I have been unable to read this QR code.
Anyone else have problems reading QR codes?
Try scanning them from this site. Click Exclusive Designs near the bottom and it's near the end of the list. Worked for me that way.
I have been unable to read this QR code.
Anyone else have problems reading QR codes?
Thanks, I'll try it in the morning because I walked out of the store.Try scanning them from this site. Click Exclusive Designs near the bottom and it's near the end of the list. Worked for me that way.
I had this weird looking character move in today also.
Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABEDCBAgeZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm
Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABfABEDBC VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm
Zelda-Saria's Song fAB-fAB-fABED-CB VideoGame TotalChaos02
Zelda-Saria's Song fAB-fAB-fABED-ZZ VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm
Zelda-Saria's Song GBC-GBC-zzzzzzzz VideoGame * Kindori
Zelda-Saria's Song fABfABfABEDBCBGE VideoGame JarrodE/bjackm
Copypasta from a FAQ.
GAF represent. (I guess pattern designs display on the screen, never knew that)
I don't remember the exact site where I got it, but I do still have the QR codes.Here they are.
Never played an AC game before but so far i'm having a blast.
You can check the furniture from the order list. Its on the bottom screen whenever you're at someone's house at the HHS.What are those mannequin things at Reggie's house and how can I get them?
Now you need some beetles for Kabuto and Gatack, and a firefly for Faiz.Well, set up a Tumblr, here's a screen-shot of my Faiz Suit...
(and quick edit Gatack Wallpaper)
I'll get the QR Code up when I get the QR Sewing Machine.
Nailed it.From tumblr:
What are those mannequin things at Reggie's house and how can I get them?
Anybody want some cake?
My FC: 0173-1351-5778
PM me your FC if you wanna bite.
wowsers. PM sent.
fuck grass deterioration
Some parts of my town are starting to look like the goddamn sahara desert
I got a bunch of flowers to to make it grow back but damn the growth rate is slow as fuck.
Yeah.. and I'm not even running with the button held down either.
I dunno why, but it seems like the dirt patches are spreading / getting larger...
It's such a shame that streetpass isn't great if you aren't computing in a big city. So many potential opportunities to see others' houses and order stuff.
I hope Nintendo gets their spotpass proxy thing going soon
Have any of you guys with the digital version encountered a bug getting the game to start if switching from another game? It just gets stuck on a black screen.
For example I was playing Urban Trial then pressed HOME to switch to Animal Crossing, it shows the little loading train then just goes black.
Haven't had any issues like that myself.
Can pathways block off areas where fossils and other stuff appear?
So this Japanese girl was kind of holding me hostage on the international island -_- she selected a tour and wouldn't sit down (I was intending to leave). All I got out of her was "friend" "OK?" so I assumed she wanted my friend code. After giving it like 10 times, she finally said ok and gave hers, then cancelled the tour so I could leave. Like wtf...
love is in the aaair
I have been unable to read this QR code.
Anyone else have problems reading QR codes?
I just wanted to sell my bugs before the damn shop closed, but nope lol
Tonight was totally not righteous
It's such a shame that streetpass isn't great if you aren't commuting in a big city. So many potential opportunities to see others' houses and order stuff.
I hope Nintendo gets their spotpass proxy thing going soon