Does this mean none of the E7 OPs get remixed into a battle song for Nirvash? Lame.
Nirvash only has two attacks in SRWZ2-2. The good news is that it has 3 pilots and Nirvash and Eureka have some good seishin.
Can I make Eureka be the main pilot? I like Renton, but having Terra Branford Jr pilot would be kinda sweet.
Can I make Eureka be the main pilot? I like Renton, but having Terra Branford Jr pilot would be kinda sweet.
Only Guren Lagan actually allows pilot switching
The other types of pilot switching (like Getter) changes the unit itself.
Argh i must have missed when you finished splash star, dammit i was looking forward to that.
Anyway be carefull you're entering a zone where you enjoyment will be somehow less epic than before.
Also , you probably think you've already guessed the plot of the next 3 episodes ?
Ah ah don't let your guard down
I'm watching some spring shows, what should i watch next?
Photo Kano
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
You only kiss once.
Wait, Arc Gurren? Or Cathedral Lazengann Gurren Lagann? If that's the case, how did they just flat out leave out the titular Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, let aloneSUPER Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?
[Futari Wa Precure] 25
Mascots. Just what this show needed.
This episode was mind-numbingly boring. Something about going to the Field of Lights and meeting the bad CGI Queen while I fall asleep on the keyboard. I hate it when this show gets into serious plot mode, even if.Ilkubo coming back from the dead was neat
In the entire game? Weird. Man, the Nirvash from the end of the movie wasn't even as cool as the final Nirvash in the series. And it was the only new mech in the entire movie.
WEEEELLL... the Ikaruga changes pilots from Zero to Ougi if you choose to deploy Zero as Shinkirou (you should do this, he has a barrier that blocks 4000 damage).
Other than that, there is no mid stage pilot switching in Z2-2. Not even with Guren Lagan.
A double whammy of bad series getting adapted.As part of the upcoming Jump Super Anime Tour, the popular recent WSJ series Assassination Classroom is getting a special anime adaptation that will be screened exclusively at the event. First step on the road to a full series? Who knows.
Apparently they're going to have some early Nisekoi footage there as well.
Nope.What the fuck, is the context not any wrong?
Geass and TTGL guys totally dominating Z2-2
Even the lesser unit like Shen-hu and Rolo (what the fuck, he could have 10 space post move attack) are killer.
It's not yaoi...yet. And it's good enough, certainly better than Tamako Market.
Two bits on Kaze Tachinu (yes its the in thing right now, the movie is all over the news and TV):
1) The grandfather of cranky old men (non Miyazaki edition), the maestro of nonsensical plots, the butcher of half baked characters, yes Yoshiyuki Tomino has weighed in on Kaze Tachinu.
When asked if he'd seen Kaze Tachinu he replied in the affirmative and said:
Tomino: A great movie.
What the fuck, why Gekko crew do that?A double whammy of bad series getting adapted.
Lancelot Albion is the true imbalanced character from Geass. It has higher mobility than the Guren Seiten, has a MAP and Suzaku has better Seishin than Kallen and that unfair Potential LV9 + 1.1 DMG secret skill.
What the fuck, why Gekko crew do that?
Eureka Seven Pocket Full Of Rainbow Spoilers
They're technically not the crew of the Gekko. It's an alternate universe where the only people still in-character are Renton and Eureka. Sort of. Kind of.
What the hell..
Basically it is an entirely different story with Eureka Seven's skin laid on top. And I mean that in the worst possible way. There was nothing about that movie that actually belonged to Eureka Seven or screamed "This is an Eureka Seven story."
Even Rebuild of Evangelion has been better in that regard.
I am worried Kaguya-hime might miss even Fall and slip into Winter.
It could just be the ramp up to Kaze Tachinu marketing, but commercials for Kaguya-hime have stopped and there is very little news of anything about it.
As for your point, Miyazaki and his work is way way more mainstream popular than Takahata so all attention is naturally on him. I'm actually glad that their releases got separated so at least Takahata gets his moment in the sun when the Kaguya marketing starts up. If they had released simultaneously as planned, I'm not sure the marketing for Kaguya would have amounted to anything.
What the hell..
Hush hush, there is no Eureka 7 movie.
Basically it is an entirely different story with Eureka Seven's skin laid on top. And I mean that in the worst possible way. There was nothing about that movie that actually belonged to Eureka Seven or screamed "This is an Eureka Seven story."
Even Rebuild of Evangelion has been better in that regard.
AO the prologue movie.
So apparently I was informed of something that I haven't noticed for a while, but you know how Precure's have declarations (basically their little catch phrase). Everyone has a declaration in Doki Doki Precure, but only Cure Heart actually says her the entire time. Everyone else hasn't bothered to say it.
Rikka (when called into action as "Cure Diamond") -
("I'll be the one to cool your rage!")
Alice (when called into action as "Cure Rosetta") -
("Love makes the world go 'round.") - Actually, I like the longer version better which she also adds "Now, come let me nurture the love in your heart!"
Makoto (when called into action as "Cure Sword") -
("I'll cut down your ambitions with the blade of love!")
The Declarations and products shown above states that they know they have declarations, and is more evidence for the bias of Cure Heart.
Blood-C episodes 1-6
Not enough gore yet, but I get a feeling there will be enough to satisfy me soon.
I am pretty sure the coffee guy is putting a fuckton of drugs in her drink.
What's the advice? lol
The free sydney newspaper that is an explosive combination of gossip, terrible reporting and generally being a piece of shit occasionally has its perks
What's the advice? lol
Wow, that's the laziest advice column ever!the fun bit is that the responses are also crowd sourced, so you can probably imagine
Rejoice zeroshiki, someone is subbing Amachan. I'll watch the first few episodes today.
Eureka Seven: Pocket Full of Rainbows
Just . . . fuck you, BONES.
Tifa is 3 dimensional though.
Not even a missing dimension will keep you from your glorious waifu.
Is Free good? I thought it's Yaoi so I didn't bother checking it out :S
Ooos I must have missed your post in the manga thread about it, just awake.As part of the upcoming Jump Super Anime Tour, the popular recent WSJ series Assassination Classroom is getting a special anime adaptation that will be screened exclusively at the event. First step on the road to a full series? Who knows.
Apparently they're going to have some early Nisekoi footage there as well.
Detective Conan 701 - The Jet-Black Mystery Train (Departure)
The plot has returned! How can you not be hyped after seeing this face? Still feel like I should revisit earlier episodes of this arc as a refresher. So excited.
Eureka Seven And Associated Series WMG
Pocket Full of Rainbows is canon to both E7 and AO. E7 takes place approx 10k years after AO, in like, 12005 AD or something. AO takes place in like, 2025, and PFoR takes place in 2050~. AO tells us the tale of the beginning of the Coralian's advances on Earth. PFoR recounts the end of that, how the Coralian came to cover the world, and of course, E7 tells us how that all ends before looping back into AO at points.
Oh thanks ..Here's all my impression posts from that last fateful night if you wanted to check them out:
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49 END
Movie lol
They tried their best to be smart while being as classic as possible.Not going to be completely formulaic? Sounds good to me!
I disagree ... Poron could have been better if he wasn't whinning all the time.Porun is the greatest mascot in the history of mascot. This is truth and no opinions to the contrary will be permitted. (That said, even I wasn't keen on him when he first appeared, so you can be forgiven if you don't warm to him immediately.)
Lool. Sometimes you have to go forward even if you know it's a trap.Futari wa Precure Splash Star 46
With all the revived villains defeated, it's time to finish things once and for all! ...Realising this, Michiru and Kaoru try to do the stupid thing and head back to Dark Fall alone in a reckless attempt to retrieve the Fairy Carafe without putting the Cures in danger. Naturally, when Mai and Saki realise what they're up to, they are having none of this, and after a little back-and-forth argument that proves everybody has their priorities straight (making Minori happy is the most important thing in the world, trufax), they all agree that heading to Dark Fall together is the right thing to do.
So off to Dark Fall it is, and oh look! The Fairy Carafe is just standing in the middle of nowhere, completely unguarded! Could it be a trap, by any chance? The Cures and friends certainly think so, and unsurprisingly enough, the moment they get near, they are ambushed by both Gohyarn and the great Akudaikaan himself.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star 47
olololololololololSURPRISE! Akudaikaan was just a pawn of Gohyarn! The only reason he was obsessed with destroying everything was because Gohyarn made him that way so he could step in and take over the world after it had been destroyed! And when Akudaikaan gets a little overenthusiastic about the destroying, Gohyarn's all like "kay don't need you anymore *extinguish life*." I always knew Gohyarn was a massive ass, but MY GOD, WHAT A MASSIVE ASS.
And thanks to Akudaikaan's excessive DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY-ing,Dark Fall itself has basically fallen apart, so we're back to the human world for the real final battle, as usual. With their "father" Akudaikaan out of the picture, there's no need for Michiru and Kaoru to even think about hesitating any more. Gohyarn has revealed his TRUE FORM, so now we just have to kick him into the dirt where he belongs. ...What do you mean he's probably stupidly strong and it won't be that easy.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star 48
First half of this episode was filled with GLORIOUS BATTLE ACTION, with AERIAL FIGHTING and FOUR-ON-ONE BEATDOWN and GIANT GODDAMN LASER BLAST. But of course,.Gohyarn wasn't fazed by any of this, and just got up afterwards with barely a scratch to show for it
Then we got another giant revelation that we've been waiting for the whole series:I...guess I should have seen that one coming. Unfortunately, this revelation wasthe Fountain of Sun is THE GODDAMN OCEAN.Gohyarn's cue to perform the aforementioned WORLD DESTROYING, with the added disadvantage that the destruction of the Fountain of Sun means the weakening of the spirits that Saki and Mai use to transform! So they both end up reverted to civilian form at the worst possible moment.
But of course, as long as they're still alive, they're not going to give up. Drawing on their last reserve of heroic strength, all four of the girls, plus mascots, call out to all of the surviving spirits in the world to lend them their strength, andOH FUCK YES ALL FOUR OF THEM TRANSFORMED. Saki into Cure Bloom, Mai into Cure Egret, and Michiru and Kaoru into new versions of Cure Bright and Cure Windy! (I don't know if they'll actually use those names, but THAT'S BASICALLY WHAT THEY ARE.) Finally Michiru and Kaoru's meaningful-name references are justified - they even got name-dropped in their respective "transformation calls".
So with one episode to go, now the REAL REAL TOTALLY FOR REALS THIS TIME YOU GUYS final battle can begin!Gohyarn, you are SO going DOWN.
It will be so hard to top that fight. It will happen , but not anytime soon.![]()
Yep the finale was so satisfying ...reallyFutari wa Precure Splash Star 49 END
That really was a pretty damn satisfying finale. Saki, Mai, Michiru and Kaoru really do make the bestest team. Cute name for the FINAL FINAL FINISHER as well -they finally managed to namedrop the series title! PRECURE SPIRAL HEART...SPLASH STAR!!!
And the montage of happiness that followed their victory tied up all sorts of other loose ends. Saki finally got to! Kaoru got towin a softball match! Michiru got todraw a cute picture! Mai got to...uh...make her own bread! Flappy and Choppyhold hands with Saki! Moop and Foopfinally got together! Mizu Shitatarewere irrelevant as usual! Minoriincreased the quality of the episode by remaining dead! Ganbarance de Dancewas adorable! I'm kind ofis best ending theme!going off on a tangent here
10/10 would watch again. Maybe I should take this opportunity to rank the five Very Best Parts of Futari wa Precure Splash Star (completely off the top of my...uh, is anyone getting déjà vu here?)
5. The steamy sex scene between Kintoresuki and Princess Filia. What-do-you-mean-that-didn't-happen.
4. That one scene where Saki and Mai almost kissed. What-do-you-mean-that-was-just-a-GIF.
3. Awesome Michiru and Kaoru moments. Too many of them to choose just one, but,the moment when they first saved Saki and Mai from Dorodoronandthe impassioned fight with the Cures where they finally saw the lightare all highlights. Oh, and mustn't forget the godly scene where theythe moment when they transformed into Cures alongside Saki and Mai in the final battle.begged Akudaikaan not to destroy the world
2. SAKI. Anyone who didn't see this one coming should be attacked by a...hang on, what? She's not number one? HOW CAN THAT BE?! Look at her smile! Is that not the greatest smile mankind has ever known?! How can it possibly be shunted down to SECOND place?!
1. Because MINORI is the most important thing in the world, of course. Trufax.
Now there's just the Splash Star movie to go, and then I can move on to Yes! Precure 5! ...What wonders await me in this great and terrifying unknown? Only time will tell.
Nods* in approval
Happy Birthday, Gintoki313! A pity you couldn't tell us this earlier.Crunchyroll is like the best site ever for what just happened. It was my birthday yesterday so I was away from my computer, or either watching the steam sales. I come back on my computer to watch the new anime that free users could watch on CR, and I'm surprised with a 30 day free trial from CR.
SNATCHER's 25th anniversary is approaching, and he could have leveraged to Mr. Suda & 5pb.'s Mr. Shikura some kind of off-hands project... or I'll keep hoping for that. :-(And, in the meantime, Kojima is stuck making Metal Gear games.![]()
Not a simple voice actor but a specialized guy at that kind of effects! Sound design expert Kōji Kasamatsu.I think the idea that the sound effects of the planes are made by a voice actor is pretty neat.
Everyone mentions the second film's last battle, but Yoko VS. Adiane "cat fight" (with added GORIPON flavor) is another cool standout for the first one.So are the Gurren Lagann movies worth watching if you've seen the OG tele series?
The recent preview aired at NTV channel continues to mention a Fall release.I am worried Kaguya-hime might miss even Fall and slip into Winter.
It could just be the ramp up to Kaze Tachinu marketing, but commercials for Kaguya-hime have stopped and there is very little news of anything about it.