You can hitconfirm Radec's level 2 just by using side square. Let that sink in. >![]()
Play a bit longer and it shouldn't feel like that. I felt like that initially but it gets easier the more you play.
I think that's his point.
Too complex for the FGC? That's appalling.
PSY・S;44654198 said:Too complex for just anyone to pick up and play competitively.
Yes. Go back in store, re-add the game to cart, then look in your downloads, you'll find it.
This doesn't work for me. When I go to the game, it just offers a "Choose Version" option and then will download the Vita version of the game again. The only way I can see this working is if I delete my installed game and try all over again? Is that what I have to do?
This doesn't work for me. When I go to the game, it just offers a "Choose Version" option and then will download the Vita version of the game again. The only way I can see this working is if I delete my installed game and try all over again? Is that what I have to do?
Ring up their customer service line, same thing happened to me. I rang them up, they called my local store to see what was going on, then gave me a call back and just gave me a code over the phone.How the hell do I download my pre-order costumes with the PS3 version? I pre-ordered from EB in Australia but didn’t get a separate piece of paper with a code on it when I picked it up. Am I screwed or am I missing something here?
Haha, if you spin the batle axe without hitting anyone u fall down from dizziness
No, don't do that, you just gotta go through all the options "Hot on PS3" etc until you find one that lets you do it, it's kinda crappy. The other way is if you get it as a message-check your message box and there may be a message sent from "PSN" giving you the preorder costumes.
Nope, not in any of the options. I guess I can only delete and try that, or just wait for Sony to fix it. Probably when they release the pack as paid add-on.
Sackboy has become rather obnoxious in 2v2. That projectile spamming isn't unbeatable, but it's more difficult to deal with than any other projectile character in the roster.
That electric pad -.-
Sounds buggy. That sucks. The AP system was supposed to send you flying.Played online finally. In my second match I got pinned against a wall vs a Radec, who wasn't all that good, who just kept doing the same two hit combo on me. I was in an endless loop, could not block, no recovery, for like 30 seconds until finally one of the other two players came and hit him.
This game :-(
serious props to seth and superbot, this plays just as good as smash, if not better. truly impressed
I'd say to give it a few weeks, especially after you've tried out the online. Smash doesn't exactly allow spamming to be done so casually. I'm surprised they didn't implement a system that reduces the AP gained for using the same move consecutively.
well i bought it on a whim,played about 30 mins on vita. shitty UI aside(they clearly had no time), this game is AMAZING
controls so well, character moveset is hilariously inventive. drake's floor collapse mid-air, lmao
serious props to seth and superbot, this plays just as good as smash, if not better. truly impressed
O M G!!!!!!!! GUILTY BROS. SMASH GEAR MELEE!!!!! THAT GAME LOOKS LIKE A WHOLE LOT OF BAD ASS!!!!! ........... FUCK!!!!!!!!!! so when is it comin out?
Wow Toro is absolutely unbelievable... maybe I'm alone in this. His specials kick ass and he's so slippery.
To redeem your Cross-Buy copy of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale for PS Vita please follow the directions below.
Insert the Blu-ray disc into your PS3.
Navigate to the game XMB to select Disc Benefits
(Until you redeem your Cross-Buy, you will be prompted you to download the Vita Game each time you insert the Blu-ray disc into the PS3.)
After redeeming the Cross-Buy, simply launch the PS Store on PlayStation Vita.
Tap the Options button on the bottom right corner of the store
Tap Download list
Tap PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale to download on PS Vita.
His supers are really bad after level 1, he's solid otherwise. But in a game like this that's enough to make him the current worst character imo. He can still pull off some nice stuff in team matches though
His supers are really bad after level 1, he's solid otherwise. But in a game like this that's enough to make him the current worst character imo. He can still pull off some nice stuff in team matches though
My problem with the game as well. Everything looks so...plain and "safe."
Meh I disagree. His level 2 is not bad at all, and his level 1 is super quick and easy to get to. His level 3 is a screen wipe just like a ton of the other characters. He can range, he can combo, he can teleport. I think he's damn good.
Level 2 is really easy to dodge it just shouts out HEY LOOK IM COMING FOR YOU LOL, screen wipe supers are the biggest waste of meter in the game at that point you are better off doing a level 2 and a 1 with toro
man dante seems awesome in training but in practice you realise how crippling his delay time is, can't roll out of his combos quick enough. bullets also do FUCK ALL. can the FGC explain why they are like that and what they're for? ty
Guess what just came through the letterbox.
Guess what just came through the letterbox.
Is for anyone in Europe the costume DLC working? I turned on my PS3 today and I got a message that the DLC could not be downloaded. In my download history it's also not working.
Glad Im not the only one with that problem. I've made a topic on the Swedish Playstation support forums so hopefully we'll get some answers!
Is for anyone in Europe the costume DLC working? I turned on my PS3 today and I got a message that the DLC could not be downloaded. In my download history it's also not working.
Worked fine for me. Vita version at least - PS3 isn't done yet.