Stun / grip them away from the NPCs. There's one type of enemy that will charge an NPC and start grinding away at their health extremely rapidly. Can't remember the name (could've been bonecrusher or bonegrinder or something like that), but the key is stopping them from continuing after they fire off their charge.
We usually transition when there's few enemies on the ground or if the next spawn is coming in soon. Can't really say how to to weight the options since our RL does that.
Bonecrusher. Yeah, our DK was doing a great job on the grips. Amusingly enough it seemed to be the shaman healing the adds that caused them the most trouble. And maybe not prioritizing stuns, etc....that and it was the end of the night and the DK started dying somehow....

All sorts of issues. We only raid two nights a week, however, so we expect to down him Sunday....well, we still have to make sure we stand appropriately for the flames, but still.
The earlier bosses were figured out quickly and we two shot Pride (tank

). Once we got it down, though, neither tank even got to 25 Pride before it all got wiped away for the last 30 50% or so (forget when he wipes it).
Although, amusingly, we got cocky with a few million HP left, someone didn't expect the final huge wave of adds, and the druid tank had to finish him off with everyone dead. Tense.
We're that sort of guild! Had about five weeks of Lei Shen kills in the end. Norushen was tough - didn't get him last week - but never felt out of reach (although, as I hinted before, for the placement in the instance perhaps a slightly longer enrage would help).
Maybe I'm just naive, but I haven't seen Pride as being *that* difficult as yet. Granted, we've not had a kill, but we've had a very low-% wipe after only spending about thirty minutes on it.
One of the things I have observed of Pride which may be a difference - and the same applies to Fallen Protectors - is that both fights basically have me (as RL) giving out reminders and warnings constantly. Heck, I practically play them like an RTS in my head, particularly when I'm asking my cotank to move in advance ready to release from a prison quickly! Possibly Pride is dangerous if you don't have those constant prompts.
The earlier bosses were figured out quickly and we two shot Pride (tank

). Once we got it down, though, neither tank even got to 25 Pride before it all got wiped away for the last 30 50% or so (forget when he wipes it).
I honestly didn't like the Pride fight from a tank point of view. Sooo....boring....
Although, amusingly, we got cocky with a few million HP left, someone didn't expect the final huge wave of adds, and the druid tank had to finish him off with everyone dead. Tense.
I do agree with you, though. It's not that the fights are hard, thus far, it's just that they require reminders and communication for the early fights. Lots of timers going off and preparation.
I really like them overall thus far, though, except for maybe Pride. It just takes too long.