Ok Novocaine, C.Olimar788 and Darkgran have been added.
Gates are opening now...
Got disconnected. Coming back
Ok Novocaine, C.Olimar788 and Darkgran have been added.
Gates are opening now...
Got disconnected. Coming back
Thanks for the tips. If anyone else is interested, I'll be around checking the thread and PM's every so often. (I'm at work)
I would love to come over and sell turnips.
My friend code is: 0173-1290-8809
I also sent a PM, but I figured I'd be extra safe.
Ok Novocaine, C.Olimar788 and Darkgran have been added.
Gates are opening now...
can i come in ?, my fc is 4914-3673-8384
Cloak, is this still going on?
I have a fairly small stash (by my standards to sell.) It would take s7-8 runs from the lockers to the shop I will leave 10% and a gold closet if you want it.
Thanks, Cloak.
Resetti again but you saved right before that. As long as you got your tip I'm good. I only had 400 left anyways.
Not sky high, but decent I guess. My Re-tail just opened and morning turnips price is 321.
If anyone is interested in selling add me and let me know your FC here.
FC: 5284-1417-3375
Not sky high, but decent I guess. My Re-tail just opened and morning turnips price is 321.
If anyone is interested in selling add me and let me know your FC here.
FC: 5284-1417-3375
Turnips being bought for 444 bells right now. I can probably take 2 or 3 people but ya gotta be quick.
Got anyone yet? I'll go.
You still open for business?Turnips are 152 bells in my town until noon PST for anybody looking to unload at the last minute.
Furthermore, if they spoil, can't you just dispose of them in a trash can for free?I'm just wondering, if it's last day and you haven't sold them, can't you just take them to your own re-tail and sell at whatever price they're paying, at least minimising the losses?
6+.You're not playing games here hirednoobs. How much trips do you need to make to sell all that? :/
Bought 120,000 turnips at a price of 93 bells per turnip for a total investment of 11,160,000.
With more than 66 million bells already in the bank, I should have my personal ABD by the end of the week.
What happens to the town? Their inhabitants have to eat turnip for 2 years?Damn, your are crazy... I don't envy the town where you will unload them... On the other side, would be a very nice tip for that person...
I typically leave a million bell tip, but I rarely sell everything in one town, it takes too long.Damn, your are crazy... I don't envy the town where you will unload them... On the other side, would be a very nice tip for that person...