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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


I'd be in the dick
I for one hope that GG is just not paying attention to these people. At some point games are just all going to be RYSE.

If you have problems with Chapter 2 you need to get a guide and just follow a guide or simply get better at games. It's that simple.

This game certainly has flaws but difficulty and having actual exploration are not among them. Shadow Fall on Hard was easier than either KZ2 or KZ3 on normal. All these complaints make me sad about the prospect of the next game. They all seem to want them to take out the things this did well and reintroduce what was making the series get kind of stale. I miss FPS like this and want this direction to be continued on a less strict deadline.


All the masters of freefall now,remember they patched it to make it easier a few days back lol...I whish they would of patched the checkpoint/save system instead.


In the space station mission is it clearly stated what you need to do to restart the power core generator sci-fi power plant thing? Could osmeone post a screen of the objective?


I found chapter 2 to be incredibly frustrating and just not fun. Chapter 3 was pretty terrible too. This game looks amazing for a console game, but the actual game play is not good. I'm guessing I'll hate the rest of the game too, this is my first Killzone and I must admit I've never really paid much attention to the series but now I see why. It's such a shame that there's nothing to play on the PS4 besides military shooters, sports games and Assassins Creed, none of which I'm into at all or could play elsewhere on PC or whatever. I love the hardware, and the dashboard/UI is a lot simpler and better than the Xbox One's in my opinion but I was hoping to not have to wait half a year for one good game to play.

I'm really debating on whether to get this game but just cant shake all the negative things I read about it.

This game certainly has flaws but difficulty and having actual exploration are not among them. Shadow Fall on Hard was easier than either KZ2 or KZ3 on normal. All these complaints make me sad about the prospect of the next game. They all seem to want them to take out the things this did well and reintroduce what was making the series get kind of stale. I miss FPS like this and want this direction to be continued on a less strict deadline.

Exactly. It's also hard to parse through what is real and what is concern troll. They are very good at hiding these days.

I'm really debating on whether to get this game but just cant shake all the negative things I read about it.

These people are just bad at games man. There is no other way around it. KZ2 on the hardest setting was so much worse than this in many aspects.

I'm not sure what all the negative things are to be honest. The story is kinda meh at times but the set pieces and art design make up for it. Comics and what not are fun to find and somewhat interesting. The MP is the best online FPS I have played in years.

I don't find the game very hard at all. It isn't. It has a decent difficulty on hard and that is about that. The graphics and sound are amazing but you can tell they are still working on their engine in places. Other than that what is honestly so negative about this game? Poor gamer guy doesn't know how to complete an objective?

Seems to me about half the complaints here are I can't win. Help me. Not really what I consider objective criticism.
Yeah I was getting my ass handed to me a lot until I started to learn how to use the OWL better.
OWL is key. I found the shield to be extremely useful in many corridor situation... and the attack mode useful in open areas.

Also, do not underestimate adrenalin packs. On my first play through I only really used them to revive myself after I died. On my second playthrough I came to the realization that they can be used as a tool (which prevents you from dying). I sometimes now pop an A-pack when I've got full health just to help me out of a jambs involving numerous Higs.

I agree the game can be very difficult... but once you learn how to use the tools at your disposal it becomes very satisfying to replay chapters on Hard. I've probably played Chapter 2 & 4, ten times each at this point. The auto shotgun in Chapter 4 is a hell of of a lot of fun to use during the train section.

Also I personally don't see what's so awesome about the graphics either.
Really? I've got a beast gaming PC and I think only Crysis 3 bests this game in the technical graphics department. IMO KS:SF has better art direction than C3.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I for one hope that GG is just not paying attention to these people. At some point games are just all going to be RYSE.

If you have problems with Chapter 2 you need to get a guide and just follow a guide or simply get better at games. It's that simple.

Some of this trolling is getting too obvious. Are Xbox fans having a bad day for some reason? Another DF come out?
Oh, come on. I was massively hyped for this and am so far mostly impressed but I had the same issue. The game gets you to do something random with explosives early on, then directs you to use a scope "long range" mode on your gun. Am I supposed to shoot the charges? Aim at the cliff face from the next objective? I can barely see the objective markers, the enemy AI just appear out of nowhere when the 'scan' pulse thing shows nothing, and they're really hard to see. I think it's a fault with the visual design of the game and I completely agree with those points made by others on here.
Hahaha come on now. You can't take criticism about something you didn't even work on?

Or maybe....

Hahahaha. No, it isn't that but this stuff is getting a LEETLE ridiculous and GAF has seen some uptick in concern trolls so it is hard to know what is actually truth in some people's minds.

When you I think were discussing aspects of the story I could agree on some of those criticisms. But all this other stuff is just getting to be too much. It's really hard for me to even believe hence the trolls comment.

Also, I tend to get stuck in a game here and there. It's nothing new. I don't people knocking that it's just they tend to follow it up with massive amounts of hyperbole that make them seem silly. I mean, now we have people saying the gfx are bad. Next it will be the sound. Texture quality. It just goes on. Multiple PC users with beast rigs have chimed in on how glorious this looks for a console at launch. And then you get random joe who is like this game is terrible COD looks better.
I'm really debating on whether to get this game but just cant shake all the negative things I read about it.

Go with your instincts. If you think you'll like it, you probably will find some enjoyment here. As for me, I never was interested in these games so I should've known better, probably just not for me but I can't help but feel even by the genre standards, this game has a lot of problems. I should also note that I'm not a fan of any semi-realistic styled military shooter type games. Only FPS series I could really get into was Halo. I finished Halo 2 on legendary solo which I'm sure is harder and involved many more deaths than Killzone, yet I had way more fun on Halo, take that as you will. Having said that, I wasn't much of a fan of Halo 4 either. Maybe FPS games just aint for me anymore. I'll stop adding edits now I promise lol.
Go with your instincts. If you think you'll like it, you probably will. As for me, I never was interested in these games so I should've known better, probably just not for me. I should also note that I'm not a fan of any semi-realistic styled military shooter type games. Only FPS series I could really get into was Halo.

See explanations like this go a long way into explaining WHY people are voicing some of their more picky concerns. When you don't say something like this before what may seem like a hyperbolic statement it can look like you are just randomly complaining about nothing.


Gold Member
In the space station mission is it clearly stated what you need to do to restart the power core generator sci-fi power plant thing? Could osmeone post a screen of the objective?

Pretty sure there's no clear indicator of what to do, aside from the waypoints guiding you to the core plugins. I just assumed I had to plug in those cores because well.. that's basically all I've been doing. Apparantly plugging in cores fixes everything.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I don't get the complaints. Press up in the DPad and it tells you where you need to go. If you don't know how to reach it... man, maybe you should blush a little. Also headshots > all else, and use the OWL because you need it.

I actually enjoyed the forrest level, I am not really complaining. It's much better than linear tunnel-based levels. I just can empathize with the feeling of minor confusion when it comes to things like setting that charge without detonating it.

I tried to be more stealthy in the forrest level but ended up shooting everyone anyway. Has somebody managed to play through it without drawing the entire base's attention?
No one is going to miss you fortunately. COD is a pile of crap and does not in anyway look better that this at any point in MP. That's just a straight up lie. It is posts like these that make me think half this thread is just trolling lol.

How is it trolling? CoD is factually a "cleaner" looking game. Mainly because CoD doesn't seem to be that post process heavy. I did't buy CoD, and never have had one. It just felt much more focused and with a much more stable frame rate when i played both titles within minutes of each other at my friends house.

Honestly, with some KZ maps i feel like i really have to concentrate/strugle to even see someone within all the crap thats being blown in my face, godrays, star trek TM light beams, dust, smoke ...

Would really like to turn half of that stuff of in multiplayer. SP looks incredible of course and i don't mind all these things being present there.

COD? Bwhaha. Come on now.

Yes, CoD looks "cleaner" and performs "better". I bet some DF framerate analysis would show that CoD has a more stable framerate (MP). CoD also looks like a upresed ps3 game, but thats not the point i was trying to make.


Even though it has issues and all I would recommend this game to anyone who likes FPS...I still had fun with it and the overall game makes the issues worth going through...I wouldn't of tried 35 times to do the freefall part in Chapter 8 if I didn't like the game in general lol...and I am talking Single player only,I didn't even try the multi to be honest because I kinda suck at them so I just give up after a while but most people love the multiplayer,which is a huge part of this game...and the OWL is awesome and fun to use,I hope next KZ uses it also.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
OWL is key. I found the shield to be extremely useful in many corridor situation... and the attack mode useful in open areas.

The OWL makes the game almost too easy, especially because it is almost indestructible. Sending it into an area to draw the enemies attention and then ambushing them works all the time.


I'd be in the dick
I tried to be more stealthy in the forrest level but ended up shooting everyone anyway. Has somebody managed to play through it without drawing the entire base's attention?
I have. I'm at work now but I think I'm going to make a video of a run through chapter 2 when I get home to show how to manage alarms, prioritize targets, and if I have time in the recording show off the OWL in combat at the end. I'll make sure it's done without raising any alarms so it'll also be a guide for the Deniable Trophy.


Whoever designed Chapter 3 needs to be fired, holy shit.

Pitch black with no light support except the OWL which is near useless, corridors and doorways that lead to nothing, everything looking the same, can't distinguish doorways or hallways at all. Don't even get me started on the power core stuff. I was getting a huge migraine by the end of it.

So true. Awful game design. Just wanted to get through it.

Anyone, how do you check your K/D ratio during multiplayer?
The game doesn't need to be corridor linear or guided like CoD, but they really needed random people to sit down with it and play test it. With some focus testing they surely would have had people point out how confusing some parts of the game were. I enjoyed the SP, but it did do a poor job of being clear of what you were supposed to do at points, and that objective marker just plain sucks, the colors in some levels make it extremely hard to see.
I loved chapter 3,
shooting at the walls to let the sun in , seeing the light melting stuff
was clever and i loved it. The tone made me wish that i was playing a alien fps game.


Gold Member
I loved chapter 3,
shooting at the walls to let the sun in , seeing the light melting stuff
was clever and i loved it. The tone made me wish that i was playing a alien fps game.

I agree that was awesome. That entire chapter had amazing atmosphere. It didn't need arbitrary energy core puzzle nonsense, just walking around that abandoned spaceship was super cool until I had to run around plugging energy cores everywhere like an idiot.


I'm enjoying the single player. It's not amazing, but it's better than COD and BF 4 for example.

I don't get the complaints. Press up in the DPad and it tells you where you need to go. If you don't know how to reach it... man, maybe you should blush a little. Also headshots > all else, and use the OWL because you need it.
I have no idea how people are getting lost either. The forest level I could see since it's so open and early in the game where you don't really know what you're doing. But for the rest it's usually obvious where to go once you check the marker. In fact, i'm always going against the marker at first looking for collectibles.

At chapter 7 now, and while I still prefer Killzone 2 (GG did everything they're good at in that game, and it's STILL the best FPS when it comes to just shooting enemies), this single player is really good if you're willing to take it slowly and tactical while soaking up all the crazy detail in the environments. I'm pretty much in Metal Gear mode in moments before i'm spotted.
I agree that was awesome. That entire chapter had amazing atmosphere. It didn't need arbitrary energy core puzzle nonsense, just walking around that abandoned spaceship was super cool until I had to run around plugging energy cores everywhere like an idiot.

To be fair, it took me two tries and maybe five minutes to solve the puzzle - so i don't get the hate the g-core gets around here, loved the section because of them gfx. Damn.

But they should have put the hacking stuff from the vita game in there instead of letting you play the housekeeper.


I'd be in the dick
Quick tip for people having trouble with alarms in Chapter 2. Hit the rightmost base first. There's a console in there that you can hack and it disables all alarms in the mission. Doing that will disqualify you from the Deniable trophy but it'll alleviate some headaches.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I don't get why this game got bad reviews compared to Killzone 2 and 3. It's easily my favorite of them all.


Go with your instincts. If you think you'll like it, you probably will find some enjoyment here. As for me, I never was interested in these games so I should've known better, probably just not for me but I can't help but feel even by the genre standards, this game has a lot of problems. I should also note that I'm not a fan of any semi-realistic styled military shooter type games. Only FPS series I could really get into was Halo. I finished Halo 2 on legendary solo which I'm sure is harder and involved many more deaths than Killzone, yet I had way more fun on Halo, take that as you will. Having said that, I wasn't much of a fan of Halo 4 either. Maybe FPS games just aint for me anymore. I'll stop adding edits now I promise lol.

I dont play that many FPS games but the Halo series was the one I enjoyed time and time again so my instincts tell me not I wont really dig Killzone as from what I read the story isnt that good. Saying that I only have NFS and KZ is the only other game I would consider getting right now.


Somewhat disappointed in the campaign as well, didn't like Chapter 2 either. I had a hard time spotting enemies and knowing where to go. But I enjoyed chapter 3 a lot. The energy core puzzles were somewhat whack but the atmosphere and shootouts there were amazing. Loved chapter 4 a lot as well.

But its true, this is not a hand holding game like every CoD campaign is. You just have to look around a bit more. This is not a bad thing, still I think the 'open' levels of Killzone are somewhat poor when compared to Crysis 1. Which makes me think the corridor chapters such as 3 are better.

So its getting better but I don't regret my purchase because the MP is fucking amazing. I love the graphics and gunplay and the hit detection teaches DICE a thing or 2. This is like PDZ in 2005 all over (my go to FPS until Gears came out), but then actually good.


They patched Freefall? Ugh, people need to share my pain, life is not fair.

Yeah but I think only the one in Chapter 8,
as you are flying through the city getting destroyed.
..they said in the patch notes that they raised the ''ceiling'' to make it easier...


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
But its true, this is not a hand holding game like every CoD campaign is. You just have to look around a bit more.

I don't know, as I said, I can emphasize with some of the confusion people get during the forrest level, but all other levels are fairly traditional go-from-a-to-b-and-kill-everything settings. I never had to really look for where I am supposed to go or what to do. I don't really see much of a difference to other shooters in this respect. I would have liked a few more "open" settings in the later game as well.

The fights against
the mobile scan units
and the one with
were fun again since they demanded proper tactics.


I don't know, as I said, I can emphasize with some of the confusion people get during the forrest level, but all other levels are fairly traditional go-from-a-to-b-and-kill-everything settings. I never had to really look for where I am supposed to go or what to do. I don't really see much of a difference to other shooters in this respect. I would have liked a few more "open" settings in the later game as well.

The fights against
the mobile scan units
and the one with
were fun again since they demanded proper tactics.

Even then, the forest is just an open area where you have to figure out where to go (if you don't want to press up on the d-pad for the objective marker). I mean, do we need tight hallways and small rooms, or yellow colored spots so we know where to go?

The forest was one of the most enjoyable gameplay segments in the game ffs. I also do hope that they expand on the open areas of this game. I love me some extremely linear games, but now that GG took the step I think they should built more from it.
I don't get why this game got bad reviews compared to Killzone 2 and 3. It's easily my favorite of them all.

It only has like one real bad review, from Polygon of all places. For the most part it's been mediocre reviews which I can agree with as the game is enjoyable but it's got lot of blemishes in it's design. Majority of the reviews also completely ignored the multiplayer it seems as all they talk of is the SP.
Well maybe not anywhere but for example in Chapter 9 at one point,you need to do something so ennemies stop coming through a door...its a pain for many reasons but I passed it...then,there is another one like this,but even harder...the game should auto save after the first one at least,but no I have to not only redo that but a few other hard parts before it also...
Played that section yesterday, and I got a checkpoint after the first hack. Either they patched that, or some of the checkpoints don't reliably trigger?


I don't know, as I said, I can emphasize with some of the confusion people get during the forrest level, but all other levels are fairly traditional go-from-a-to-b-and-kill-everything settings. I never had to really look for where I am supposed to go or what to do. I don't really see much of a difference to other shooters in this respect. I would have liked a few more "open" settings in the later game as well.

The fights against
the mobile scan units
and the one with
were fun again since they demanded proper tactics.

Yes the forest level is an oddball so far and I was already suspicious since its about the only thing they've shown for about 6 months long.


Even then, the forest is just an open area where you have to figure out where to go (if you don't want to press up on the d-pad for the objective marker). I mean, do we need tight hallways and small rooms, or yellow colored spots so we know where to go?

The forest was one of the most enjoyable gameplay segments in the game ffs. I also do hope that they expand on the open areas of this game. I love me some extremely linear games, but now that GG took the step I think they should built more from it.

Unless all you play is COD, there are definitely other shooters that aren't on strict linear paths. The problem is in killzone it is no fun to explore. Walkable pathing is not clear. Objectives hard to see. Save system nonexistent and unclear, making venturing off the beaten path punishing. Shrub combat puts you at a disadvantage and not the enemies that see you just fine. Alarm system design makes this all that much harder, since its hard to see the alarm locations, AI pathing, and how to get them. "Manual" radar design that you can fail makes it more annoying to monitor your surroundings. Even the radar can be hard to see at times

I don't mind exploring and getting rewarded for it. But the could have tried to make that fun to do


Unless all you play is COD, there are definitely other shooters that aren't on strict linear paths. The problem is in killzone it is no fun to explore. Walkable pathing is not clear. Objectives hard to see. Save system nonexistent and unclear, making venturing off the beaten path punishing. Shrub combat puts you at a disadvantage and not the enemies that see you just fine. Alarm system design makes this all that much harder, since its hard to see the alarm locations, AI pathing, and how to get them. "Manual" radar design that you can fail makes it more annoying to monitor your surroundings. Even the radar can be hard to see at times

I don't mind exploring and getting rewarded for it. But the could have tried to make that fun to do

There are some things there that I agree with, like the objective marker getting hard to see due to the screen being busy (Forest level mostly), but we're talking about 2-3 seconds to notice it. The game also seems to have a bug in later levels where the marker doesn't appear at all.

The alarms were also a pain to find, so they could've done a better job with that too. And last, but not least the saving system which pretty much sucks ass.

Everything else I really didn't have an issue with. Never did I have an issue with the "walkable pathing", nor with the combat (thought the combat was as diverse as I've experience it in all KZ games, thanks to the OWL), or with the AI paths. I just moved around, ran, jumped, slid and used the OWL to my advantage. Manual radar also worked well for me, although I admit that the game was practically built around it. Specially the forest level.


Really don't understand the critique of not knowing what to do/where to go. Press Up on the Dpad and it tells you exactly what is going on.


Now I see why people don't like chapter 8's beginning. Luckily it wasn't too painful. Visually cool though. What comes afterwards is a bit annoying though.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The alarms were also a pain to find, so they could've done a better job with that too.

Having a surround system helps, IIRC. I had no problems spotting them. Occasionally, I had the impression that the OWL got the wrong command and didn't start hacking a terminal.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Now I see why people don't like chapter 8's beginning. Luckily it wasn't too painful. Visually cool though. What comes afterwards is a bit annoying though.

People don't like that part? It was awesome, one of my favorite moments. I liked that level and its visuals generally. The only annoying thing was that it's so easy to get stuck in the geometry of the level.


Will be buying either this or BF4 tonight on digital, does KZ have some legs, I really want something that will still be enjoyable at Christmas. Though it looks cool, I get the impression KZ could overstay it's welcome by then, perhaps it's a better buy when there's a sale on.
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