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F'DUPTON 3: Back in the Tub with 5.0/5.5/6/7/several Inches of RAM-Flavoured Water

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No, what you say should be taken with a grain of salt. He's scooped this board on a full range of issues and a lot of them have panned out. He and other insiders come here and post sensitive info that is often subject to change. The only way an insider can be right 100% of the time is if they wait until things are finalized to tell us, and by then everyone already knows whatever it is.

We want them to come here and give us the scoop early and take the risk that things may turn out differently. That's what makes it a "scoop."

Well said my friend. I really don't understand all of the animosity towards the insiders. Take it or leave it, they are rumors from a source that has a history of getting it right more than getting it wrong. They might be right, but they could be wrong. If you take it as gospel and look the fool then you only have yourself to blame. I enjoy the scoops, but I never assume they are 100 percent correct. Most of the time I just hope they are.


The Detective
I know some virtual memory implementations and those are rather slow and only ease development. But i don't know the PS4 implementation.

Virtual memory is critical in all modern OSes, it is not smart to complain about it.

200MB/s bandwidth is good, at least for web browsing ,because your network speed never meet that.

But for data intensive access, I don't think it would be good use.

200MB/s of bandwidth from what?


Unfortunately all of us have been wrong at some point. The industry shifts so quickly that something you think is "breaking news" might be weeks or even months old. The thing about Thuway is he shares a ton of what he hears with gaf which is great for you guys but also crappy for him because he puts himself out there way more often. Lots of other posters hear a bunch of stuff but were not going to post anything because if its wrong we look disingenuous or untrustworthy. It just isn't worth it most of the time.

This. GAF members who actually try and share information get my respect. Of course, no one is correct 100% of the time, but we do have several folks who have stood the test of time and are correct more often than not.


Instead of cleaning audio he should've cleared his ears. It still baffles me how he understood ''several'' as ''seven'', the L is pretty clear in that recording. And then that arrogant comment afterwards: ''Sony corrected themselves'', SMH...

An honest mistake would have ended as just that, an honest mistake, and they could have easily corrected their story, no harm done. But then they went and arrogantly said "Sony corrected themselves" and then Richy Boy posts that BS on twitter.

Seriously, it smells of desperation from some people.


This thread....



Better RAM than Xbox One? Better RAM than Xbox One.

sure, faster ram, more gpu h/w, cheaper price, no forced camera, etc, everything else remains the same.
though I cant imagine for what reason sony would reserve fuckin 3gigs, other than to stay in a easy position to match microsoft IF EVER they did anything magic in their os.


Vita Seriously. Pick up one and use it. Any worries about the PS4 OS will melt away.

Do you mean the OS that completely separates the friends, messaging, and party system into 3 separate apps, disconnects you from the PSN depending on whether the dev chooses, while still forcing people to sit through long installs, syncing of trophies, and weird sometimes real time messaging? Surely you are talking about a different system.


Do you mean the OS that completely separates the friends, messaging, and party system into 3 separate apps, disconnects you from the PSN depending on whether the dev chooses, while still forcing people to sit through long installs, syncing of trophies, and weird sometimes real time messaging? Surely you are talking about a different system.

It's a handheld. It's going to have limitations compared to a full-blown home console.

Please tell us that you're certainly not this dense.

DF is all about page clicks.

Right... the real test will be how amazingly well the system, and anyone would be an idiot if they think PS4 won't sell with amazing games.. If they think PS4 will be putting out sub-par graphics due to the memory stuff, then welllll they're in for a surprise.
Lol. This is why him saying it's 6GB means nothing. Thuway is not CBOAT.

No, you or me saying 6GB means nothing. Him saying means something, because he's given us plenty of info that panned out. It's not to be taken as gospel, but it means more than nothing.

It also means more than anything DF publishes going forward, evidently.
It is clearly not CG. There are rough DoF effects everywhere, and clear aliasing. Telling even the best in engine footage from CG is pretty easy if you know what to look for.

You can see that is not playable footage, its all on autopilot, complete with a bullshit hud.

The game we get late 2014/2015 won't be that.

Looking like that at a ridiculously early stage ain't happening.


Okay, guys, what about this?
The PS4 User Interface video showed us multitasking. What about this?

- 5 GB for games
- 1 GB for an app (multitasking)
- 2 GB for OS

About 2/8 CPU cores disabled for games:
- 1 CPU core for the OS
- 1 CPU core for an app


Junior Member
Do you mean the OS that completely separates the friends, messaging, and party system into 3 separate apps, disconnects you from the PSN depending on whether the dev chooses, while still forcing people to sit through long installs, syncing of trophies, and weird sometimes real time messaging? Surely you are talking about a different system.
not too loud. Someone might hear you.

not to mention that the small memory foot print of the vita OS has to do with it residing in flash memory as opposed to a hdd


It's a handheld. It's going to have limitations compared to a full-blown home console.

Please tell us that you're certainly not this dense.

He and others are saying it's the best OS, including guys like Mortimer, which is just ridiculous. It's not even close to being the same experience as playing online on my 360 or PS3. Multitasking and jumping in and out of games is pretty awesome, no doubt, but it doesn't come close to being an always online connected device. Shit you get signed out the second you press the damn guide button. Are you this dense?
Do you mean the OS that completely separates the friends, messaging, and party system into 3 separate apps, disconnects you from the PSN depending on whether the dev chooses, while still forcing people to sit through long installs, syncing of trophies, and weird sometimes real time messaging? Surely you are talking about a different system.

This. Vita has probably one of the shittiest OS on a handheld. Really hope PS4 OS is not anything like the Vita.
Perhaps I am misinterpreting things but they aren't allocating 3 GBs of RAM to the OS, for all we know the OS only uses 1-1.5 GBs right now. However, the part everyone is hung up on is that they are conservatively reserving some RAM to give the OS headroom and still giving Devs a boost in available RAM over the pre Feb 22nd reveal. Also because most devs were so out of that increase to RAM loop the dev pipeline may not even be there for devs to fully take advantage of the amount of RAM currently in the PS4. This is substantiated by the fact multiple devs have yet to receive final dev kits, so even if all this DF nonsense didn't happen nearly all launch and launch window titles would be using less than 5 gigs anyway.

Once launch woes on the OS have passed and the dev pipeline improves Sony can then revise the memory allocation just as they did with the PS3, where they brought the OS from 120 MBs to 50 MBs. On top of all that no one here has an official starting point on the RAM allocation as it is today and at launch.

That's how I have been reading it the last few days, someone tear this post apart if I am totally off.
S¡mon;73239996 said:
No worries. :) Do we know why the OS manages 0.5 GB? Just... why?
AFAIK programmer doesnt say where -in which address-in that 512MB things will be written.The system does it automatically creating something similar to a copy of objects physical address in the hard disk via virtual memory pages.Variations of that object are stored in a hierarchy way in the virtual memory space via a complicated algorithm that is managed by the OS.If the data stored in the physical memory is greater than 512MB then the virtual memory decides (based on use estadistics or programmer hints) which of the virtual pages data remain in the physical memory.Example totally invented(kind of levels caching in games):
You have two rooms stored in the physical and virtual memory managed by the OS: one room is in fact in physical memory and this plus the other in virtual memory space.You are in the in-between room (allocated in the free memory managed by the programmer).As you approach the room not in any physical memory the OS transfers it to the physical memory deleting the data of the one farther away.


Please tell me this article was not written by Leadbetter. Please...

As you might have noticed... articles with rumors about anything positive in the PS4 have no name attached to them. Articles that portray the PS4 in a negative light proudly carry his signature. ;)
Do you mean the OS that completely separates the friends, messaging, and party system into 3 separate apps, disconnects you from the PSN depending on whether the dev chooses, while still forcing people to sit through long installs, syncing of trophies, and weird sometimes real time messaging? Surely you are talking about a different system.

Do you even know what you are talking about?smh. Some posters in this thread send palm to face.


I don't know why people is so mad at the amount of RAM allocated for games on both PS4 and X1.

People, 5GB is a fcking lot crazy amout of RAM, just look at the games this gen pulled out with only 512 MB. Next gen is aiming 1080p 60fps not 4k resolution.

On the other side 3GB for OS only is a bit too much imo, but as almost everyone here I don't know what are the full features of both OS.
DF comes out with an article explicitly stating they got the 4.5GB + 512MB numbers from a PS4 SDK. Thuway then posts that he's got a "feeling in his feathers that it's 6GB" (paraphrasing). Everyone then is like "Oh, so it must be 6GB! The bird has spoken!".

It just seems ridiculous to me.

The guys at DF are journalists, or at least they try to be so I'm hoping they got at least two sources before posting the article. After all, it's their day job and I'd hope they're pretty damn good at it. They of course get things wrong, just as insiders get things wrong. But when DF says they got the information from an actual PS4 SDK, I'll believe them over a feeling in our insiders feathers.

I know what you're saying. How do you go against the official PS4 SDK? It's not like this suddenly makes the PS4 a less amazing videogame console. We're going to see some outrageous things out of the PS4 over its life. And, as silly as people might think this sounds, these systems have to be more than just old school games only machines. They need attractive features and services, too. There's nothing wrong with valuing the need for resources to be dedicated to other parts of a console, rather than just the videogame portion. And, to be honest, just because some ram isn't strictly for a game developer to use doesn't mean that reserved ram isn't also helping to improve the overall game experience.


On the other side 3GB for OS only is a bit too much.

Some insiders have already hinted that the OS is not even using all those 3GB. Sony just wants to wait and see if they will need more memory for any feature they might need to copy from the X1. It is very likely Microsoft is doing exactly the same.


Given that this is a Leadbetter article, I'd hold off on taking it with too much merit till we have further clarification. He'd probably find a negative in a positive it it was non Microsoft related.

Could be several misinterpretations or falsehoods here, similar to seven instead of several or his last Esram article which does the opposite (fails to properly quiz and deconstruct and instead pushes PR).
Having shit loads of RAM is great n all but the power has to be available to be able to process all of it, so it doesn't mean shit if the hardware isn't up to the task.


Most low end graphics cards use DDR3 while most mid-range and all high ends ones use GDDR5. You don't have to wait to see.

No, this is wrong. You could easily build GPUs with DDR3 but we don't know how this would turn out in terms of graphics. We don't know the performance hit. And it will also tell us only remotely how this would translate into differences in consoles as the architecture is quite different because of the APU. Also we don't know what differences make ESRAM and the move-units. Don't expect wonders, sure, but they don't build it this way for nothing.
This thread is intense friends. Even if these rumors are true it seems like we're back where we started but with a better position, for ps4.

i wonder how much ps4 would have been able to reserve for gaming if they had kept the 4 gigs of gddr5. I feel with this rumor even if we get 4-5 dedicated for pure gaming, we are still in a good space because of the GPU. Both systems seem capable of providing good experiences with a slight edge for ps4. Theres nothing wrong with that but we cant pretend that these are the same systems, friends.
I think I saw someone in this thread trying to say that DF knew about the 8GB ram increase in PS4 but I believe that was EDGE and only EDGE that reported on a increase in ram right?


This thread is intense friends. Even if these rumors are true it seems like we're back where we started but with a better position, for ps4.

i wonder how much ps4 would have been able to reserve for gaming if they had kept the 4 gigs of gddr5. I feel with this rumor even if we get 4-5 dedicated for pure gaming, we are still in a good space because of the GPU. Both systems seem capable of providing good experiences with a slight edge for ps4. Theres nothing wrong with that but we cant pretend that these are the same systems, friends.

If they had 4gb games would still be fine but it would have made more headaches to the people who are currently adjusting freebsd for their purposes.
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