I'm not cajun but I shall hnnnng nonetheless.
Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-Chan!!
Fun show, almost ruined by the need to cram in plot. Still full of dirty jokes, lewd battle-damange, and violence against women.
Akio Watanabe was one of the Key animators on this and I can see it in the characters (especially plug, who reminds me a lot of Elsie from TWOGK), despite him not being a designer on this.
Going to watch the specials next, hopefully they have a nice focus on fun.
i don't even like cutesy shows and this gif is fucking hypnotic.
So how does CorvoSol feel about Holland? This may affect his reception of what's to come.
I believe I brought up this anime last week, but it's pretty interesting. It's essentially an anime music video with Phil Collins music. Look at how glorious Siva is. Look. Upon seeing his great dance moves, men are full of envious rage, and women are pregnant.
So how does CorvoSol feel about Holland? This may affect his reception of what's to come.
Allegedly. It was funny if you think namedropping Lovecraft is funny. By which I mean not at all.Hmm, thinking about some shows that I noticed but didn't see, how was the anime with 'cute nyarlathotep' ?
What genre was it ? Comedy ?
did she come back and go again? :<
Not nafe this time? Odd.
Happy Birthday Ryouga Saotome, may you continue your anime adventures in Japan!
Also RIP Pizzaroll.
Teaching Elementary school in Japan is a dangerous occupation. I mean, when a third of your class is magical girls, another third boys brimming with shonen heart, and another third that weird amorphous blob that was Ms. Yukari's class in Azumanga Daioh, you go home every day, defeat the demon king trying to tentacle rape your wife and just crash.
This is a realistic depiction of life in Japan. I know because all of Brazil is simultaneously a jungle, soccer field, and nude beach occupied only by sexy, busty women. Television definitely accurately reflects real life.
Those IRC logs have to be going somewhere.
And happy birthday Ryouga!
Dog Scissors
Ah, suddenly, they pander to SDBurton. I should have known. lol
For some reason, I don't completely hate this show. It's stupid enough to know it's stupid, and the tsundere antics are taken almost as something that has to happen because of nerds, rather than something to be necessarily celebrated. The quite obvious and cheap ploy/cliffhanger at the end makes me want to watch the next one anyway.
So now I know why the manga is like 200+ chapters. God damn. lol
And I assume these are the most popular ones, which is why they're basically redoing the entire story again.
And I suppose this is why Yui is a fan-favourite.
Still wish he had to do a BL conquest though, if only to tap into that Cross Days market!
Thanks, had no idea this site existed, I'll def give it some thought since their page still says its a preorder and you can't apply any discounts yet
Hmm, thinking about some shows that I noticed but didn't see, how was the anime with 'cute nyarlathotep' ?
What genre was it ? Comedy ?
So now I know why the manga is like 200+ chapters. God damn. lol
Squid Girl S2 5
Fairly average episode. Though Squid Girl gettingwas good for a chuckle or two. Not bad by any means (every episode of Squid Girl is enjoyable), just...average. degeso.smacked in the face by the ball
Just caught up with MJP
Sunday Without God 2
There's way too much shit not being explained. I'm waiting the whole episode to find out why Humbert killed the villagers, then the guy is like "u can find out later, lol". This is an ongoing LN, so we'll pretty much never find out. The dude isn't exactly sympathetic either, even if he "did what he had to". He could be less of an asshole about it, so that's really making me consider dropping this if he sticks around the whole time.
And how is he any more "immortal" than the rest of mankind?
It's p. funny seeing certain posters still miss the point of 7th's posts in the Bechdel test thread from a while ago.That thread in the OT is making my head hurt. Just another excuse for anime haters to come out of the wood work.
Casshern Sins 2
I mean, damn. And it's only the second episode. Mega Man Zero is gonna be the most depressed reploid in the world.
That thread in the OT is making my head hurt. Just another excuse for anime haters to come out of the wood work.
It's p. funny seeing certain posters still miss the point of 7th's posts in the Bechdel test thread from a while ago.
Bad art.
Worse art.
Yes Orange, save us with your CG!
I totally forgot about this show.
lol. Well, they aren't at all similar but if your someone whom really doesn't know much about these two series (or anime in general) then you'd also probably end up making a similarly stupid post so ヽ(´ー`K-ON! and Strike Witches are basically the same thing, right?
Majestic Prince
Wow, you like the new character? Episode 13 turned me off so much that I was considering dropping it before the redemption came in 14.
So this is how it begins. I shouldn't have watched Hosoda's work before this.
Beautiful live streaming by Kaeru. Does that number on the side represent her viewers? hahah
- Turning Girls 05
Sunday Without God 2
And how is he any more "immortal" than the rest of mankind?
Maybe that was a generalisation but I'm talking about that crowd that gets turned on with incestual relationships and the harassment of prep schoolers. Unless your in that crowd in which case yeah.
Oh god an all-Kaeru-all-the-time episode this sounds like something out of my worst nightmares
*watches episode*
Casshern Sins 2
I mean, damn. And it's only the second episode. Mega Man Zero is gonna be the most depressed reploid in the world.
2013 07/08~07/14 Anime BD List
*1 (***) --- 7,110 **7,110 **1 To Aru Kagaku no Railgun BD Box
*2 (***) --- 4,535 **4,535 **1 Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA v2
*3 (***) --- 3,003 **3,003 **1 Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san v2
*4 (***) --- 2,918 **2,918 **1 Kara no Kyoukai BD Box RE
*5 (***) *60 2,304 **9,659 **3 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru v1
*6 (***) **7 2,178 *49,329 **3 ONE PIECE Film Z LE
*7 (***) **9 1,767 *16,962 **3 ONE PIECE FIlm Z RE
*8 (***) **3 1,472 *11,192 **2 Hataraku Maou-sama! v1
*9 (***) **2 1,181 *11,450 **2 Ao no Exorcist Movie LE
10 (***) *29 1,000 382,946 *12 Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q (Evangelion 3.33)
2013 07/08~07/14 Anime DVD List
*1 (***) --- 6,840 *,**6,840 **1 Initial D Fifth Stage v7
*2 (***) **4 5,360 *,*44,538 **3 ONE PIECE Film Z RE
*4 (***) **6 3,010 *,*54,485 **3 ONE PIECE Film Z LE
*6 (***) --- 1,351 *,**1,351 **1 Seitokai Yakuindomo Kaette Kita OVA v2
*7 (***) *56 1,213 1,195,181 603 Tonari no Totoro
*8 (***) **5 1,205 *,**9,903 **2 Ao no Exorcist Movie LE
10 (***) *19 *,877 *,*29,771 **3 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% v1
12 (***) --- *,830 *,***,830 **1 Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san Z v2
13 (***) *51 *,798 *,170,383 *12 Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q (Evangelion 3.33)
15 (***) *22 *,731 *,**2,988 **2 Ao no Exorcist Movie RE
16 (***) --- *,688 *,**2,301 **2 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. v1
19 (***) --- *,614 *,121,008 116 Mimi wo Sumaseba
20 (***) --- *,607 *,507,413 549 Majo no Takkyuubin
23 (***) --- *,473 *,353,286 352 Mononoke-hime
25 (***) --- *,424 *,766,657 538 Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa
27 (***) *25 *,391 *,**2,510 **2 Hataraku Maou-sama! v1
28 (***) *78 *,388 *,**3,786 **4 Koto no Ha no Niwa
Only that much for One Piece Film Z? Anno prevails, even when he fails.![]()
Gender-ambiguous, psychotic tendencies, looks like a guy but sounds like a girl, pilots a black mech. What's not to like?!?!?!![]()
We've been bringing up Mega Man Zero all day. It's nice to see.
Mainstream audiences prefer Umakoshi's glorious hand-drawn animation to Anno's butt-ugly CGI EVAs confirmed. ヽ(*・ω・Well, One Piece Film Z did beat Eva 3.0 at the boxoffice by over 20 million dollars...
Mainstream audiences prefer Umakoshi's glorious hand-drawn animation to Anno's butt-ugly CGI EVAs confirmed. ヽ(*・ω・ノ
*2, 129,110 129,110 Shingeki no Kyojin OP "Jiyuu e no Shingeki"
Casshern Sins 1
Because I can't get enough of Umakoshi, I decided to take this one on (granted other comments prevented me from looking at Saint Seiya Omega)
Certainly isn't as colorful in comparison to some of his other designs, but we're dealing with a world going straight to hell, and boy he isn't Casshern'd about it. Ayuk yuk yuk yuk.
Anyway, Casshern apparently doesn't care for a little cheeky girl's feelings considering he just ripped out robo guts, which would be really disturbing if it was an actual human.
Good job killing Luna btw
Casshern, just who be you