Doin the lords work.preach on brotha!
Doin the lords work.preach on brotha!
Gg nights but fuck this game.
It was like madden decided my defense was no longer able to play. Like the real chiefs!!LOL. Good game dude. I probably would have said the same if I ended up losing after that 77 yard Pantages TD. Thankfully I was able to come up with 2 TD's at the end, especially after you shut me down the whole game up to that point.
I subbed Vincent Brown in as my second receiver instead of Robert Meachem. Dude has better hands and runs routes better so he'll be seeing a lot more playing time.
I finally beat rors. I'm retiring and trading in the game tomorrow.
Girl please. I beat Rors once and I'm still here finishing third place in the NFC West every year.
But you didn't lose to him by a field goal twice last season. I rather get destroyed then lose close games.
Are you saying he destroyed me on the regular when I was the Chargers?!?!?!
You're probably right.
So much for that QB stud Jarvis Williams.
What? Pantages had like 3 or 4 receptions for 60 or 70 yards!
Well I was really looking forward to the game until now
I just got back. Are you still awake?
First two games of the season have both been in heavy rain. I go to San Fran next, which means it'll probably be super windy. I'd like at least one decent weather game.
I'm starting to wonder why the hell I bought Halo. Black Ops II is out today and I feel like I want it on every god damn platform, but it seems like I'm going 360 with that route. How exactly I will ever have the mood to fit Halo in.....I am a first time dual Halo/COD owner, how is this done?
Let's do it now
Here's the question: what exactly are you even going to use it for? My roommate bought a nice 3D television and we use the 3D functionality...never. FIOS has zero 3D channels and it's not like there are any in the pipeline to be released. There are the occasional movies through HBO On Demand 3D, but other than that there is hardly any 3D content to be consumed. I tried Uncharted 3 in 3D when we first got the TV, I got a headache within 10 minutes of playing (the quick cuts of the intro are completely disorienting). The glasses are just collecting dust at this point.
But I hate the 3D trend in general, so keep that in mind. Maybe it's worth it if you're into that and buying a ton of 3D Blurays.
Pretty much this. I'll be playing more Halo but i got BLOPS2 for those days where I just want mindless fun in multi and zombies.Easy. Halo is the better game... COD is there for that urge of ridiculousness whether you want to kill zombies or call in 40 airstrikes and see your screen light up.
Dammit DCX...
Why could Roofles break himself earlier...
So you admit your eliteness...?I already said I was tanking for him, back off.
I suppose, McDome.
Where are people buying this game? I'm trying to see if there's some megasweet deal combo...which was probably for the pre-order people
Also, what is peoples experience with 3d TV?
for 559.99
For 600 not bad. It's lg though so I'm assuming it's passive 3d which isn't as good of quality as the 'normal' 3d method.. In my experience with my 3d tv its very meh with current gen systems. Games have a hard enough time being full hd as it is. When you play in 3d the image quality is even worse and so is the frame rate. It should be much better with next gen systems that have the power to do it right.
3d is amazing on PC though where you can retain the graphic quality and still have 60fps.
If any of you Vita bros have PS+, you can get Uncharted, Wipeout, Gravity Rush, Mutant Blobs Attack, Jet Set Radio HD, and FFT: War of the Lions for free starting next week.
Man I would take passive over active 10 times out of 10. You crazy.
If any of you Vita bros have PS+, you can get Uncharted, Wipeout, Gravity Rush, Mutant Blobs Attack, Jet Set Radio HD, and FFT: War of the Lions for free starting next week.
Wasn't the n-gage giving away a bunch of its games too?
Thats true, but id be saying this regardless. Not that it isn't a great deal because it is. Just reeks of desperation, thats all.