2 words:
ahoy ahoy.
2 more words:
steam works.
That does tempt me, indeed. No more shitty Gamespy can only be a good thing.
Guess all that's left is to decide if the co-op can make the game for me. Need to scrounge me up a team.
2 words:
ahoy ahoy.
2 more words:
steam works.
Since I'll be starting with Zer0 named "The Stig" I've decided to name Axton "Jeremy" and Salvador "Richard." Thinking "May" for Maya, but not sure what to name Gaige to keep the Top Gear theme running...
Wait, why are reviews embargoed until day of release? Seems weird.
Top Gear Dog
Because that's the common accepted practice. Not everything is a conspiracy.Wait, why are reviews embargoed until day of release? Seems weird.
Any idea if the game will unlock (steam) tonight at midnight??
Oh man the reviews for this game will be so freaking bad.
Bomber confimed.
Because that's the common accepted practice. Not everything is a conspiracy.
Wait, why are reviews embargoed until day of release? Seems weird.
How does a 21 item list become 23 pages?
That's why it seems weird to me; the game is bound to get great reviews.
How does a 21 item list become 23 pages?![]()
How does a 21 item list become 23 pages?![]()
Going further with this, 2K tend to do this more often than most publishers. I still remember the day GTA Vice City came out. Could not find a single review anywhere by the time that the overnighted version on PS2 showed up on my doorstep.Every major release does this. Good or bad. You usually have to pay for an exclusive.
Yes it is very annoying.
can't wait to see videos of assassin's dueling *-*
I never acted like it's a conspiracy. I didn't know this was common practice with big games. It seems odd to me.
That is very awesome. :lol
Makes me almost feel bad for the site if they are that desperate for page views.
Not enough to actually click through all that crap though.
I played BL1 with Roland and pretty much stuck to Sniper rifles whenever I had the chance. I like sniping. I think I'll go with Zero.
Didn't someone say there was like a skill tree app thing that we could plan all this out beforehand?
weapons color rarity stayed the same as in BL1 right?
There's still no more reviews? When does the embargo end?
The OP has it in there. Check it out.
Oh man the reviews for this game will be so freaking bad.
Bomber confimed.
Oh, awesome. Thanks!
Didn't even bother looking at the colors and the weapon names, just wasn't as intuitive as just looking at whether it had green arrows pointing up or red ones pointing down.
weapons color rarity stayed the same as in BL1 right?
This is true :lol
I don't think I ever found a yellowish/orange weapon that was any better than a purple one I had.
How is it a mistake? I can tell the difference.Fuck my color-blinded self...yellow/green are the same brightness and can hardly be distinguished by someone who's red/green colorblind. Why do developers always make this mistake?
How is it a mistake? I can tell the difference.
I think devs should put in a colorblind mode/option so that people who have trouble seeing certain spectrums of color can play without having problems. I've noticed that more and more games now do release with that option, though I can't speak for Borderlands 2 yet.
Combustion Hellfire I believe was the best orange out of the bunch. The rest were purples I believe. I remember the Vitrolic Crux, Glorious Havoc, and Double Anarchy were some of the best names as well.
Yellow/green and blue/purple with similar brightness levels can look very close since we're less sensitive to red and green. It's so easy to avoid this issue (just make one brighter/darker than the other, solved). Just seems like a big omission considering 1/10th of your userbase is likely to be colorblind.