What does Gianna look like with out make up?

She shot alot of vids with no makeup.
What does Gianna look like with out make up?
You are LTTP on that one friend.
A lot of these girls would look perfectly attractive with some light makeup.Faith Leon is really the only porn star I can think of that still looks stunning with minimal/no make up.
LolAh, makeup. Pretty sure that's what they taught them in 5th grade when they broke up the boys and girls and had separate seminars.
All we got was deodorant
I can't be the only one who's actually considering makeup when checking out girls right? Hottest girls to me are the cute/hot ones with little to no makeup on.
You are surely the first here to have that sentiment.
She looks better without
It's all ruined.![]()
Chamane, Rachelle Starr... thanks for ruining pron gaf![]()
You did cherrypick the best 'non-makeup' pic you could, though, it seems.I didn't try to purposefully cherry pick a 'bad' makeup pick either she seems to look like this more often than not at least on red carpets.
She shot alot of vids with no makeup.
Her hairline kills it for me. It's such a mess up there. Really makes it hard to masturbate to. Wait....... I mean, eh screw it. I have no problem jerking off to her, but her hairline is a little off putting.
I wonder what Sunny Leone looks like without makeup. She is ridiculously close to perfection for me![]()
Cute, with or without make up.
Cute, with or without make up.
I'll repost it:
The face of a woman who eats other women's prolapsed anuses
I'll repost it:
Hahaha!it's almost like these people.. are people
Looks good to me. I knew this chick was goddess.
I don't understand why Kim K uses the type of makeup she does. I don't have a problem with makeup I think it's fine when done right but she goes so overboard. I find her to be way hotter without a lot of it, or at least with a 'natural' look.
I didn't try to purposefully cherry pick a 'bad' makeup pick either she seems to look like this more often than not at least on red carpets.
I'll repost it:
i bet dudes hang the before pics around the set to last longer.
Cute, with or without make up.
I dont think people realize how much difference even 'light makeup' can make. Also, what people call 'light makeup' isn't so far off what people consider 'heavy makeup'. Usually just some more mascara and a healthy dose of eyeshadow. 'Light makeup' often involves more than the just the blatant stuff.Obviously a little bit of eyeliner and minimal makeup. But the point is most of these women don't need "pornstar makeup" to look attractive and a lot of them look better this way.
It worked for me, but it took a while to load.Why doesn't the link work?
Certain websites aren't afraid to show the pornstar's real faces in a shoot.
Terry Nova has something bigger to fall back on...
the difference is staggering.
wonder what make up could do for men
I have no words.