I like it, it's a nice boost for midlevel gatherers but no one who didn't want to devote 75 hours to hitting rocks is going to want to devote 50.
for AK I am hearing 100P/40M
Isn't that only 10 philo higher than what AK used to be, or is that just for completing the dungeon?
for AK I am hearing 100P/40M
50 philo, 30 mytho at the end of the Palace (final boss).
yeap 100/40 just completed it
20 pyscheflayer
30 demon wall
50 anantaboga
40 myth at end
prae is faster for sure, but the change of scenery is worth it imo
oh my fuckin god
40 myth from AK now?
goddamit should've done some AK yesterday
I don't think they changed CM or prae tomes.Seems like welcome changes. How much Gil are people getting from the trash mobs? Just 1 gil? Also does anyone know how much Philosophy CM drops? Still 100?
You can now issue pet commands while casting.
So, how much money will an AK run net you now?
Been reading that it's around 3k Gil with all trash killed.
Pretty sure it's total.Is that each or in total?
sounds pretty cool
Dark Devices is nerfed despite their response saying "working as intended".
Nerfed how?
They don't respawn instantly anymore and thus you cannot get chains for EXP like you could before.
They don't respawn instantly anymore and thus you cannot get chains for EXP like you could before.
Dark Devices is nerfed despite their response saying "working as intended".
sounds pretty cool
It probably ended up being more trouble than it was worth what with all the drama surrounding killing the lambs. I'm sure they get a ton of stupid reports from that FATE alone. lol
AK so good now, free money!
And dat WP buff! Living the WP life for our books won't be so bad now! (Though, I'm hoping more people run it and the price drops so I can just buy them.)
I got my book yesterdayNeed to do Chimera
I might have a reason to run WP sometimes, though most of my tomes seem will come from AK still. Not a bad boost either to gil drops and at least that will cover repair costs in the long run.
How are tome drops in BC then? Have yet to even go there.
Pretty sure it's total.
You jerk. Wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeee.![]()
Aw, man, they finally fixed AoE heals overriding raise weakness.