Didn't think it good that far...
....7.14 average.... ehh might watch... if only to have an excuse to watch more things in the Summer Season.
Watch the TV version then. The fog will protect you in this case.
Didn't think it good that far...
....7.14 average.... ehh might watch... if only to have an excuse to watch more things in the Summer Season.
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 04
Also I'm not sure if this is intentional or bad spelling.
Naruto Dub 6-9
While I enjoyed the first real battle of the series, I must say the anime pacing is freaking awful. Seriously why on Earth is this 1:1 pacing? I get that with One Piece when the anime is only 40ish chapters behind the manga and if you did 1:2 pacing you'd get caught up and forced to enter filler hell, but the Naruto anime at this point should have been way behind the manga. Nothing about the first fight with Zabuza should have taken 3 episodes, maybe if we didn't have a flash back to something we'd seen literally 2 minutes ago the pacing would be better.
Good thing I'm watching K-On soon!
And I already watched Boku no Pico a while ago.
Watch Boku no Pico instead. It's similar but much better.
Watch the TV version then. The fog will protect you in this case.
Did you like it? <3
Because it's little boys instead of little girls?
A pretty good ending, very bittersweet, but I suppose that was the only way this would have ended.![]()
A+ acting skills.
This was one of the shows I watched a long time ago. I'd think I'd appreciate it more if I watched it now.Gun x Sword 2
It really is like the spiritual successor to Big O. Van is the same cool customer, Dan's head kinda reminds me of Big O a bit, and he even has the put upon side-kick. It's so worth it. HIS GIANT ROBOT FALLS OUT OF A CRUCIFIX SATELLITE. Then there are the mustachios of power in this episode upon which nobody comments. They're just there to be awesome.
Japan sounds like a lovely place. I figured people would be quite a bit less touchy there than in America.
People don't realize this, but Japanese folks are really, really touchy. The concept of personal space doesn't really exist. Hahaha. This isn't necessarily a bad thing to be honest, though there are certainly cases where I'd rather not be touched.
Hell, it's not rare to see two teenagers sitting on each other's laps totally casually without any deep, romantic implications.
People don't realize this, but Japanese folks are really, really touchy. The concept of personal space doesn't really exist. Hahaha. This isn't necessarily a bad thing to be honest, though there are certainly cases where I'd rather not be touched.
Hell, it's not rare to see two teenagers sitting on each other's laps totally casually without any deep, romantic implications.
The boundaries are pushed further !Rotoscoped Fantasies, we've made new innovations!
nyaruko w 6
come on mahiro. come on....
Hope there is some actual development before season is over.
It's funny how whenever Japan comes up in the vicinity of my Grandma, she always says something along the lines of "they are very clean and will never shake hands or touch each other, especially not in public." I'm always thinking "I don't think that's true anymore." Apparently it's the opposite extreme.
I'm cool with that. I also suck at personal space.
When in doubt, chalk it up to the Japanese not knowing how to spell English.
If you want anime with good pacing, you shouldn't be watching hundred-plus episode shounen adaptations. The studio's goal is to keep the show running consecutively as long as possible, quality be damned.
Flowers of Evil Episode 6 Flowers of Evil 6 of 13
Kind of unappealing episode all around.Kasuga just has nothing going for him and hes kind of bad for a character anyway, so I can never get attached, Saeki is apparently dying to sex (not what I signed up for). and is not innocent so thats not good either, and Nakamura is just way too into things, forward, and just ruining things. At this rate the best character in the cast is easily the girl who handed him the handout to give to Saeki...I dont know, I wasnt looking or wanting to view a romance such as this that would go all the way.
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket 06 -END-
A pretty good ending, very bittersweet, but I suppose that was the only way this would have ended.Those kids man.Quite a shame for Bernie to have to throw away his life like that.
As to what I think about the work itself it was certainly not bad, I wouldn't say it was the best Gundam work but it had its moments and it was generally well made too. Some of the later stuff was pretty powerful.
WHAT THE FUCKFlowers of Evil Episode 6 Flowers of Evil 6 of 13
Kind of unappealing episode all around.Kasuga just has nothing going for him and hes kind of bad for a character anyway, so I can never get attached, Saeki is apparently dying to sex (not what I signed up for). and is not innocent so thats not good either, and Nakamura is just way too into things, forward, and just ruining things. At this rate the best character in the cast is easily the girl who handed him the handout to give to Saeki...I dont know, I wasnt looking or wanting to view a romance such as this that would go all the way.
Out of curiosity, what would you say is the best Gundam work? Personally, I would say War in the Pocket is the best Gundam work, but as it's the only Gundam work I've seen in its entirety I don't really have good standing to judge! Although, honestly, only 08th MS Team and Turn A Gundam look interesting to me out of the rest. I've seen a bit of the original TV series in its movie form, and it was only entertaining when people were slapping each other.
Are you there until July Ryo?
When I saw the plot description for this, I thought to myself; "Wow this looks hilarious." It was apparently good enough to warrant a crossover with DBZ and One Piece, but I just want to hear AnimeGAF's consensus on it.
When I saw the plot description for this, I thought to myself; "Wow this looks hilarious." It was apparently good enough to warrant a crossover with DBZ and One Piece, but I just want to hear AnimeGAF's consensus on it.
All in all, thanks to those who told me to keep going with Nanoha, cause I didn't leave disappointed. See ya next time.
The ending got me hard; I was devastated for a long time afterwards. It's one of the best anti-war fictional works I've experienced; it drives home the futility and pointlessness of so much of war and how it's driven by top brass who have no sympathy or understanding of the lives they're wrecking beneath them.
Out of curiosity, what would you say is the best Gundam work? Personally, I would say War in the Pocket is the best Gundam work, but as it's the only Gundam work I've seen in its entirety I don't really have good standing to judge! Although, honestly, only 08th MS Team and Turn A Gundam look interesting to me out of the rest. I've seen a bit of the original TV series in its movie form, and it was only entertaining when people were slapping each other.
It's funny how whenever Japan comes up in the vicinity of my Grandma, she always says something along the lines of "they are very clean and will never shake hands or touch each other, especially not in public." I'm always thinking "I don't think that's true anymore." Apparently it's the opposite extreme.
I'm cool with that. I also suck at personal space.
Nanoha As - 13 END
So that was Nanoha As. My final thoughts:
Pretty much that. What a wonderful, heartwarming show. It had a brilliant final act.
First off, at:Reinforce
I don't know how they did it, but they were able to give a BOOK character. The conflict that was going on throughout the entire show was very well done and had me on the edge of my seat. I really liked the fact that there was no real villain in the show. Almost every other anime I watched had some other asshole who was responsible for the shit the characters went through. Here however, the characters have very good reasonable motivations that actually makes them HUMAN. The whole scenario where these Guardians desperately try to save Hayate's life is very saddening and actually sort of puts our heroes in a negative light of some sorts, but that's because they didn't actually talk it out instead of fight.
The climax is wonderful seeing all these characters go for one massive rush against the program that was the source of it all.
I really don't know what else to say, I just loved it. Time to give this franchise a break though before I go on to StrikerS. Cause I have some other anime to watch.
When I saw the plot description for this, I thought to myself; "Wow this looks hilarious." It was apparently good enough to warrant a crossover with DBZ and One Piece, but I just want to hear AnimeGAF's consensus on it.
Nanoha As - 13 END
So that was Nanoha As. My final thoughts:
nyaruko w 6
come on mahiro. come on....
Hope there is some actual development before season is over.
Sums up my feelings exactly. I'm 1/4th through Turn A. It's alright.
Granted, that's not so much a mark of quality as it is Toei desperately trying to use a little franchise synergy to buoy an underperforming show.
Nanoha As - 13 END
So that was Nanoha As. My final thoughts:
Pretty much that. What a wonderful, heartwarming show. It had a brilliant final act.
First off, at:Reinforce
I don't know how they did it, but they were able to give a BOOK character. The conflict that was going on throughout the entire show was very well done and had me on the edge of my seat. I really liked the fact that there was no real villain in the show. Almost every other anime I watched had some other asshole who was responsible for the shit the characters went through. Here however, the characters have very good reasonable motivations that actually makes them HUMAN. The whole scenario where these Guardians desperately try to save Hayate's life is very saddening and actually sort of puts our heroes in a negative light of some sorts, but that's because they didn't actually talk it out instead of fight.
The climax is wonderful seeing all these characters go for one massive rush against the program that was the source of it all.
I really don't know what else to say, I just loved it. Time to give this franchise a break though before I go on to StrikerS. Cause I have some other anime to watch.
All in all, thanks to those who told me to keep going with Nanoha, cause I didn't leave disappointed. See ya next time.
I approve of mad pierrots avatar.
Meh, Fairy Tail is one my favourites and that was underperforming so if I find it fun and funny enough, I'm down for it.
Wait, why is SDBurton shipping guys in this thread? My whole world is turned upside-down! Someone needs to write some gender-swapped AnimeGAF doujins so everything can make sense again.
so dreamy~'s funny how I somehow didn't like that episode much the first time around, though I've gotten more out of it during re-watch.
Hope you enjoy the next one too. It's a fan favorite for a good reason.
The ending got me hard; I was devastated for a long time afterwards. It's one of the best anti-war fictional works I've experienced; it drives home the futility and pointlessness of so much of war and how it's driven by top brass who have no sympathy or understanding of the lives they're wrecking beneath them.
Out of curiosity, what would you say is the best Gundam work? Personally, I would say War in the Pocket is the best Gundam work, but as it's the only Gundam work I've seen in its entirety I don't really have good standing to judge! Although, honestly, only 08th MS Team and Turn A Gundam look interesting to me out of the rest. I've seen a bit of the original TV series in its movie form, and it was only entertaining when people were slapping each other.
Everyone knows that people on the other side of the internet are 2D girls.
I may or may not have Rule 63'd myself in 3DCG several years back...just for fun, y'know. >>
Link, nao!
By something amazing happens , it's obviously the release by bandai of a new precure toy.
Flowers of Evil Episode 6 Flowers of Evil 6 of 13
Kind of unappealing episode all around.Kasuga just has nothing going for him and hes kind of bad for a character anyway, so I can never get attached, Saeki is apparently dying to sex (not what I signed up for). and is not innocent so thats not good either, and Nakamura is just way too into things, forward, and just ruining things. At this rate the best character in the cast is easily the girl who handed him the handout to give to Saeki...I dont know, I wasnt looking or wanting to view a romance such as this that would go all the way.
I see you took my advice on spicing things up a bit.