Cleared the 3 Bozjan Southern Front duels today as I continue down the achievement rabbit hole. Need the 3 Zadnor duels and 2 more DRS clears to be fully done with all Bozja stuff entirely. . . just in time to spam boz on the 2 new jobs Friday.
Have you tried deleting your payment method and then re-adding it? That seemed to work for me a month ago.Dawntrail's almost here... I'm gonna wait until they fix the visa debit card payment stuff before diving in. Maybe the queues will be better by then too...
I expect following the DDOS after the preload on the 27th datamines will surface and on the 28th possible server crashes and maybe some kind of new drama will ensue as XIV is want to have.Servers are apparently getting DDOSed a few days before launch.
Network Technical Difficulties Caused by DDoS Attacks (Jun. 24) | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Network Technical Difficulties Caused by DDoS Attacks (Jun. 24)
Just tried but no luckHave you tried deleting your payment method and then re-adding it? That seemed to work for me a month ago.
Damn that sucks. They need to fix this.Just tried but no luck
So what's everyone's thoughts on the MSQ so far? Please use spoiler tags if necessary.
I just hit my first level 93 quest so I'm still fairly early, but so far I'm reminded a lot of ARR in the sense that it's a LOT of worldbuilding (naturally) and errands to run... and I'm sure a lot of people are NOT fond of that.
Case in point:
There's no question it will pick up (thanks launch trailer), but it's definitely not the strongest start.
So what's everyone's thoughts on the MSQ so far? Please use spoiler tags if necessary.
I just hit my first level 93 quest so I'm still fairly early, but so far I'm reminded a lot of ARR in the sense that it's a LOT of worldbuilding (naturally) and errands to run... and I'm sure a lot of people are NOT fond of that.
Case in point:
There's no question it will pick up (thanks launch trailer), but it's definitely not the strongest start.
The graphics update is probably the best part of this expansion, honestly. Fixes every problem I've had with the graphics for the past 10 years (horrible anti-aliasing solution, half-framerate reflections, lowish draw distance, low-res textures, etc.) and makes everything look great. Viera already looked pretty good since they were a fairly recent addition, but they managed to make them look even better. There's still some work to be done with some textures but I'm sure they'll get around to them.Uh the lighting and shadows look really good in some scenes.
I was able to buy Crysta using Paypal and then buy Dawntrail and resub using the Crysta.
New expansion here I come!
I also can't wait for the Field Ops in this expansion. Jumping back into Zadnor when I was leveling Viper really reminded me how much we missed out in Endwalker.
Planned Monk Adjustments
While it was our aim to preserve monk’s playstyle from the Patch 6.x series, several changes to their core abilities─stacks of Fury chief among them─have significantly changed how it feels to play the job.
We discovered certain actions had incorrect potencies, as well as an error pertaining to the requirements to apply stacks of Fury. We plan to address these issues in Patch 7.01, which should result in improved effectiveness of area-of-effect attacks. This will also necessitate minor adjustments to the job HUD. My apologies again for monk’s inadequate performance, which presently differs from what we previously announced.
Planned Astrologian Adjustments
We’ve received considerable feedback concerning Astrologian, specifically the difficulty of play during damage burst phases, which we plan to address in Patch 7.01. Light Speed, which is essential in these phases, will have its recast time adjusted, and will also be made into a charged action. We’re also planning to shorten the recast time of their two draw actions, and adjust the potency of Macrocosmos. I ask for your patience as we work to implement these changes in a timely fashion.
Planned Viper Adjustments
Newly released in Patch 7.0, we’ve received feedback pertaining to the busyness of their skill rotation. To that end, we’re planning several improvements, including the easing of directional requirements, and changes to the effects of several actions. We’re aiming to implement these changes in Patch 7.05, though we also intend to make some smaller adjustments to the range of certain abilities in Patch 7.01. It will take a while longer, but we hope to address player concerns as best we can.
Planned Black Mage Adjustments
Before learning the action Umbral Soul, black mage has difficulty recovering MP. We plan to address this with adjustments in Patch 7.01, with plans to make further adjustments to action potencies in Patch 7.05.
Planned Tank Adjustments
Players have cited concerns with holding enmity in battle, due to the fact certain jobs are able to begin encounters with high damaging attacks─an issue compounded by the removal of damage from dark knight and gunbreaker movement abilities. To help remedy this, we will be adding increased enmity effects to tank area-of-effect attacks, as well as their movement abilities in Patch 7.01.
Planned Samurai and Red Mage Adjustments
For samurai, we’ll be reducing the recast timer of Tendo Setsugekka and Tendo Kaeshi Setsugekka. For red mage, we’ll be extending the effect duration of Manafication.
Planned Pictomancer Adjustments
We’ve discovered an issue wherein players could manually disable the effects of Subtractive Palette, Aetherhues, and Aetherhues II. This will be addressed with Patch 7.01, but we ask that you please refrain from manually removing these status effects when practicing your rotations. My apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
You are just really lucky lol.Uh the drop rate for triple triad cards is insanely high. I get them all within two matches and got the first trial card after my first clear. Also theres barely like 20 of them added? This is a weird expansion lol
If I'm one of the heathens who has been conditioned to skip the story in MMOs but actually wants to give the Dawntrail story a shot, where should I start?
I'm about to finish Endwalker. Should I skip 6.1-7.0 or is 6.1 a good starting point for Dawntrail's story? Some people are saying 6.55 is a better starting point. The official MSQ skip item SE sells brings you to 7.0.
honestly, it probably won't take you too long to just go through the MSQ itself if you just do the fighting and skipping the cut scenes. but I know the DT storyline started around 6.55 or so if that helps.
I'm definitely going to finish the current content without buying the skip. Just not sure where to start paying attention to the story after Endwalker ends. If 6.55 is a good starting point, I'll continue to skip the story from 6.1-6.55.
I regret skipping the story in this game. I've heard it's really good.
I'm definitely going to finish the current content without buying the skip. Just not sure where to start paying attention to the story after Endwalker ends. If 6.55 is a good starting point, I'll continue to skip the story from 6.1-6.55.
I regret skipping the story in this game. I've heard it's really good.