It's a different place because that's a universe where Booker will accept the baptism. She doesn't mean it's different because the physical location is diffferent.
that's exactly what im saying, it's a different universe, the bad universe.
"before the choice is made" is the best evidence that the artistic intent was to have all bookers killed, but as levine said, "he's a slave to the story" and so am i. the only ending that makes logical sense is the one where the bad bookers are killed, more than anything else because of how the multiverse system has to work:
assuming the choice immediately creates infinite universes and therefore booker has to be killed at the root we have:
one universe to infinite after the choice instantly:
ridiculous. booker would have to single handily create the multiverse, also, having so many minute variations immediately after the fact is absurd, let alone impossible to rationalize to a determinist.
infinte universes where the choice leads to new infinite sets of comstock and booker universes:
liz would have to simultaneously kill an infinite amount of bookers regardless of if she does it pre or post choice. we already know she cant do this.
infinite universes that meld together to a single universe for the choice then sprawls out to infinite again:
then the multiverse revolves around booker, which is also absurd. but this would make the necessity of killing booker before the choice is made necessary.
one universe to two new universes, which then at discreet points break off again and again into infinity:
this makes sense to me, but then you clearly have the comstock root than you can remove instead of the all booker root, so liz would clearly just use that one.
at the end of the day, these are characters are just code, im not too invested in them, im not trying to save bookers life here, but i quite honestly cannot fathom a logical story around all bookers being killed.
edit: also, multiverse stuff aside, there's the fact that we saw liz kill booker in a bad universe and the post credits scene.