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Have you ever been groped by a stranger in a public place?

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I definitely have been groped, but I'm the socially awkward kind of guy that usually just blames myself. But god damn this thread is making me think about the worst [only] rejection I have ever gotten myself into. I guess I'll share...

At a party last year (my freshman year of college) I was talking to one of the most attractive girls in our small class. I had talked to her before and we had always passed by with a smile. Well I remember my friends were leaving when I was talking to her and I said I was staying, and I just don't know, I had my arm around her back and was just gently rubbing/massaging her back. I have another memory of when a current friend of mine who I wasn't very close with at the time came up and started hitting on her as well, possibly not knowing what my hand was doing. I'm not sure who ended the conversation, and I'm not sure what I did after...

But now I somewhat regularly smoke with her boyfriend. Sometimes I wonder if she has told him, but then I think surely a girl that attractive has had to deal with worse? I guess that kind of groping is better than perverts cupping asses and boobs, though.
Have you ever been the victim of unsolicited groping? I wonder how widespread something like this. There are women-only trains in Japan because of how bad it's gotten there, but could it be as bad elsewhere, but it's just not being addressed as directly?

The closest I've ever come to having this happen was on a plane. We had just landed in Casablanca's airport. People were talking forever to get off of the plane and my friend and I were still sitting down, waiting for an opening in the line of people in the aisle.

A woman stopped next to me. I already had my carry on sitting on arm rest closest to the aisle with my hand on top of it. All of a sudden, she backs up and starts slowly grinding her ass on my hand. I immediately notice, as does my friend and the older white guy standing behind the woman. I'm taken aback and look askance at my friend who gives me a perplexed look. The woman stops moving, but she's pretty much sitting on my hand and I'm afraid to move it, lest it look like I'm the one trying to inappropriately touch her.

Out of my peripheral vision, I can see the guy behind us looking from her ass, to my hand engulfed in her ass, then to me. My friend was stifling a laugh while I was left in this awkward, uncomfortable position for about 10 minutes until people started moving again.

Looking back, I can laugh at it, but it's really awful when I think about it. I wonder how thing would've been had our genders been reversed, how I might have felt differently.

I lost my virginity to a random girl who just took my dick out and started playing with it.

This was on a moving train.


all good things
When I was 17 or 18 I was at a concert festival type thing with my cousin and his friend.

It was in the summer and was extremly hot so I decided to take my shirt off since it was like an outdoor type thing and other guys had their shirts off.

Well this chubby girl walked up to me, pinched my nipple and walked away. She didn't say one word to me. I just pretty much tilted my head, looked at my cousin and shrugged my shoulders.

It was pretty funny.


I have been to Milwaukee twice, and both times I had my ass grabbed by a dude in a bar. Settle down, Milwaukee.

I go to Milwaukee every year for Warped Tour and EVERY DAMN YEAR I get my ass grabbed when I'm not in the pit.

I don't really think anything of it, I've been told I have a nice ass for a guy though so it's kind of expected.
So this has happened to both my ex gf and the bestfriend of my current GF.

While out on a night out drinking and having fun when moving through a crowd to the toilets a dude has slipped his hand under their skirt/dress and stuck a finger inside them.

Now that is crazy fucked up. If i was their i would have went wild on the guy.
Yeah, way back when I was a kid I skipped school to watch Jurassic park in the theater all alone and this weird fat dude in his mid 40's sat next to me and started talking to me about random shit, which was hella weird already, but I was just an innocent child without a clue that this fucking cunt wanted to suck my little pre-teen dick.

After he sat next to me for about 10 minutes or so talking about dinosaurs he asked me if I would let him suck on my nipple and grabbed my little dick at the same time and I just fucking flipped. I remember the fucking security guard not doing anything, too. Jesus christ, I just went home in tears and I felt dirty for about a month after the event. Yes, the first person to ever touch my dick that wasn't family or a doctor was some fat fucking pedo stranger.

I hope he's fucking dead now and I hope that piece of shit security guard that basically ignored me is homeless and has AIDS.
I just remembered another thing.

When I was in fifth grade, I used to hang out with this girl who lived on my street. She has a really creepy step-dad. One day, while hanging out at her house, she'd left the room and her creepy step-dad asked me to sit on his lap. He started describing the process of injecting himself with some shit because of his diabetes.

Then he started rubbing me on my stomach. His hand started to glide down and went partly under my jeans. It was so fucking uncomfortable and I felt extremely dirty afterward. I was practically almost molested. He stopped when my friend came back in the room.


At a club I frequent a girl I occasionally saw once walked past me and gently squeezed my nuts. I asked her why she did not say hello. Next week she said she could not recall it.... I used this story as an example of men being violated and feeling unsafe to this feminist I was talking to, and I joked I felt so violated and I bet her her female friends did the same thing. She got the joke but she admitted that her friends did that.

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Yeah I've totally had my ass grabbed a few times. It's actually really shocking and made me feel uncomfortable.
When I was in high school girls use to grab my ass in gym all the time.

Some guy grabbed my dick once, completely caught me off guard.
During PE in high school. Flag Football. Guy reached for my flag and then his finger slipped into my ass. It was pretty awkward.


One of my friends accidentally grabbed another one of my friend's dick while playing dodgeball back in high school. He was walking backwards and his hand ran into it and he grabbed it thinking it was a dodgeball until he realized it wasn't as rotund as one.


So this has happened to both my ex gf and the bestfriend of my current GF.

While out on a night out drinking and having fun when moving through a crowd to the toilets a dude has slipped his hand under their skirt/dress and stuck a finger inside them.

Now that is crazy fucked up. If i was their i would have went wild on the guy.

Wow, what the fuck?
Yep. Several times. Had the chest grab too, twice.

I think I hate the arm around the waist thing the most, cause it's like "HA, I caught you, what are you going to do about it?!" Ugh.

That and it's so skeevy, like they think it straddles the 'acceptable' line of public touching. An ass grab or boob touch is very blatantly wrong, but the waist grab seems like gray area (to them). I always wonder afterward if I'd be justified in slapping them or something. Just makes me feel so gross.

One time back in high school I was talking to some guy after school when all of a sudden he just taps my boob from underneath to make it jiggle. I just stared at him with the biggest "What the fuck?" expression.

I feel really weird about the waist thing. I never thought of it as groping since it didn't seem as perverted as ass/chest grabs but it always made me feel the grossest out of all of those.

It's pretty damn inappropriate to just touch a stranger's ass/tits/junk without their consent. It's different when it's a friend you know will understand and appreciate the joke.

It's grosser because they know it doesn't seem slap worthy, but they still get to touch you. :/ A creeper with a plan to get away with it.

I do this regularly (club environment).

I suppose it might work there if everybody is touchy-feely/in the mood, but this has happened to me at bars and conventions and it's skin crawl-worthy.

Halloween night walking down some street in LA where some parade or bullshit was going on. Really cute girl walking with what I assume is her boyfriend from the hand-holding going on. Dude is on her left, we pass each other on her right but she grabs my junk in the most fluid motion Pixar could only dream of. I was stunned in place but she didn't miss a step. She's my slutty pumpkin.

No one has noted this, but it made me laugh. Sorry you got groped...? :p
Women doctors grope me all the time. I leave feeling cheap & violated. I try to speak up but they take it as flirting. I hate it, yet do nothing about it. :(

I was 16 and on a crowded bus in El Salvador at night with my cousins. A quite attractive girl who might've been in her late teens or twenties was in front of me and because the bus was so crowded, we were kind of mushed together, her face sort of pressed into my chest by the crowd.

Or so I thought.

As we got closer to home, the bus starts emptying and she's still there, smooshed into me, practically hugging me, even though we're among the last people standing and there was plenty of room to disengage herself. It wasn't until her stop (Apopa) arrived that he sighed, untangled herself and dejectedly got off the bus.

I felt like king of the ballers that night, being sixteen and having never experienced anything like it before and I put it down to height and its effect on male attractiveness. I'm ~5'11", which in Australia is just average, but which in Central America is unusually tall. Plus, I don't suffer the "non blonde / blue eyed Anglo" handicap I used to get here in Australia.

It could also be that Salvadoran girls are just more forward in general. I dunno.

Also, when I was sixteen, I had a completely different experience, which left me feeling kind of violated.

I was working in a jewellery store at the time and some girls walked in looking at silver bracelets. I talked them into buying matching toe rings as well and the boss (a dumpy woman in her 50s) came by and told me I did a good job just now and that if I could only turn on the kind of charm with middle aged ladies that I apparently put on for sixteen year old girls, that I'd be the store's top seller.

I'd already gone back to cleaning a display, so I had my hands in the window when suddenly I feel this tremendous slap on my butt. She then walked away cackling to herself, while I stood there frozen in surprise.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
During the first week of 6th grade and middle school, one particular 8th grade girl would sit next to me on the bleachers before class started in the morning and just start putting her hands all over my junk. Not sure whether she was doing this just to troll the new kids or if she lost a bet or was put up to a dare or what.


I was mildly harrased by a gay guy on a club once, he was grabbing my ass and continued to bother me even when I made it obvious that I was not interested in his advances. Ended up pushing him hard and that was that.
i had a 60 year old man grab my cock and balls once when i was about 16. This was in Murray St Timezone in Perth, WA for those that know it.

I was playing Killer Instinct and i felt it. I wanted to turn around and smack the guy but i was in the middle a combo and about to pull off an ultra. After the combo was done i went after him but he was gone.

Annoyed me.
Let me speak for GAF in that every single time we ride solo on a public train or bus, we often fantasize that a pretty looking gal would just sit next to us and potentially grab our ass
I've had my ass grabbed more than a few times by women, though mostly when I was in high school, and I've had my ass slapped once or twice at work by men.

I take it as a compliment.
I've had a couple women just randomly grab my asses in public places.

It's probably happened two or three times and it's always been older women.

It's just odd though, because I pretty much have no ass.
Unsolicited? Heck yeah. Unwanted? Rarely.

Just tonight I had a friend unbutton my 501s and show two other friends my cock ring in the middle of a bar. Did I expect him to? No. Did I stop him? Course not. LOL

It's fine. I have no hang ups like that.


So this has happened to both my ex gf and the bestfriend of my current GF.

While out on a night out drinking and having fun when moving through a crowd to the toilets a dude has slipped his hand under their skirt/dress and stuck a finger inside them.

Now that is crazy fucked up. If i was their i would have went wild on the guy.
In one smooth, uninterrupted motion a guy reached up her skirt, past her underwear AND wriggled his finger inside her? And at no point in this process did she notice, scream, hit him, run away?

yeah, in the NY subway taking the 6 train to Union Sq....and this guy grabbed my ass for like a full 10 seconds (and he whispered to my ear, "that ass is beautiful" :-/)

I had my back turned on him, I had a hoodie and shades on....I think he thought I was a girl. I quickly exited the next stop.

one of the most uncomfortable experiences ever

"Excuse me, sir, you're making me uncomfortable... ... ... ...I didn't say stop."

i had a 60 year old man grab my cock and balls once when i was about 16. This was in Murray St Timezone in Perth, WA for those that know it.

I was playing Killer Instinct and i felt it. I wanted to turn around and smack the guy but i was in the middle a combo and about to pull off an ultra. After the combo was done i went after him but he was gone.

Annoyed me.

I respect that. Never let assholes like that ever become c-c-c-c-c-combo-breakers.
I got my butt slapped at the bowling alley. She was kind of cute, but she looked drunk. I just wanted to find a different ball to use :(
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