This song isn't celebrating alcohol though, it's condemning it.
This song isn't celebrating alcohol though, it's condemning it.
This song isn't celebrating alcohol though, it's condemning it.
Why? ColdVein is cool.
midnight just trying to spring his teenage haircut out here.
miDnIghTs is a punk bitch. what?
Keep hating. I'm done.
not without me saying that midnights looks like an idiot.
i dont know.
i wish people here recofgnized me and not me just posting and no one notiing me acaee that happsn a lto and i got me another soco and coke
i just runk tedxted this girl that she was pretty and she said thank you with aface thigy and mayte this migt work crosses fingers
lso midnights ur pretty cool
I recognize you. You are cool.
Ease up there baby boy. Ving rhames told Jody that.
ur sexy
i hsr no ifrs ehsts going on but this bottle of southern comfort is pretty much gone al 750ml im a lgih weight but fuckit it s my medication that does it and im glad i get drunk quicker cause its cheeper
toy fugs fucking rock clad i ojined this forum ins tea of some of the dumb ones ive been apart of
It's a love hate relationship. You gotta admit. I know that's how I feel.
Cuz apparently he likes to talk shit in a certain chat.
why does everyone havea big show pic
Just read back a couple pages
what the fuck is with the drama, this is a place for drunk camaraderie and hurting my feelings
Coldvein's been in drunk thread since forever, you cant talk shit about him..
No you haven't. And I'm not grumpy at all. I'm actually really easy going, you dick.
Do you guys play videogames?
I've given you plenty of chances but you keep attacking me. I'm just trying to defend myself here.
There was actually a drunk thread before that but only a very select few know about it.