This isn't comprehensive, but here's a look at the evolution of Infinite from the debut trailer to the launch trailer.
Debut gameplay
E3 2011 demo
VGA 2012
launch trailer
Staggering how different the game was initially. Elisabeth was a much more active character in the battlefield. I know they earlier demos are essentially nothing more than vertical slices/targeted gameplay demos, but some of the changes, cut content and reworked content are really interesting.
Especially the E3 2011 demo. Also didn't realise they changed the design of the skyhook from the initial demo to E3 2011. I quite like the original design.
they really did fail to achieve the scale of that mindblowing E3 demo. I mean that huge fight became the VGA fight, which is a lot smaller and self contained.
trying to collect my feelings on the game, a bunch of pluses and minuses:
+ mindfuck ending but in the best of ways, tons of foreshadowing and the sort. nothing that makes you feel cheated like shitty mass effect space boy.
+ booker and elizabeth had good chemistry and it felt alright. probably one of the best pairings ever in videogames, way ahead of ego groping alyx and sexual tension elena-nathan drake.
+ the lutece twins in general
+ when you're allowed to skyhook and do shit like in the E3 demo it's great
+ when you're allowed to roam around like in bio 1 it's pretty great
+ the non-fight parts are also pretty good, though I wish they allowed you to interact with stuff even more
+ audiologs, short films, etc., tons of cool backstory, though it felt like less than in bio 1.
+ I really like how the bio games seem to take a lot of story out of contextualization for gameplay mechanics. like vita chambers and plasmids and tears and whatnot.
+ super pretty, varied, etc. beautiful to look at from beginning to end.
+ themes of racism, class struggle, fate, religion, etc. all are at least touched upon...
- comstock and fitzroy are both cartoony and one dimensional. I mean, daisy fitzroy decides to kill you because you serve her better as a martyr? how does it help her cause to have people kill their martyr? there's that impostor thing for a while but the vox dudes just shout "it's dewitt!" and go after you. the audiologs make her seem like she has character but after all she's only after blood? that's a terrible antagonist right there. comstock is not much better, he sounds deranged all game long just yelling insane racist and religious propaganda all along. the beauty of andrew ryan was that you could sorta understand where he came from, fitzroy and comstock are both terrible at antagonizing you because they seem to be like nonsensically evil.
- the on-foot and overall corridor shooter sections are usually uninteresting. the combat isn't bad, but it isn't very engaging since your enemies are simple, your guns are simple and don't really interact with you, each other or the environment all that great. the vigors aren't really all that fun to use aside of the first few. unfortunately, this makes for the majority of the game, you're not allowed to do those big scale battles very often, and that's a darned shame.
- the game's mostly on rails, which isn't so bad itself, but I didn't like the linear sections as much as I liked the more open parts, of which there aren't many.
- the equipment system doesn't make any sense. it's similar to my problem with bio 1 on that regard, you get so many plasmids and gene tonics with so weird and situational effects that you can barely even manage them. I mean, you move faster for 5 seconds after getting off a skyhook sounds pretty great but with the scarcity of skyhookeable rails you never know. it's also very random and weird, like wear these pants and you'll get better headshots. it's silly and weird in a game so thought-out.
- the upgrade system is no better. unlike bio 1 in which you had all your weapons at all times and could decide to upgrade them based on which one was your favorite. you kinda do that in bio infinite but you're juggling all the time between whatever ammo you have available. and the upgrades are usually really boring. this was sorta the same in bio 1 but at least you got to see them all pimped up. upgrading vigors wasn't so great either.
- the new big daddies, like the handyman and the fire dudes and whatnot weren't really as fun or as memorable as the old ones. the scary dudes with the mask were relegated to weird camera duties for like 10 minutes of the game, too, for some reason.
- the checkpoint system is abysmal. they checkpoint too far and in between, and the "saving profile" message is very discreet and sometimes just plain untrue. there's no reason for this game not to feature quicksaving at least on PC.
- themes of racism, class struggle, fate, religion, etc. all are at least touched upon... but then go nowhere. I really wish there had been a little more discourse along the window dressing. it's nice to say "hating black people is bad" but it doesn't feel as condemning as, maybe, django unchained or something. I mean I'm grateful there's at least a few interesting themes but basically at the end fitzroy is just as bad as comstock and so are atheism (booker) and religion (comstock again). I really wish the game took a stronger stance with this, and just said "you know, maybe poor people would be right to take their lives back from the rich people that treat them like shit". or whatever.
overall I think it's a pretty good game, the ending was pretty mindblowing (I'm sure my brother will figure it out on minute 2 of the game but fuck him) and I really enjoyed the ride, but I get the bitter feeling of settling for less. if the game had consistently delivered scale in the quality of the E3 demo I'd probably be a lot warmer to it. as it is right now, it's mostly like a call of duty game with a couple weird alternate fire options for weapons :/
maybe DLC?