Doesn't even matter yet since I cant sign into Social club via the app or the website.
thats a relief to know im not the only one. can anyone else not redeem the pre order blimp?
Doesn't even matter yet since I cant sign into Social club via the app or the website.
Are you confirming the existence of hydraulics with this question? Heard they weren't in.
Ok, I managed to figure out that I had to link my Social Club account to my PSN account.
Anyone managed to get iFruit working? Just get an error-message when trying to sign in.
Also, my pre-order bonus code didn't work![]()
I were surprised to see people bonfire at the beach at night, what a nice atmosphere.
But can I only interact with people by pressing the right dpad? Because nobody seem to like
me. They always get angry.
Apparently I did something at the beach which made the whole group walk away from the bonfire and to the water were they walked along the sand.
Is the pre-order DLC inside the box? If so is there any way to tell you have it without opening the box to verify?
(UK copy more specifically)
I managed to get into a fight with one of them and accidentally ran into the fire and caught flames, that seemed to scare them and they all scampered away..
just got my copy, can anyone with a ps3 version confirm if the back of their game is in spanish or not. Mine is and I'm wondering if I should return it.
I just took control of Michael. What an awesome beginning.
I did the same thing. And then I burned to death.
the biggest complaint I have right now is I sometimes find it hard to see the aiming dot. Anyone else get this or is it just me?
I just took control of Michael. What an awesome beginning.
This is my first post - hello everyone.
It's not a 'sit down' button, but (like i said a few posts back) if you stand still and wait about 1 minute (or less) the camera will go first person and look around.2. The world is detailed and gorgeous as hell, but sometimes I just want to sit at the bus stop bench and just look at stuff. Look at the A.I. routines and just kick back for a second before I go do whatever insane mission the game demands. That's totally impossible in this game. There really is no actual sit button in the world unless i'm at the house. Sometimes in Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, I'd just sit at the bench and soak in the world, and that had FAR less going on.
Hello, Bruno. Where'd you get the sticker things?![]()
Welcome Bruno.This is my first post - SUP BROS.
God, all these people critiquing the social and political aspects of the game when they have no intention of playing, or even learning about, the fucking thing. Henceforth, there's only one opinion on GTA V that I care about: mine. That is, until I review it, hopefully in a few days.
So far? Great, easily worth a buy, but not as good as SRIV, a game I was already accused of underrating at 8/10. My, the comments I'll probably get at this rate.
Fair enough, thanks.It's in all early copies.
They came with my order, pleasant surprise.
I know that this is probably nitpicky as hell, but the thing bugging me most about GTA V is that your ONLY option is to be as ignorant and as criminal as HELL. I'm walking around as Franklin, and the three things that are really messing with my enjoyment are:
1. Why is my ONLY option (other than ignoring people) to fight when I'm walking past NPCs? There have been a few times when I'm walking and people say, "What's up, Franklin!". I hit every button looking for something other than RUN and FIGHT. What if i just want to give somebody the fist bump, or just say hey! Seriously. Can't there be a button - especially when somebody starts fighting you for no reason - that lets you throw up your hands like, "Be cool, man. it's all good. My bad" or something. The minute you bump into somebody it's either they're scared of you, or everybody's ready to fight. I really don't like that. I wish they'd give a few 'props' points or something when you go out of your way to be cool. Maybe respect points or something. If the fight is unavoidable, bring it, but Rockstar goes out of it's way to make the world so 'realistic', only to have everyone be so damned crazy. It just bugs me.
UPS guy must hate me. C'mon already!
Kate Upton, friend.[IMG][/QUOTE]
[URL=""]Shelby Welinder[/URL]
It's not a 'sit down' button, but (like i said a few posts back) if you stand still and wait about 1 minute (or less) the camera will go first person and look around.
I thought I read on here that you can press Left (I think) on the D-pad to interact with NPCs. I haven't played the game yet so I'm not 100% sure