That might have been my favourite scene in the game. The vendor not knowing what he was doing and the violinist stops playing once he sees you as well as the woman confronting Elizabeth. The whole ambush was telegraphed beautifully.
The person who made this is a genius.
The Lutece's alter accordingly as they go.
In one reality, Booker is killed in the lighthouse by the lighthouse keeper. He is then killed to stop that from happening.
In another, he is killed during the raffle for being the False Shepard (thus Lutece warning him not to pick #77).
Gosh, the plot thickens.
Don't you walk through a tear?
No more dead cops = I want a puppy!I just realized Ken Levine is the Christopher Nolan of videogames.
Any possibility Lady Comstock IS Elizabeth in any dimension?
Very cool. Did not pick up on that.
Was wondering about the #77. Totally forgot.
I forgot about the 77 thing too, makes sense now.
Mh, this is weird tho:
as far as we know, no he doesnt. New York burns much later when he's dead and Elizabeth's older. She's the one that burns it.
now it makes me wonder how that image Booker sees is explained..
Mh, this is weird tho:
as far as we know, no he doesnt. New York burns much later when he's dead and Elizabeth's older. She's the one that burns it.
now it makes me wonder how that image Booker sees is explained..
i hope not, that's super gross.
I dunno, seeing her in the dress and having the door recognize her as Lady Comstock just made me wonder.
I was constantly thinking about that during the game waiting on a payoff but then I totally forgot
Booker just piles higher and deeper, doesn't he?It's always possible but that would mean that Comstock knowingly had sex with his daughter.
i realized you could chock every odd moment up to the lucetes guiding you in the right direction. i have a hard time believing that that was the most optimal course of action to dewitt blowing up the siphon though. maybe it wasnt though, maybe it was just good enough.
well you can see tears of a future, right?
Comstock does see New York burning through one of the tears, thats where his prophecy came from
Remember the dead soldiers that can sense being murdered in an alternate universe? In the same way, Comstock's visions have bled over to Booker. He sees the same prophecies.Mh, this is weird tho:
as far as we know, no he doesnt. New York burns much later when he's dead and Elizabeth's older. She's the one that burns it.
now it makes me wonder how that image Booker sees is explained..
Booker just piles higher and deeper, doesn't he?
oh right, durr
Mh, this is weird tho:
as far as we know, no he doesnt. New York burns much later when he's dead and Elizabeth's older. She's the one that burns it.
now it makes me wonder how that image Booker sees is explained..
I dunno, seeing her in the dress and having the door recognize her as Lady Comstock just made me wonder.
Remember the dead soldiers that can sense being murdered in an alternate universe? In the same way, Comstock's visions have bled over to Booker. He sees the same prophecies.
They didn't care about optimal, they just cared about results. When something didn't work, they just did something else.
Any possibility Lady Comstock IS Elizabeth in any dimension?
Certainly explains the monotony of their tone; they've done this hundreds of times.
Certainly explains the monotony of their tone; they've done this hundreds of times.
It kind of makes sense now why HE DOESN'T ROW?
It's always possible but that would mean that Comstock knowingly had sex with his daughter.
Infinite universes, infinite horrible fanfiction possibilities
It kind of makes sense now why HE DOESN'T ROW?
Movies are easy to re-watch. Games, not so much
They should have slapped Booker and made him row. That Booker would have tore Columbia and songbird out of the sky and drowned himself without Liz's help
this game is so tailored towards experiencing it again with aditional info that not playing it a second time almost seem like a disservice
so glad I didnt went with Hard instead of 1999 mode on my first run. Almost went all in. Leaving another layer of incentive was the thing to do.
Certainly explains the monotony of their tone; they've done this hundreds of times.
In the Booker-verse his wife dies in childbirth. In the Comstock-verse there is no childbirth to kill her. I assumed that they are the same woman in each verse. This explains why they look alike.
When I do my second play through, I'll go easy just so I can enjoy all the nods.
I dunno, seeing her in the dress and having the door recognize her as Lady Comstock just made me wonder.
One hundred and twenty two (previous) times (this is the one hundred and twenty third) according to the chalkboard at the "Heads, or tails?" segment (the coin flip is a constant, each time they add a dash) but I have to think that seems far too low to get everything perfect (unless they aren't counting some events). This also goes back to the bar (presumably). The result of the shield is a variable. Sometimes Booker dies there and sometimes it works. Another NPC mentions that they prefer to not get new Vigors so Fink can remove any errors.
DLC boat simulator
Booker in his little boat with his now teenage daughter ROWING THE FUCK out of that thing
Bioshock Infinites crosses over with every fucking work of fiction ever made (slightly modified so that they all have a man, a city and a lighthouse).Infinite universes, infinite horrible fanfiction possibilities
One hundred and twenty two (previous) times (this is the one hundred and twenty third) according to the chalkboard at the "Heads, or tails?" segment (the coin flip is a constant, each time they add a dash) but I have to think that seems far too low to get everything perfect (unless they aren't counting some events). This also goes back to the bar (presumably). The result of the shield is a variable. Sometimes Booker dies there and sometimes it works. Another NPC mentions that they prefer to not get new Vigors so Fink can remove any errors.
$20 dlc gets announced. Only change? Booker rows at the beginning.
Looking at the initial gameplay trailer in 2010 (man that feels like eons ago now), it seems like you were originally going to fight against different sub-leaders of the different wards of Columbia. That Saltonstall guy giving a speech to an audience of nobody was apparently the councilman of Ward 6. The art book goes even further back and it seems like it was basically going to be the original Bioshock in the sky, if the mutated splicer-like enemies and generally 'creepier' looking settings from that period of development are anything to go off. Honestly as much as I liked the horror aspects of Bio1 I'm glad they moved away from that. Despite the literal connections to Rapture Infinite still feels very much like its own game.One thing that kind of surprised me was how much they moved away from "America is better then you so deal with it" to "God or die"
The city itself was full of American valves in 1912 but it honestly didn't seem like what Ken mentioned years back. So I'm wondering how much changed in development.