Deputy Dangle
Sometimes I wish I could get into the gatari series, but I can never get past the first episode of Bake. lol
e: Dammit first post of the page.
e: Dammit first post of the page.
il sole penetra le illusioni ~ Day Break Illusion 1
So um...holy shit. I was not expecting this at all. Amazing OP, great animation, great music, just generally high production values And the story wasted no time getting dark as shit. Honestly I'm kinda blown away. I don't know if they can keep this level of quality up for the whole series, but I certainly hope they do. I know I had my reservations about this show, but this first episode was so good that that's all been nullified. Can't wait for next week now.
And here I thought Summer was going to be shit. Summer is working its magic for me
Because Upper Body and dreams. Also Fujoshi money.
Summer was thrown under a bus too soon.
Ok I really need to see this too!
Especially if its THAT kind of show.
Oh Kayos, your super moe avatar is killing me
Now say oniiiiii- chan
Fucking. No.
*Looks at anime out today*
Hoooolllyyyy shiiiit
Remember when shaft shows had good openings? Not only is Soredemo the best show out of them, it also had the last good opening.
You should. We may very well be getting the next Madoka Magica with this opening episode.
As long as there's Hidamari, Shaft will live on!
Man with all the shine from the shows I'm getting from Summer, Doki Doki feels like bleh even more.
Glory on the field of battle.
Genshiken: TNG
I feel like this was a wasted opportunity to use some of the old shots, because there's absolutely no nostalgia in how the show opens. That CG hall and CG door... combined with an all new voice cast (I can't get over the new Madarame... which is so broken because unlike the other guys or even Ogiue, he is basically a main character), and it feels like I'm watching an entirely different franchise.
But, it was nice to meet the people again. They really just said fuck it to the volume 8 and 9 stories and just assume that you know what's going on, and that's fine. Nerds are still going to nerd, and references will still be made. Although, I'm not sure how I feel about them being able to use "real anime" now:
Also, there's more gender identity issues in one episode than in all of Wandering Son!
Well, not really, but given where this show will go, it's kind of funny to revisit how the series started in the beginning.
I just need to get over the new cast... yikes.
Colored eyelashes in Genshiken? fuck i don't have time to marathon S1 to get to this![]()
Hi guys. This is going to be my first post here*.
Monogatari Second Season - 1
What to say about the awaited continuation? Wait, it's easy. Composed of
Moe opening
'Curious' dialogue (I was about to say smart, then but I thought twice)
Spirits / ghosts
Modernist design with a tendency to use white + a strong color as palette
Lots and lots of short cuts
Short haircuts (ugh, they were better with long hair)
a few funny moments
In other words, nothing new. Or, the expected, if you want want to see the glass half full.
I also have been watching HxH 2011 (best shonen series.... actually, it's basically the only shonen I like) and Shingeki no Kyojin.
From the past season, I watched
Valvrave (just for laughs, it doesn't reach Code Geass, even if I look at it from the trainwerk angle)
Chihayafuru (good, of course, though I joke with friends that Chihaya is not heterosexual or homosexual, but kuratasexual and we will never ever see any romantic relationship)
Yahari (meh)
Hataraku Maou-sama (good first five episodes, then it went meh)
Gargantia (I should have left the damn series after the third episode)
Right now I'm watching a series recommended by a friend, Kemono no Souja Erin. Manga wise, I read a ton of Seinen, in the hundreds range, though in the last years I slowed down a lot.
In this season, I expect to watch Silver Spoon, and maybe check Gatchman Crowds, just for Kenji Nakamura, Monogatari though quality of past series has been a bit uneven and there is some inertia.
*: though I have been lurking, reading you for years. I know all your secrets...
I always knew Chill Penguin was a Nazi.
Genshiken S3
I'm really liking how the show looks now, since the first two seasons (or maybe it was just the first) looked kinda butt. Only problem I have is that I kind of don't remember what happened in the story other than a few of the main cast graduating, though that's more than likely due to my awful memory. Also the new voice cast is weird and scary, it'll take some getting used to. Hopefully the new cast of characters will bring enough entertainment to replace the not so prevalent former main cast.
Bimbougami ga!
Element Hunters
Sure, but what makes the lashes special other than their color? lol
Heh, if I make a list of series that I consider good and other with series I consider bad, I doubt anyone would coincide with me 100%. That would be too much to expect.
But I will put some of the series that I liked in the last years, to give some orientation:
Shingeki no Kyojin
Hunter x Hunter
Moyashimon Returns
Shinsekai Yori
Sakamichi no Apollon
Fate Zero
Steins Gate
Mawaru Penguindrum
Ookiku Furikabutte
Level E
Ghost Hound
Haruhi Suzumiya (first season)
The Tatami Galaxy
The Book of Bantorra
Mouryou no Hako
House of Five Leaves
I feel like that's going a little far >.>
It was a good first episode, to be sure, but I don't think there's any indication of it reaching those heights just yet. when shaft shows had good openings? Not only is Soredemo the best show out of them, it also had the last good opening.
You should. We may very well be getting the next Madoka Magica with this opening episode.
Please tell me they didnt change Ohno too much!
Dark imagery? Cute innocent protagonist? Creepy vibes?
It's certainly heading down the same path. But who knows. The show has yet to take a turn down SAO Street or Valvrave Boulevard.
Sometimes I wish I could get into the gatari series, but I can never get past the first episode of Bake. lol
e: Dammit first post of the page.
Thanks. Might check them out as backlog this season with the way it's going.Monogatari is Shaft's greatest work of Shaft-ness ever. It's glorious. I love Madoka more, but it doesn't feel nearly as SHAFT as Monogatari does. Shaft x Nisio Isin is a match made in heaven. If you want to watch the series, just start at the beginning with Bakemonogatari (15 episodes), follow that up with Nisemonogatari (11 episodes), and finally watch the brief Nekomonogatari (Kuro) (4 episodes). Then you'll be fully prepared for the new series which starts airing today.
The one thing that may confuse you is that there's a separate anime called Katanagatari, which is also an adaptation of a novel series by Nisio Isin and is similarly titled, so it's often mentioned in conjunction with the Monogatari series. It's also very good, but it's not a Shaft series and it's completely unconnected to the Monogatari saga, so there's no need to look into that one if you don't want to.
The Servant X Service OP is pretty good. Really dig the visual style, wish the whole show looked like it. And the Free ED is awesome. The Gifu Dodo OP has a sweet song. any of these new season anime OP's or ED's stick out to anyone yet? I personally see 2 so far, which is ok I guess.
I think it's just obnoxious.Me either. It's obnoxiously boring in a lot of ways.
2deep4u, as the kids would say.I think it's just obnoxious.
I think the show looks better in all aspects but you be the judge:
Me either. It's obnoxiously boring in a lot of ways.
Hidamari Sketch x 365 episode 2
2deep4u, as the kids would say.
Maybe I need more of that Shinbo Brainwashing Soluion!2deep4u, as the kids would say.
So Neko White ep 1 worked okay as standalone given my mostly intact memories of the other TV series, but by next Saturday I think I'm going to have to:
- finally get around to reading Kizu
- rewatch Neko Black
- rewatch Bake
- rewatch Nise (probably skip over brushy brushy though)
Busy busy!
Maybe I need more of that Shinbo Brainwashing Soluion!
SHAFT-Gods, etc.Too deep in the deepest pit of the underworld where only the devilish denizens would watch that pile of crap.
I hope something is off with the screenshot function of your media player, because the screenshot doesn't look wide enough.
Too deep in the deepest pit of the underworld where only the devilish denizens would watch that pile of crap.
what pit are you currently in?
New Members
SHAFT-Gods, etc.
Genshiken Nidaime First Impressions:
...slightly disappointed, hearing the old cast with new VAs is kind of jarring. It's especially more pronounced with Ogiue, Ohno, and Madarame, they don't even feel like the same characters anymore. The episode itself wasn't all that bad, Sue is very entertaining and Yoshitake is a fun character and quite likable. And Hato-chan, certainly makes for a very entertaining new member. Other than my VA gripes, it wasn't bad. However, it definitely falls short of my expectations.
Ok this is worrying. I got quite attached to the old ones
Is there any appearance of Kujibiki Unbalance?
Oh and I LOOOOOVE your new avatar Kayos. You should definitely keep it like that.
Me either. It's obnoxiously boring in a lot of ways.
Thanks. Might check them out as backlog this season with the way it's going.
not even katanagatari ?
Just posters and figures, no appearances of the anime so far. Bakemonogatari was showing though, along with a couple of references.
Oh and I LOOOOOVE your new avatar Kayos. You should definitely keep it like that.
So Neko White ep 1 worked okay as standalone given my mostly intact memories of the other TV series, but by next Saturday I think I'm going to have to:
- finally get around to reading Kizu
- rewatch Nise (probably skip over brushy brushy though)