So... I'm thinking with how great this game is and the improvements to the pc version... this could possible be the best dungeon hack n slash game on consoles ever....O_O
Added you.
So... I'm thinking with how great this game is and the improvements to the pc version... this could possible be the best dungeon hack n slash game on consoles ever....O_O
So... I'm thinking with how great this game is and the improvements to the pc version... this could possible be the best dungeon hack n slash game on consoles ever....O_O
Yes, it most definitely is. No two ways around it. Vastly superior to anything else in the market (PC or consoles, imho). Runic should not even think about porting TL2 now, imho, it is pointless. That is a fight that they would not win.
So... I'm thinking with how great this game is and the improvements to the pc version... this could possible be the best dungeon hack n slash game on consoles ever....O_O
That is what I like to hear. I was a huge fan of Champions of Norrath back on PS2 and I have been waiting for something to top it ever since. Games like Sacred 2 simply did not cut it. It's nice to finally have what is widely regarded as the king of these games back on consoles.
Diablo 3 for PC = Piece of Shit!
Diablo 3 for consoles = Holy grail of gaming!
What changed? Is the game really THAT good?
It just does so much right. It's a smooth experience, the improvements, sure there is a few dips in framerate and screen tearing on random occasion, but damn call me impressed.
Diablo 3 for PC = Piece of Shit!
Diablo 3 for consoles = Holy grail of gaming!
What changed? Is the game really THAT good?
Diablo 3 for PC = Piece of Shit!
Diablo 3 for consoles = Holy grail of gaming!
What changed? Is the game really THAT good?
Diablo 3 for PC = Piece of Shit!
Diablo 3 for consoles = Holy grail of gaming!
What changed? Is the game really THAT good?
A handful of the most severe issues that hurt the game are completely different or gone in this version. There is a foundation of gameplay buried under the garbage in Diablo 3 that is really solid.
Man I hear you about the low gold at the starting.Played a bunch on the 360 yesterday and I have to say that the drops have been good but definitely not overly good. The game seems to drop rares regularly on medium and I got 2 legendaries when I hit level 13 with my Barb within 5 minutes of each other in the same dungeon (watchtower), one from an elite and one from a treasure goblin.
Oh and damn those withermoths, damn them straight to hell.
Diablo 3 for PC = Piece of Shit!
Diablo 3 for consoles = Holy grail of gaming!
What changed? Is the game really THAT good?
Honestly I wanted my entire review to have a PIP of me rolling through stuff. I don't know why but I found it hilarious and when in graveyards I just smashed everything. Backflipping and rolling through shit. Sorry about your tombstone grandpa boom!seems fun so far though. rolling through breakable stuff is awesome. heh.
Nightmare skeleton king done. This shit is addicting but it's 2:40am and I need to head to bedoh well. First session:
Level 34 barbarian - nightmare (hard)
2633 damage
1611 armor
5100 health
12 legendaries
Is anybody having sound problems with the 360 version? It's practically all bass, and we can't hear the voice work. It comes through every channel but the center. We're doing local co-op.
So far I'm a bit disapointed. It's not as responsive as I expected, and I'm wondering why each character can't go into their inventory screen without disrupting the flow of the game. If my wife goes to her equip screen I'm just waiting there. Very annoying.
Hmm... maybe the loot system is too good...
Dropped the same legendary I already had. Sad thing is it's an improvement.
Most people who played D3 on PC never played D3 again 1 week after launch. Since then there have been numerous patch changes on the PC to make it better but a lot of people never got to experience it.Diablo 3 for PC = Piece of Shit!
Diablo 3 for consoles = Holy grail of gaming!
What changed? Is the game really THAT good?
I really like the game on consoles, things that bug me are:
-Framerate, whoever said it was "ok" was lying, its all over the place if you have many enemys on screen at once (x360) it is playable but by no means is it "60fps" or even stable 30...
-too many legendarys, itemisation and loot is better than in the pc version, still there are just a tiny bit too many legendarys droping imo. End of Act 2 and I found 7 Legendarys.
I really hope for a ps4/xbone version without the fps issues and the final loot2.0 with reaper of souls, would bite a third time then.
Yep, not like Borderlands style.
2 player local coop gave different drops to us yesterday as quest reward (both were blue but different stats & slots).
Wow. Need to try this!
My post was in jest, but I would hope that all of the features that make the console version superior to the PC will be carried over to the PC when that is released.I think the expansion is suppose to do that, right?
I think the expansion is suppose to do that, right?
My post was in jest, but I would hope that all of the features that make the console version superior to the PC will be carried over to the PC when that is released.
Otherwise I'm not even buying that expansion, despite loving Diablo III.
Oh, really?Pre-expansion patch with all that and more, according to Blizz. Expansion itself won't be released simultaneously for PC and consoles, though.
Well the PC version can have all the console stuff except for no AH... that would need a separate Ladder exclusively for a non AH version. Blizzard probably makes too much money off of the RMAH to let it go completely.
Well the PC version can have all the console stuff except for no AH... that would need a separate Ladder exclusively for a non AH version. Blizzard probably makes too much money off of the RMAH to let it go completely.
Just got it last night on 360. The graphical downgrades that had to be made for these ancient consoles are stunning. Will definitely be looking forward to the PS4 version.
oh yeah, plenty of tearing going on here. feel bad for the folks that got this on PS3 if its worse there. yikes.
wish they locked this at 30fps and cranked up the v-sync. didnt realize it was going to be so bad.
seems fun so far though. rolling through breakable stuff is awesome. heh.
What graphical downgrades? You mean the resolution only, right? Because the DF analysis mentioned that everything else is on 'High' settings.