Unable to enter first person mode
Can't you just get in the sandy shores lake by driving the sub via one of those creeks that connect the lake with the ocean? Like the Zancudo river.
Was anyone able to lift the sub with a cargobob? I've tried twice now to no avail. Trying to drop the sub into the sandy shores lake to do some exploring.
EDIT: also, all purchased properties should double as safehouses/save points. I don't have a single location in Blaine County for any of the 3 characters, nothing...
Can't you just get in the sandy shores lake by driving the sub via one of those creeks that connect the lake with the ocean? Like the Zancudo river.
Ahahahaha! 45% very minor spoiler: I was doing the firstmission with Michael and when I turned up to the movie set with all the trailers I wanted to take a photo of one of the guys in an alien suite in his trailer. So I took a few photos of him but then he got pissed off and started punching me, the next thing I know the security guard next to us tells him to freeze as he points his gun at him....the guy in the suite then runs away while the security guard shouts out freeze mother fuc***! and then shoot him dead. The security guard then goes back to his post and says Im too old for this shit. It just blew me away how the security guard actually reacted to another characters behaviour. At first I thought he was going to shoot me, but nope, he went after the guy that started it. This game is just SO GOOD!movie
Has anyone found any weapons in the world itself (so not in Ammunation) that you can pickup? All the previous GTA's had that, but I haven't found any in V yet.
Has anyone found any weapons in the world itself (so not in Ammunation) that you can pickup? All the previous GTA's had that, but I haven't found any in V yet.
Has anyone found any weapons in the world itself (so not in Ammunation) that you can pickup? All the previous GTA's had that, but I haven't found any in V yet.
Has anyone found any weapons in the world itself (so not in Ammunation) that you can pickup? All the previous GTA's had that, but I haven't found any in V yet.
Anyone know if they stealth patched the cars disappearing from the garages yet?
Anyone know if they stealth patched the cars disappearing from the garages yet?
No need for stealth.
- Fix for issues with saved vehicles going missing, or losing their upgrades
When do you get the Epsilon missions?
Has anyone found any weapons in the world itself (so not in Ammunation) that you can pickup? All the previous GTA's had that, but I haven't found any in V yet.
You don´t "get" them, you have to:
go to epsilonproram.com via your in-game phone and answer the questions to trigger it.
also, I'm pretty sure I did this as franklin and got some hard/expensive time based puzzle that got more expensive as you got it wrong/ran out of time..
was that it as well?
So what's up with GTA Online. If you don't do passive play ($100), other players automatically try to kill you. Point?
Then have fun killing and being killed by the same person over and over. Eventually others will join and you'll all kill each other over and over. Why? because reasons.
Then have fun killing and being killed by the same person over and over. Eventually others will join and you'll all kill each other over and over. Why? because reasons.
Huh. Everytime i've joined everyone has pretty much left me alone. Do I smell or summink?
been listening to podcasts and surprised people aren't using taxi because 'it takes too long'. Still way faster than driving up state and for the most part they arrive in a few seconds unless they glitched out.
Huh. Everytime i've joined everyone has pretty much left me alone. Do I smell or summink?
So there really is no point...if I wanted to keep respawning every 30 seconds I would play COD
I only ever used Taxis because the game was dumb enough not to tell me to wear the Epsilon robes for the mission. Then again when a random event screwed me during the 5 mile grind and I needed to access my wardrobe but I was in the desert.
Drove everything else. I never skip the journey in these games. It's part of the experience.
Every once in a while you'll find someone who's calm and cooperative. But the majority of people will shoot on sight for no reason, even if you're busy setting something up and they just happen to spawn in on you. Passive mode and the warnings in the tutorial curb that a bit in GTAV, but it'll still happen.
Well people played GTAIV free roam for 5 years, and RDR for 3 doing a ton of that so yeah. I don't get it, cooperative play and stand offs against police was always more interesting to me.
No, apparently it's just like RDR where if you get within someone's range, the challenge is who dies first. It's kind of boring after a couple kills and deaths.
Let me take a photo damn it!
Let me take a photo damn it!
Ugh, the game turning into one big free-for-all was my biggest fear, and exactly the reason I didn't spend more than an hour in RDR's multiplayer.
Takes about 10 tries for me on a good day. lol
i have no problem taking a photo today (PS3)
I'm not updating yet, I'm making use of theglitch.buy property
Neither GTAIV or RDR really "worked" for me in multiplayer, despite how much I enjoyed RDR in singleplayer. Free roam is a good concept, but people are annoying online. Plus those janky mechanics.....just nah. Max Payne 3 was a revelation in the fact that they got bullet time to work online which was just insanity, but weapon balance was awful in the first few months, and the lock-on lobbies killed the free aim ones pretty quickly.
I don't have much confidence in GTAOnline, basically.
I don't have much confidence in GTAOnline, basically.
I was able to get a 2.0 K/D/R in Max Payne 3, this was over a career where I prestiged once and got to level 16 on my 'second' run. Max Payne 3 mulitplayer might be the 'secret' best multiplayer this gen.
Wow, you are the first I've seen to play that long in that multiplayer.
So after playing a bit of GTAO, I want to know is why R* left a bunch of things off of clothes and other misc. stuff from the single player. I went into an Ammnation and there are a couple more weapon colours, Green, Orange, Pink, Gold, Platinum. There are seemingly more clothe choices, more glasses categories to choose from.
Let me take a photo damn it!