S Semblance shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map Jul 12, 2012 #51 Look at all them devalued IPs.
F FlutterPuffs Member Jul 12, 2012 #52 Well fuck a voting system for sales. This will be a war. Everyone vote for Saints Row 3. I demand it.
Well fuck a voting system for sales. This will be a war. Everyone vote for Saints Row 3. I demand it.
N Nelo Ice Banned Jul 12, 2012 #55 Good god Flash sales are fucked up so cruel! Also community votes with crazy discounts? Steam is showing no mercy.
Good god Flash sales are fucked up so cruel! Also community votes with crazy discounts? Steam is showing no mercy.
JetBlackPanda Member Jul 12, 2012 #59 SR3 voted! so there are multiple daily deals now? is that how this is going to work?
S SuperLurker Member Jul 12, 2012 #63 /looks at wish list Everything that's not a pre-order is on sale except Tekken X SF, never change Capcom.
/looks at wish list Everything that's not a pre-order is on sale except Tekken X SF, never change Capcom.
S ShineALight Member Jul 12, 2012 #65 Rayman is a flash deal for $20. Does that mean it won't go lower during this sale? That's higher than I'd hoped. Edit: Now it's down to $15! A little bit better...
Rayman is a flash deal for $20. Does that mean it won't go lower during this sale? That's higher than I'd hoped. Edit: Now it's down to $15! A little bit better...
B Borgnine MBA in pussy licensing and rights management Jul 12, 2012 #67 OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDDDD HNNNNNNG HNNNNNNNGGG HNNNNNGGGGGG YES YES YES ITS HERE. Nothing for me today.
S ShaneB Member Jul 12, 2012 #75 So it begins! Excellent! Looks like I'm at least buying Grimrock today.. maybe a couple others too... dammit!
So it begins! Excellent! Looks like I'm at least buying Grimrock today.. maybe a couple others too... dammit!
L louiedog Member Jul 12, 2012 #77 Flash sales? How is this going to figure in to waiting for dailies? Oh nooooooooooooooo
O Omikaru Member Jul 12, 2012 #80 Flash sales? What's this? Only 8 hours? How am I possibly going to resist checking every 8 instead of 24 hours? My poor, poor wallet.
Flash sales? What's this? Only 8 hours? How am I possibly going to resist checking every 8 instead of 24 hours? My poor, poor wallet.
L LunaticHigh Member Jul 12, 2012 #81 lol mw3 was up for 50% off, now its 25%. back to 50%. maybe my steam was buggy.
D Dipswitch Member Jul 12, 2012 #86 Thread title is great! Nice gesture for Tony, who's probably watching his Amazon sales numbers plummet as we speak. Spoiler I still got your back Tony - I buy most of my games from Amazon these days
Thread title is great! Nice gesture for Tony, who's probably watching his Amazon sales numbers plummet as we speak. Spoiler I still got your back Tony - I buy most of my games from Amazon these days
T thekillingjoker Banned Jul 12, 2012 #87 Flash deals may very well be the end of Rule 1. I...I... this is too much.
P picklecannon Member Jul 12, 2012 #88 Voting for arkham city because its the one game I don't have from the choices.
I iavi Member Jul 12, 2012 #90 FLASH SALES! How am I supposed to deal with this? They aren't daily deals.
K kswiston Member Jul 12, 2012 #91 Derrick01 said: Not sure if I want to spend $15 on Rayman when my whole budget is only $40. Click to expand... Ya, I am holding out. I can get the game for $20 on console and have a physical copy to resell. Not playing $15 on digital. Ubisoft sales always suck. Why is HOMM6 still $25? :/
Derrick01 said: Not sure if I want to spend $15 on Rayman when my whole budget is only $40. Click to expand... Ya, I am holding out. I can get the game for $20 on console and have a physical copy to resell. Not playing $15 on digital. Ubisoft sales always suck. Why is HOMM6 still $25? :/
T Traumahound Member Jul 12, 2012 #98 benjipwns said: Will wait for the daily deal. Click to expand... You might get it cheaper... or they might fix the bug. I'm not going to sweat a couple of bucks on the chance they fix the coupon.
benjipwns said: Will wait for the daily deal. Click to expand... You might get it cheaper... or they might fix the bug. I'm not going to sweat a couple of bucks on the chance they fix the coupon.
S Snkfanatic Banned Jul 12, 2012 #99 Nothing for me today, I saw the flash deal of Rayman and almost jumped but I will wait. I win this round Gabe....tomorrow may be a different story.
Nothing for me today, I saw the flash deal of Rayman and almost jumped but I will wait. I win this round Gabe....tomorrow may be a different story.
P PaulLFC Member Jul 12, 2012 #100 Twist! Vote on deals! Voting for SR3 in the hope the DLC is also 75% off.