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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Samurai Flamenco - Episode 4

Well, that escalated quickly. Maybe a bit too quickly, but yeah this is totally Japanese Kick Ass now. Lol. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the direction, but I do know in my heart that Mari remains best girl. Manager can stay in second place. Also, Goto needs to stop eating tonkatsu because now I'm hungry and everything is closed! >_<


Kill la Kill 5

Not-Haruko is the best, Seamstress commando is the best, Senketsu is a hardcore bro, but most of all, Mako continues to be the very best there ever was, all hail Mako.

Basically everything was awesome, as per usual.

Branduil said:
I'm gonna flip a table when Wolf Children loses to KlK in the AOTY vote.

If not KLK then it'll lose to Titans. Pick your poison.


Oh I found this rather interesting, Guy Shishioh's VA is the same as Virals, Nobuyuki Hiyama.
Also, Katsuyuki Konishi who is Kamina in TTGL is Volfogg in GGG. A humourous little turnabout where the main characters essentially switch in both series.

As for when it get's good, as Jex and Corvo have said it picks up when it feels like the series is heading towards the final confrontation....before you realise there are still a load of other episodes left so what could they be about.


So it seems that
Kamui are known to possess and ultimately take over their wearers. This could give way to an interesting development later on. Maybe Satsuki will end up falling victim to what this new badass character with a needle gun was talking about.

Not unlikely; there is one key difference between the Kamui of Ryuuko and Satsuki:
Ryuuko calls her equip "synchronization", Satsuki calls her equip "domination".


GGG 30-

Now see if this was Urobuchi, everybody would be dead. The end. I know this is a kid's show but *sigh*. This is going to feel artificially inflated isn't it? Oh and
No you snooty bitch, you round down not up. Also it's the Willis Tower now so you're wrong on two counts. Go fuck yourself.


Was just thinking about Blue Uru yesterday. I'm also "excited" that it's happening, but my expectations aren't particularly high. Though, honestly, I think i'll be amazed by it if it manages to not use CG, but that doesn't seem very likely. I wonder if a "blowout" of information would constitute some footage? I think I'd be happy with more artwork at this point.
Them using that "traditional" painting of a revisioned but old version of 'The Windmill' aircraft design by Mr. Sadamoto as first key visual and poster illustration is kind of a good sign already, no? Maybe they respect too much the legacy and pre-production work they did to go an extra (costly and difficult) mile for the mechanical animation, but... bah, I'm probably too hopeful in thinking that.

I expect at least some concept art and actual, fixed objectives for such work, the full nature of the project beyond a idea, because actual footage in-motion probably won't be seen until the announced pilot film releases next year.
Kill La Kill 5

Man booty hooooo

Mako keeps on packing under that shirt.
She totally got a nose bleed over seeing Ryuko half naked.

Poor Ryuko, everything thinks she's a weirdo for talking to her suit.
Golden Time 5

Despite the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper dumb back plot developing, this episode was excellent.

I love Koko.

Guess we know 100% now that Linda was Banri's girl before he had the accident.

The whole ghost things is super dumb.

Time for the love triangle to start developing.


Oh woah, I completely forgot Golden Time airs today. Got it mixed up with WA2, and thought it was a Saturday show. Will have to watch soon.


Golden Time 5

Despite the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper dumb back plot developing, this episode was excellent.

I love Koko.

Guess we know 100% now that Linda was Banri's girl before he had the accident.

The whole ghost things is super dumb.

Time for the love triangle to start developing.

I can tell exactly how it will play out but it will be immense fun seeing how they get there.

Infinite Stratos S2 5

These harem antics are why I watch this show.

Bunny girls, cat girl, cow girl, and even a french poodle outfit. Could not help but be entertain throughout the whole thing.

Thought fox priestess Houki was easily the the best one out of everyone. That is until the last participant showed up.


Ichika, your not that far from going down the incest route.

The end surprised me. Didn't think that would happen.


Samurai Flamenco - Episode 4

Well, that escalated quickly. Maybe a bit too quickly, but yeah this is totally Japanese Kick Ass now. Lol. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the direction, but I do know in my heart that Mari remains best girl. Manager can stay in second place. Also, Goto needs to stop eating tonkatsu because now I'm hungry and everything is closed! >_<

It feels like this is the kind of development that I'd expect to happen over a couple of episodes rather than instantaneously.


Samurai Flamenco - Episode 4

Well, that escalated quickly. Maybe a bit too quickly, but yeah this is totally Japanese Kick Ass now. Lol. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the direction, but I do know in my heart that Mari remains best girl. Manager can stay in second place. Also, Goto needs to stop eating tonkatsu because now I'm hungry and everything is closed! >_<

Remember when people were arguing that it somehow wasn't a Japanese Kick-Ass? Oh how times have changed.


Them using that "traditional" painting of a revisioned but old version of 'The Windmill' aircraft design by Mr. Sadamoto as first key visual and poster illustration is kind of a good sign already, no? Maybe they respect too much the legacy and pre-production work they did to go an extra (costly and difficult) mile for the mechanical animation, but... bah, I'm probably too hopeful in thinking that.
Yeah, It's certainly a better sign than a shot of a rendered aircraft, haha. I suppose knowing the vision behind actually producing Blue Uru will speak volumes on what we should expect. If it's transformed more into a feature aimed towards presenting a modern Honnêamise for a new audience, then I wouldn't expect much in terms of hand drawn mechanical animation. Though if it's truly a project intended to succeed and continue the Honnêamise universe, then I can't imagine them wanting to skimp on what made the original film what it is. Having both Yamaga and Sadamoto on is a good first step towards the latter.

Of course, worrying about that first is sort of superficial. If the film ends up being as eloquent and beautiful in both tone and atmosphere as Honnêamise was then I'll be content.


I can tell exactly how it will play out but it will be immense fun seeing how they get there.
Especially since Koko seems to out-crazy herself almost every episode.

Koko is kookie.

Also, some developments in this story seem to happen insanely quickly for a romance series.
I mean, shit, Koko already confessed how she is just pushing her emotional burdens on Banri and is taking advantage of his kindness, and that she knows how awkward things might feel after she turned Banri down but is still latching onto him like crazy.
We're barely 20% through with this series and already these things are being dealt with, holy cow.


Golden Time 5

Well that's an unexpected wrinkle to add to things. Not sure how I feel about it, but at least so far
the ghost
doesn't seem to be interfering with things.

Welp Koko has fully endeared herself to me now, she's all sorts of messed up in the head and I love it. And even though it is a cliched plot point I do like how they've been treating the whole amnesia thing so far. Glad I stuck with this show.

I can tell exactly how it will play out but it will be immense fun seeing how they get there.

I don't know, aside from what the OP makes blindingly obvious I really have no clue what direction this story is going to go. The last couple episodes have already diverted wildly from what I expected.


Infinite Stratos S2 5

These harem antics are why I watch this show.

Bunny girls, cat girl, cow girl, and even a french poodle outfit. Could not help but be entertain throughout the whole thing.

Thought fox priestess Houki was easily the the best one out of everyone. That is until the last participant showed up.

The end surprised me. Didn't think that would happen.



Kill la Kill 5

Why hello there, male Yoko! You'll fulfill the Yoko Simon ship for like, ever now. Not seeing the hate for the OP. At least it doesn't sound like rape the way AoT's 2nd OP did. Nudist Beach is the new End of the World. Pretty obvious at this point that, fanservice or no, the image of clothing vs nudity is a central theme to the show. So expect to see more of it, people.

I for one am totally okay with it.


Kill la Kill Episode 5:

Well, now we know where the budget for Episode 4 went. Indeed after an interlude of comedy we return to the main narrative and the name of the game is escalation as Ryuko is challenged by a new assailant, and it appears Punk Hazard here is a true wild card in the mix of things. Epsidode 4 was clearly a showcase of the comedy side of this show, here now we see what Kill la Kill can do with action and it impresses and uses its manic energy to great effect. We also get many portents of the larger world and backstory, and after sitting through Kyousougiga's endless fucking backstory and exposition, it is welcoming to watch shit gradually unfurl as the narrative moves forward. Also, this is just speculation, but I get the feeling that Kensai may be eviller than Honnouji.


Kyoukai no Kanata: 05

I watched this, like, half a day ago, but forgot to post. Oh well. The episode was kind of boring compared to the previous one, but episode 4 was relatively actiony/plot filled. Looks like the next episode has some of that coming back, at least from the preview.


Valvrave S2 4

Not gonna lie, this episode was legitimately awesome. The VVV I's rampage interspersed with the memory collapse was really cool to watch, as was seeing L-Elf out-maneuver his old team. L-Elf is super awesome for putting up with all the nonsense he does, too. Dude's so slick. Saki got left behind but who cares about her anyway? Hopefully Akira got left behind too.


Nagi no Asukara 5

I don't get why Manaka runs away when she overhears that Chisaki
likes Hikari
. I mean doesn't she
like that other kid from the land
so why does she react that way. You'd think she'd be happy for her or something.
Sounds like hard work.

Eh. It was for a lab. Unless you're talking about the animu backlog, then yes. Hard work.

Also this might be sacrilegious to say but if the latest episode of Kill La Kill doesn't grip me I might be dropping it. Valvrave has that full-tard factor and Samumenco is Kick-ass kun. Golden Time I love.


Eh. It was for a lab. Unless you're talking about the animu backlog, then yes. Hard work.

Also this might be sacrilegious to say but if the latest episode of Kill La Kill doesn't grip me I might be dropping it. Valvrave has that full-tard factor and Samumenco is Kick-ass kun. Golden Time I love.

Samumenco is totally KickASS lol. It gives off exactly that aura, in the best ways.


Samumenco is totally KickASS lol. It gives off exactly that aura, in the best ways.

Honestly, right now Samumenco is hanging by a thread for me. It seems like they're doing "side character" episodes to assemble the cast, but I don't really like Jijo or Mari so far so it's falling flat for me right now.
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