Given how all of the other shows that I'm interested in don't start until next week, I could give Love Lab a shot.
I would definitely recommend checking it out.
Given how all of the other shows that I'm interested in don't start until next week, I could give Love Lab a shot.
Not like I needed more confirmation that Metal Gear was starting to eat into Kojima's brain, but still. :/
I'm completely shocked. This was really good! It's energetic, funny, and features a ton of sakuga. Riko and Maki bounce off each other so well that I'm curious how they will bring the other characters into the mix. Best first episode of summer so far.
I'm just waiting for Watamote right now. Nothing else is really interesting me. Will also check out Blood Lad I suppose.
Also Viz picks up the simulcast for Blood Lad. Sundays on Hulu.
CORRECTION: They have the full license, including home media. Also will be on Neon Alley sometime next year.
Danganronpa Chapter 2
Chihiro ;_;
Jesus fucking Christ, I'm keeping up with the anime just so I could hear that glorious Miyukichi again.Genocider Shou is best girl.
When does Watamote air? A bunch of stuff airs todayright?
Viz also announced that they have licensed Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet! Coming to BD/DVD next year, with the OVAs included.
Servant x Service
This feels like "working" but in another location ...but since i need my working fix , i'll forgive this anime.
And watch it every week
Should be airing on the 8th.
I keep forgetting what Watamote actually has an anime. I hope I can actually last through the whole episode without dying from cringing.
Hello Animegaf. Got a couple of questions. Didn't want to make a thread about it.
I went to Fry's the other day and saw at the corner of my eye the blu-ray collection of Black Lagoon. I was in impulse buy mode till i saw the $45 price tag lol. Can you recommend me other shows similar to Black Lagoon ? I liked the gunfights and dark humor from the show. Also does the show look great in blu-ray ? It's currently 25 bucks on Amazon and I might bite for nostalgia sake if it is.
I dont understand whats so cringeworthy about it? Can somebody list an example?
In the newest manga chapter, sheI dont understand whats so cringeworthy about it? Can somebody list an example?
I second this, Koko rocks.And Jormungand (ought to be releasing this fall).
Watamote manga spoilers
In the newest manga chapter, sheThough I think that's more creepy than cringeworthy.asked her brother to show her his dick.
Rozen Maiden
Oh my god, the characters are so annoying. I couldn't even finish the episode. No thanks.
I second this, Koko rocks.
So I just rewatched Tokyo Godfather, and it reaffirmed its status as my favorite Satoshi Kon film. Those feels in that film runs deep. I teared up at a few segments. Everyone in Anime-Gaf should really watch Kon's magnum opus.
new hype gif GET
Hello Animegaf. Got a couple of questions. Didn't want to make a thread about it.
I went to Fry's the other day and saw at the corner of my eye the blu-ray collection of Black Lagoon. I was in impulse buy mode till i saw the $45 price tag lol. Can you recommend me other shows similar to Black Lagoon ? I liked the gunfights and dark humor from the show. Also does the show look great in blu-ray ? It's currently 25 bucks on Amazon and I might bite for nostalgia sake if it is.
This is the worst season of anime.
So I just rewatched Tokyo Godfather, and it reaffirmed its status as my favorite Satoshi Kon film. Those feels in that film runs deep. I teared up at a few segments. Everyone in Anime-Gaf should really watch Kon's magnum opus.
There are occasional hints of yuri.I've been planning on watching this show for quite some time now, maybe I should move it up on my backlog list.
This is no 2010 summer.
This is no 2010 summer.
Any summer with Strike Witches is a good summer.This is no 2010 summer.
There are occasional hints of yuri.
I dont understand whats so cringeworthy about it? Can somebody list an example?
Yes-desu. Also whining someone's name over and over is annoying, who'd have guessed?What's your problem -desu, too moe for you -desu.
:[ why would you want to punch me?Turning Girls 3
I almost want to have jg's face on her to punch it or something, I had to suffer her existence every episode, it's the least I could do.
Yes-desu. Also whining someone's name over and over is annoying, who'd have guessed?
:[ why would you want to punch me?
Going Home Club 1
Alaska getting name dropped, we're moving places. Expect 4th wall breaking and tales of valor of fighting bears. Also Ahoge-chan being the straight man.
Turning Girls 1
I want to punch her in the face.
Date a Live 10
Not enough Kurumi.
So now Shido's gonna have to go on a date with Kotori. Oh joy.
Not like I needed more confirmation that Metal Gear was starting to eat into Kojima's brain, but still. :/
This season better not end with Kurumi falling for Shido and getting saved or some shit. She needs to stay super evil, cause that's what makes her so awesome.Oh man that episode. Tohka was so jelly and it was precious. There in never enough Kurumi though. Unless she gets a spinoff or something.
What is this jazzyness you speak of then?
TV Asahi x TOEI, the team who brought live-action movie series such as the “KAMEN RIDER” and “Power Rangers” to a big success, took on the challenge of making a long-awaited “Action-Fantasy Heroine Movie”, “Innocent Lilies”.
The scriptwriter to come up with a unique “girls witchery” story that has never been told before is Reiko Yoshida, known for blockbusters such as “K-ON!!” and “GIRLS und PANZER”. The director is a live-action fans’ favorite, Koichi Sakamoto, whose hard-core entertainment films are filled with breathtaking action scenes. The two creators known for their portrayal of the most enticing “heroines” in their own genres, anime and live-action, to work together on a project in itself is an exciting news in its own right!
Moreover, the main casts will be played by the six members of “”, a unique “geek-idol” group with the biggest potential of becoming the next hit sensation. The characters of the girls suffering from broken hearts in the story have poignant connection to their own past in real lives. “Innocent Lilies” is a miraculous story, made possible only with this perfect casting!
The story has abundant action scenes as well as variety of “moe” scenes for additional excitements. The meticulously, constructed perspective of the world brings about a “reality within unreality”. When the girls of “Innocent Lilies” succeed in changing the world, the genre of “action-fantasy heroine movie” also takes its first step into a new generation of films!!