Where's the non-canonical option?
Where's the non-canonical option?
fucking tiny hats
0/10 preemptively dropped
Romanized for that MAL flavour.Where's the non-canonical option?
Romanized for that MAL flavour.
Also, what client are you currently using? I didn't even notice a beta of Taiga 1.0 was out until I checked tonight. Months of being on that old stuff.
Haha that's awesome
And just in case anyone is wondering, yes, those are legit tweets (if about a month old by now).
(It seems the person RPing the account was inspired after Dominos responded to a separate RP account)
My eyes twitch whenever I try to do anything on the hummingbird site because of how slooooooow it is.
Probably the main reason why I want a client that allows me to do my handiwork without actually going to the site.
Though if the site is this slow now with only a handful of beta users, imagine what would happen with with devices all accessing it through some api.
My eyes twitch whenever I try to do anything on the hummingbird site because of how slooooooow it is.
1st 110 Yozora Mikazuki @ Boku Wa Tomodachi Ga Sukunai
2nd 107 Saori Takebe @ Girls Und Panzer
3rd 105 Nanami Aoyama @ Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo
4th 104 Yuno @ Hidamari Sketch
5th 98 Mairu Shirouzu @ Saki
6th 93 Darjeeling @ Girls Und Panzer
6th 93 Komachi Hikigaya @ Yahari Ore No Seishun Love Comedy Wa Machigatteiru
8th 83 Takami Shibuya @ Saki
9th 82 Karuta Roromiya @ Inu X Boku SS
10th 78 Yae Kobashiri @ Saki
11th 69 Leviathan @ Zettai Bouei Leviathan
12th 68 Miyabi Kannagi @ Kono Naka Ni Hitori Imouto Ga Iru!
12th 68 Nagahide Niwa @ Oda Nobuna no Yabou
14th 66 Orange Pekoe @ Girls Und Panzer
Hrm, I want to think that they used them before!Nobody informed me that there were colored visors.
please someone save me from myself
Love that, but Lelouch's MAP are more practical most of the time.Turn A has a godmode MAP attack in Z2-2. It kinda sucks in Z2-1 though.
Love that, but Lelouch's MAP are more practical most of the time.
i have the least worst taste
The Shinkirou's map is pretty dope but it being 4-10 kinda makes it a challenge to use. You should be using Lelouch for the barrier anyways.
The Turn-A map attack destroys basically everything in front of Turn-A. Its ridiculous that its map attack is even better than the one Shin Getter Dragon has.
Hrm, I want to think that they used them before!
But is this a sub-fetish of the eyelash thing? lol
Dem visors on dem sailors.Entirely different. Blame Hito's avatar.
Stella C3-Bu ep.4
...the fuck was that supposed to be?
I hope nothing from this episode sticks permanently story-wise so I can erase it from canon..If Yura keeps the gun in future episodes I'll just pretend Sonora gave it to her for some other reason
You anime title nerds are neeeeerds.
Well fuck. I guess it had to happen eventually. An episode about the fucking sakura trees themselves being :firehawk. Well played SatoJun, well played. I didn't even mind that this episode was essentially a.retelling of the OVA
I tempted to watch RKB S2 and shaming myself just for this parodysub
Mascot cats rule any anime!Was nice though. But then my diving into anime has brought out a love of Sakura to the point that I've considered planting my own.
Am liking the new photo club member. And here I thought Potte was shy.
And again it shows that just like R2 in Star Wars, its all about Momoneko.
my fetish is not actually watching a lot of anime
Silver Spoon 3
The moral of this story is: everyone loves adorable littlebaconspiglets.
Silver Spoon 3
Another good episode. The ending about the piglets basically sums up the episode.
Silvah Spork
You know, I understand the whole circle of life thing and all that, but this seemed like an episode to justify horse racing more than anything else. Then again, unlike Luck, at least horses didn't have to die to make this episode.![]()
Y'all shouldn't forget to post in the OT either. ._.silver spoon 3
moe livestock/food.
still not sure what this show is suppose to be about... farm informercial?
I suppose it's a matter of time.I'm banking on this
I can't help it!Don't be a butt!
It wasn't THAT bad!what are they saying? Also, more please, thank you.
I've watched The Rapeman. Never again.
I'm not crying something got in my eyeK-On!! 24 End
I was not ready for this, it was raining very heavily.
:firehawk/10, AOTY, will I ever watch an anime finale as good as this ever again?
'Portmantau - Translation' strikes again!Now solicited from Media Blasters, though not up for preorder anywhere yet:
Yamibo - Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books
MSRP: $29.98
Japanese w/ English Sub (Stereo)
Street Date: 10/22/13
edit: they announced the license back in May, so that's been known for a while, just the release date and format are new
For now.Except it lacks a bad dub.
Drop the sharp nose this isn't the 90s.
You know what you must do!A show too Yuri for SDBurton is a shocker to me.
The API is coming soon so you could make something yourself.I would still like a client that just updates the profile automatically.
Chronological order has its uses, I like my current shows being at the top of my currently watching. Should have a sort option though.I prefer MAL's list confined to one page, shitty Nihongo naming aside.
Also why would you not have these things in alphabetical order? Fucking Hummingbird.
Down with useless granularity! It also lets you do 5 stars if you like.Thanks.
I like that their ratings are:|
only. Makes things less complicated.
You know, I understand the whole circle of life thing and all that, but this seemed like an episode to justify horse racing more than anything else. Then again, unlike Luck, at least horses didn't have to die to make this episode.![]()
Dude is not even in the game, so I don't consider it a love triangle at all!So it wasn't just more love triangle setup?
I liked the horse race. I hadn't actually seen that kind of horse race before.
Best OP is the Gatchaman Crowds one.
Best ED is the Rozen Maiden one.
This is fact.