value sent through paypal) games from other, cheaper regions:
NOTE: keep in mind that paypal fees might turn up during the exchange. If this is the case it is encouraged for the user being helped to take care of them (you can ussually get around it by sending something like 2 extra bucks)