Detective Candice Arme is also god-tier.Gaspen Payne = Gasp in pain
Winston Payne = Winced in pain
I got the first one almost immediately, but then the second one hit me like a sack of bricks.
Detective Candice Arme is also god-tier.
....well shit.Detective Candice Arme is also god-tier.
More like they streamlined it so that you don't go searching for that one random background object that is also crucial evidence.Did they dumb down the investigations parts? It seems so far in case 2 there is like only one room you can investigate to collect evidence.
Did they dumb down the investigations parts? It seems so far in case 2 there is like only one room you can investigate to collect evidence.
It's an unwritten law at this point that you have to present the Attorney's Badge to everyone.I want to see everyone reactions to little things
Also in the beggining of case 2present the Attorney Badge to Jinxie before talking to her. Its funny lol
It's an unwritten law at this point that you have to present the Attorney's Badge to everyone.
More like they streamlined it so that you don't go searching for that one random background object that is also crucial evidence.
More like they streamlined it so that you don't go searching for that one random background object that is also crucial evidence.
I just started playing a little while ago. This is gooooooooooooood!
The demo was a LIE! D:
Fuck, i hate these pixel hunting evidence present bits.
I'm clearly pointing at the fucking tyre tracks, Judgey, recognise it!
/edit nope actually i'm an idiot lol
Yeah, I expected something short and sweet, not the epic case that the first case ended up being.
Juniper and Athena, I already like them![]()
Oh man, lmao attowards the beginning of case 2. I like this character alreadyAthena tossing the cop
Oh man, lmao attowards the beginning of case 2. I like this character alreadyAthena tossing the cop
At least buy it now so you can get the costume dlc while it's free!Fuck it, I ordered the entire Ace Attorney DS library off Amazon. Once I power through that, I'll start Dual Destinies. Let the massive wait begin!
Why is the text in this game so blurry?
Or is it just me? OG 3DS here.
that's like 90% of all 3ds games
its a bit better in 3d, well my eyes focus on it less.
Why is the text in this game so blurry?
Or is it just me? OG 3DS here.
I need to play AJif only to get an explanation for Trucy's magic panties. Seriously, whut.
Iiiinteresting. May play through that this weekend before getting back to the bidness of Dual Destines.There was a whole case pretty much centered around that in AJ, at least initially.
Download is taking so long! Over an hour now.
I need to play AJif only to get an explanation for Trucy's magic panties. Seriously, whut.